
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Summer Streets - NY

 The NY hotdog.
Is there any other?
Paris forgeddaboutit!

 For 3 weekends in August we have 'Summer Streets' from 7am to 1pm, nearly seven miles of New York City's streets will be opened up for everyone to play, run, walk and bike. From the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park, along Park Avenue and connecting streets you can rock climb at Spring Street, receive a free bike helmet at 51st Street, soar through the air on a zip line at Foley Square or just stroll along and experience the city's streets in a new way—all for free.

 What the H are these?

 Your average walkers/runners/bikers

 A block away in Union Square market fresh blueberries

 New York, Heirloom, natural, local, organic, veggie, farm fare tomatoes.

 Red too.

 Paris eat your heart out. Across from the market a string of crazy, wild food trucks.

 Ice cream at $4.95 a dip? I'll pass.

 Sigmund's $4.00 truffle cheddar pretzel.
Oui bien sur!

 The bubble man in front of the Met - FREE

 A water break at the Met - free

 Bryant park last night for the movie - bring your own.

L'heure bleue at Times Square last night.
Bonne Journee!


  1. I walked three miles up Park Avenue to Eric Kayser and then sat in the median, watching all the cyclists and pedestrians, while sampling brioche and le Paris-Brest. Pas mal! Vive NY!

  2. Both my dd's just ate at Bryant park this summer and one saw an Audrey Hepburn movie..they had a great great time in your city..
    I am sporting a New York scarf..and a Magnolia Bakery cake cutter:) A beautiful rosary and holy water from St Patrick's cathedral.

    They both enjoyed themselves with different friends..Had a ball.

    1. it was Harrison Frod in Raiders Of The Lost Ark last nite Monique.
      I hope you ate a New York Hot Dog while here!!

  3. Fun! You should do a post just showing feet and make us guess if it's NY or Paris...

  4. ... been to NYC twice in my life - it was an amazing place - thanks for your wonderful post x

  5. Wild, wonderful New York City!
    Love the blueberry boxes with their hairnets!

    Truffle cheddar pretzel, you did not really eat it, did you? More calories than 3 dozen macarons, I'm sure. ;-)

    1. Oh tosh!
      Sometimes you must forget about calories!!
      It's divine and worth it
      Plus I don't eat the inside..what there is of it, just the crispy outter cheesy shell.
      Practically calorie-free

  6. New York! Where the blueberries wear hairnets and the runners wear Kangoo Jumps!

    1. Kangoo Jumps!
      Who knew..I must get out more
      not up on NYC things at all...sigh

  7. Stunning pictures of Bryant Park and Times Square. Both places are so much more civilized than they used to be...remember when they were sooooo sleazy and scary, even in the middle of the day ? It's spectacular to have them back!

  8. Like a lot of French people, I think Paris has nothing over New York. They are two of the world's greatest cities, fast-paced, fascinating and sometimes overwhelming. I personally LOVE New York, and would have gladly watched that outdoor movie with you at Bryant Park, where, if memory serves, the outdoor furniture was ordered chez Fermob, the famed French manufacturer (I have a similar bistro set on my deck at home.) Vive New York! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  9. oh man perfume?!!!!! i bet nyc never smelled so nice!

  10. It doesn't look as nice as Bleu, but I wrote about that damn perfume in my book and I had to correct it like a thousand times.

  11. Lucy in the sky3:51 PM

    SIGMUND'S TRUFFLE CHEDDAR pretzals are the BEST thing on the planet.
    I'd pay a mint for one of those!!
    At the Union Sq Xmas Market they go in an instant

  12. Oh thank you, thank you!!!
    We will be in NYC next week (my first time in decades) and I wouldn't have wanted to miss SIGMUNDS. (I am ignoring that comment about the calories in the Truffle Cheddar Pretzel)

    1. The Sigmund cart is in front of the Met museum, certainly on the weekends
      The Truffle is worth it - I don't eat the innards..just the outside
      Very low calorie that way

  13. Geri nj4:22 PM

    Thx for the good old NYC love! Sometimes I have Paris love guilt. LOL!

  14. Sitting here in Sydney Australia sighing over your beautiful images. I've been to New York several times, but the most memorable was on 4 July 1986 with my husband and (then) 3 young children. It was the centenary celebration of the Statue of Liberty and I don't think any of will ever forget it. Thanks for the memories.

  15. Lots of cute pics, Carol - nice to see people having fun in NYC.
    I haven't been there in years, but I used to be a regular visitor. I loved it there.
    I love the last shot!

  16. Just imagine the world if we all started to eat as we are told about on PB...we'd be so .... well, happy and satisfied anyway!

    1. Look at it this way.
      At least you wouldn't be eating any over-priced ice cream cones...

  17. Ice Cream $4.95 a dip?? Whats it made out of.. Gold?? Yikes. Looks like lots of fun in August there tho.

  18. Looks like you had fun in NYC:)

    Can't say I share any of your food choices but enjoyed the trip round......

  19. Oh wow!! I loved this post. It makes me miss New York so badly! Lucky you for living there :)

    x Milsters


  20. NYC seems so upbeat & fun. I remember the old days when it was to be feared...Thanks for showing Summer Car Free Streets. The way a city should be.The Kangoo Jumps are amazing...I looked up videos of them in action...I'd probably fall flat on my face, but they look like so much fun!

  21. Make sure you go to Dallas BBQ while in NY. You won't need to eat for a week after!!! Also check out Quality meats restaurant. The marrow bones are to die for! :-)

  22. Is a cheddar pretzel really that good to the taste as it looks and sound? I am so loving cheese right now. Pretzels and cheezy combo must be a match made in heaven. I’d love to try it!!

    1. It is
      It is WONDERFUL!!
      I wonder if they do mail order? YUM YUM


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