
Monday, October 01, 2012

C comme Collections

 Great minds think alike.

 The fashion collections have been going on in New York, London, Milano and soon in Paris. Sophisticated Gucci designer Frida Giannini showed a lot of tarte au citron jaune (yellow) in her recent collection in Milan.

 Paris' Pierre Herme got the jump with his every bit as delicious Infiniment Citron collection of douceurs (sweets).

 Cheesecakes, gaufres, tartes, glace...

 You name it and you can get it in 'Infiniment Citron' flavor

 Herme's famous cakes with confit of lemon zest on top -
Infiniment miam miam

 And don't forget his fabulous Rhum Babas!

 Scroll down and read the descriptions. I swear a poet is writing his pastry copy. You will salivate.
Grab a bib. I mean it.
Pâte à baba imbibée au Limoncello, crème au citron, pâte sablée au citron, crème légère au citron, citron frais et citron confit, gelée de citron.
La puissance d’un baba où la liqueur de Limoncello se substitue au rhum. Où la chantilly citronnée est bouleversée par d’infimes morceaux de sablés. Où la crème nuageuse chatouille les sens. Où citrons frais et confits s’enlacent dans une exquise gelée acidulée.
Disponible en formats individuel, 3/4 personnes et 6/8 personnes.

 Here's a neat trick I discovered to aid your French skills.
Copy the description and paste it into Google translate.
Note at the bottom there is a sound button.
Click and listen. 
A not-so robotic French voice will read aloud to you the text and make you drool even more.
I meant it!

 I hope you're sitting on your 'Infiniment Citron' Backjoy as you drool. I got a red one for travel. If I lose it at least another one is waiting at home.

 Pierre Herme's Infiniment Citron will be disponible (until) 21/10/2012 Gone by the time I get to Paris on 27th October.
And hopefully these watercolors will be gone.
I'm showing a collection too.
Another little sale on Etsy this week to help get me to Paris to keep you amused.

Do take a look see svp.


  1. "Here's a neat trip I discovered yesterday - helllooo, are you back yet? *giggles*

    Sorry, could not resist!

    And now I'll go play with Google translate, ahem. Oh, Carol, that post is infinitely fun! Good luck with the sales,

  2. Hélas, disponible veut dire = available (not gone).
    Therefore after October 27th Pierre Hermès citron collection will NOT be available/disponible. Can you ask French Girl to save some? Perhaps not.
    Let us hope your watercolors will also no longer be disponsible!

    1. My bad...I edited too much
      It actually said:
      Produit disponible du 04/09/2012 au 21/10/2012
      so product available from 04/01/2012 au 21/10/2012
      So yes they will be gone gone gone by the time I get there :(

  3. I've been in dire need of Pierre Hermè's fix, both the macarons and Pâte de Fruit. Reading your post just worsened the crave. Someone should open Pierre Hermè in Canada, in Vancouver to be exact. Or maybe Pierre Hermè should open one himself! Anyways, thanks for the fabulous post Carol!

    1. Vancouver?
      Dream on Vibri...zzzzzzzz
      Easier to go to Paris IMHO

  4. My husband is averse to chocolate. He much prefers lemon desserts. These would do just fine!

    I predict citron will be the color of spring.

    1. Citron is my year-round color...
      in my mouth
      miam miam
      I like your husband

  5. I happen to be seated on my fuchsia Backjoy as I read this, lapping up the citron tid bits you've served up today. I always feel better about the world after I get my Paris Breakfast, even if it's almost 6PM chez moi.

  6. Lucinda6:26 PM

    How exotique
    Why o why did I get black when I could have gone citron..

  7. Why don't we have bi-annual 'collections' of pastries here in SF?
    Why don't I live in Paris?

  8. I love looking at the lemon tarts from Paris! I could eat quite a few right now.
    Great watercolors!

  9. Oh no think I just popped 3kg straight to the hips just drooling over those lush tarts and cakes!!
    Carla x

  10. Parisbreakfast6:12 AM

    Get off yr duff and do some calistenics
    And do not head over to the 6th arrondissement or your toast.

  11. All that lemon and yellow... is making me drool! Don't worry, by the time you arrive in Paris there will be many more different treats. These watercolours are no doubt going to disappear FAST.

  12. You know...I don't even like lemon things until you post stuff like that and for some reason I'm dying for a tarte citron!

  13. My favorite line in the translation: "Cloud where the cream tickles the senses."


    1. ain't it the truth?
      the same thing happens to me all the time
      we are sooo suggestible I guess..

  14. Hmmmmm...looks like I get random emails about posts--didn't see this one yesterday. Although, then again, I was really busy all day so maybe I just didn't see it... Love all the yellows!

  15. Impossible de ressistir! Però estic massa lluny. I per a fer-ho a casa?

  16. I LOVE the citron/lemon pictures and your watercolours. Perfect for a rainy and wet day in London:)

  17. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Citron = PERFECT in Oregon year round!
    Cheers to PB!

  18. Would I be forgiven if I said that PH's colors are spot on and the fashion industry's .... not so much..a bit green for moi!

  19. Don't forget your looking at photos on a computer screen...perhaps you need to adjust your color a tad?

  20. I'm wearing a "yellow top" today to get a free lemon macaron at Pierre Hermé !!!
    I love the idea ! It's not about the free macaron but it's really fun :D

    1. WOW!
      I would have bought a Yellow T-shirt to get the free cookie :O
      In more than one PH shop?
      Fun promotion!!

  21. AH, Backjoy...truly!

    Thank you for posting the Backjoy information,
    being artists and writers ourselves, it was a valuable piece of advice.

    In fact, five of us in the family have ordered them!

    Now we can create in comfort!


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