
Saturday, October 27, 2012

First Impressions

First thing in CDG airport - Eiffle Tower shoes!
My new bag (with the red ribbons) survives the trip. It was too heavy once I added the sesame bagels for French girl, ahem.
Roissey bus to Opera plus a good snooze.
Metro #8 at 10 am
Out at Ecole Militaire to oogle Lenotre's vitrine
Plus a look inside and a peach tarte.
Later at La Grande Epicerie
Practicing with my new S100. Sharper and less blurry pics when I shoot fast...pas mal
It's COLD here - 33 degrees  and them some Paris drizzle
Forgotten cafe still life
My lunch at Bon Marche Miyou - this has become a habit.
Blond on blondes at Bon Marche
I'm keeping an eye out for Paris goodies for you.

Like an Eiffel Tower wearing lunettes.

Remember this little guard dog on rue du Bac?
Bonne Week-End


  1. Bienvenue a Paris, Carol. You had a productive first day! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

    1. Not productive enough
      My stamina gave out after 5-6 hrs running :(

  2. are there already! And took the time to..:)

    Already an eyeful..
    Look at those boots..I don't think they're made for walking:)
    Pas mal du tout!!:)
    And I am sure I would like Miyou..
    Where do you get your énergie!?

  3. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Im so happy you are back in Paris (for my sake as well as yours)!
    Love the La Brigitte sign.
    Thankyou, keep going .......
    from Louise in Sydney x

  4. Great photos - I feel as if I just returned, too!
    I've watched you come & go there so many times, that the look of Paris is becoming familiar :)
    Like the shot of the metro station and the sidewalk cafe. The pastries, too!!

    1. Paris really feels familiar to me...

      And then I hear French Girl on the phone yadda yadda yadda in Francais and I know this is not my home yet :)

  5. ... wonderful you made a good crossing .. and that you are not here for the freaking hurricane of the century. GREAT TIMING ... love your Miyou routine, looks great ... have fun, stay warm. Karen in CT

  6. I know that path well....stayed many times just off of Motte Picquet on Rue Chevert. Would eat at La Terrasse and stroll down to Fauchon(later LeNotre's) Bought my last glasses on Rue Cler. It is a great area to stay in with Ecole Militaire being so close. Ever been in the little stationary shop across from La Terrasse just behind the metro stop?

    1. U R KIDDING Theresa!
      I am staying on rue Chevert!!!
      No I have never been to the Ecole Militaire
      Yes I wrote about the stationary shop here somewhere
      That's a LONG stroll to Fauchon from here!
      I wish I knew how-to sit down in a cafe to relax but I don't :(
      YOu know there is a competition between the two cafes -which is better more 'in'.
      My cafe of choice?
      Carrefour supermarche - I can linger there for hours...
      I take the #8 Metro or the bus 47 (?)

  7. Love the Eiffel tower shoes, just not for walking. I think you are doing splendidly with your new camera. I hope you can sleep well and have a rain-free Sunday.

  8. Carol, so glad to see this report from Paris. Good to know that you (and that new luggage) landed safely and that you are already sampling Parisian style and tastes.

    (Over here, we monitor the media's weather reports and wonder if the Transit Authority will once again shut down the subway system tomorrow evening as Hurricane Sandy comes to town.)


    1. 'Hurricane Sandy'
      Where do they come up with these names?
      Bon Chance New Yorkais!!

  9. I felt something in the air..........
    you've arrived!

  10. I love Le Grand Epicerie! Their cakes and bakes are so beautiful. I found it hard to photograph them with the glare of the lights. You've done well!

  11. 'Bien venue en France' unfortunately it's suddenly turned cold all over France, but I'm sure that won't bother you. Your first day & already dashing all over the place, trying out your new camera. Great photos, have fun.

  12. Une belle petite promenade en votre compagnie...
    accompagnée de merveilleuses photos certaines gourmandes!
    Gros bisous

  13. You MUST shoot quickly in Le Grande Epicerie, before les dames behind the counter chastise you! I quietly snapped a pic of a beautiful Bresse chicken all dressed up in the poultry case and experienced a little moment of victory. :)

    1. Many 'little moments of victory' make it so much fun here
      In the end we WIN!!
      CHAMPION DU MONDE les Sneaky Shooters!!

  14. Sweet little pup at the bottom here! Carol, I received my beautiful painting--love it, of course! It's magnifique. Thank you--I will hang it somewhere special. Such a nice surprise to come home to...xo have a fabulous trip.

  15. You amaze me with your ability to hit the ground running instead of sleeping off jet lag! No jet lag for you: instead your ever-sharp eyes spy those incredible Eiffel tower heels!

    1. the week before leaving my body has a mind of it's own and goes on Paris time no questions asked.
      Bed by 7-8 pm
      Up at 2-3 am
      not fun but makes for very easy adjustment once in Paris

      We had to wait for our AF baggage a good 30 minutes so time to spy.

  16. Oh YAY, I look forward to your next Paris trip almost as much as my next Paris trip. You remind me that I must practice my stealth shooting before the next trip.....Glad you made it safely with new luggage and camera in action. I look forward to seeing your trip. I had no idea it was that cold there already. I so want to do a winter trip one time.

  17. First impressions, one of my favorite parts of trips to Paris...the Roissey bus to L'opéra...or to Montparnasse...dozing on the ride, opening eyes to PARIS, pinch me, I'm really here!! I'm getting the impression you're staying on Rue Chevert in the 7th? I was thinking you were going to be staying in the 14th this trip...In any case, glad your trip over went smoothly...


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