
Monday, September 17, 2012

What I Ate in Maine

 You have to eat blueberries muffins from the Owl's Head General Store.
 Best if you can eat it on blue dishes and mats etc.
 I did not eat these French Caramels though temptation beckoned.
 Nor did I taste Sweet's refined thin Whoopee Pies. I hope I don't regret it...

 I didn't taste these Belted Galloways and have no plans to, but they are pretty...

 No exotic beet-chevre-walnut pizzas either at the Camden Farmer's Market...

 No cakes either

 But I did eat steamed clams last night.

 And at lunchtime, my favorite...

 LOBSTER! Lobstermen have to eat too so I was helping them out.

 A lobsteresque sketch...

Adieu fabulous Maine food!


  1. Well, I may never get to Maine, but I do visit Boston soon. I look forward to sampling the "American" food.

    Your pictures just make my mouth water.

    Love Denise

    1. I'd much rather be on the #96 bus in Paris
      ! ! ! !

  2. Looks like you had a memorable visit.

  3. I'm reading this while eating breakfast and it looks so delicious! The lobster looks so fresh!

  4. Merci de ces images,de bons souvenirs pour moi.



  5. Carol, you beautifully captured those typically Maine coast fun flavors. In my opinion looking at them is as enjoyable as eating them, blueberries, corn & lobster~primary colored delights! Love that lobster painting even more than the taste! Wishing you a good trip home! Rita

    1. Merci buckets Rita for your kindness!

  6. Annie Choo6:47 AM

    With lots of such delicious food I would be very happy
    Thank you for trip to Maine and the Maine Coon!

  7. Your trip sounds wonderful. All the food I love, especialy the Lobster, Your sketch looks so real, captures the true colour.

  8. I love Losteresque!He's got such personality!

    Maine is so neat..It just says getaway..relax..enjoy.
    Their vistas are all charming to me.

  9. I cannot believe you passed up a whoopie pie for lobster. Gulp!

    I love your painting of Mr. Lobsteresque, though. Looks like he's got one eyebrow raised in a "You didn't eat the caramals either???" look.

    (P.S. I had to give Harry a bath on Saturday. You can read the whole sad story in today's post on my blog...)

  10. YUMMMMMM... lucky you - Lobster and Maine! double fabby xxx

  11. I am enjoying reading about Maine almost as much as Paris and France...I enjoy your blog so much and have passed it on to so many others!

  12. I always wanted to go to Maine. I finally made it to New York in July, my first trip out East in the States. I loved it! I am hoping to go to Boston or Montreal next but Maine looks so delicious!

    The Wanderfull Traveler

  13. Don't know how you turned down the other things. Would that I had to strength.

  14. In my neck of the woods again, I see!

    Are those Uproot Pie pizzzas not fabulous! We are hooked . That crust.
    Love all the spots you mention and frequent them all. You have been getting some good foodie advice.

    Oh,yeah...painting Maine is wonderful too.


    1. you can't buy just a slice...only the WHOLE pie so I had to pass sadly on Uproot

      I'm certain I came back with a few extra pds anyway -
      too many bluesberry muffins IMHO

  15. I love the look of Maine - the rural, coastal look of it.
    The clams look great and so does your sketch of the lobster!

  16. Blueberry muffins and lobster - I could live with that!
    Love that lobster painting!

    1. no one yet has come up with a Lobster muffin!
      I'll leave that up to you Jeanette

  17. Your lobster is gorgeous with the blues in the oranges!
    Love your dry brush too!


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