
Wednesday, August 08, 2012


Miam miam

 Frenchie Looks like other Paris bistros - but chef Gregory Marchand's cuisine is tops.

 Caille. betterave, navet, groseille

 Chou rave, jus de moule de Penestins

 Canard, courgette, cerise

 Maigre, bouillon de tomate acidule, haricot Barlotti

 Good plain rustic bread to sop up every last drop of delicious sauce.

 Fraise, fromage blanc, pistache

 Abricot, framboise, basilique, glace au miel.

 South African children don't throw food. They clean their plates even if occasionally checking their video games or giving their sister's hair a good yank.

Was it c'est si bon?
Absolutement oui.
Fresh flavours, yet complex and layered. One bite and you wonder how so much poetry can be happening in your mouth. Other's have described Frenchie far better than I can here.

A post-dinner dance from the girls after being freed from their seats and good behavior.

A BIG Merci to Ooh La La Confectionary for educating my palate both sweet and savory!


  1. That's a great shot of the 3 girls:)

    Beautiful presentations..Really opens the appetite:)

    1. merci Nana/Monique
      Chef Gregory Marchand's plates look like beautiful abstract paintings. He must have been a pastry chef at one time - the colors!

  2. Oh yum. Beats the Doritos I just ate for breakfast...

    1. THIS is an outrage!
      No harpist worth her strings could let something so unpoetic pass her lips!
      I am dis-inviting you to breakies :(

  3. With food this beautiful I don't have to know what it is, as long as it tastes as beautiful.

  4. I am pretty sure that food that looks this good has no calories.
    And that includes dessert, doesn't it?

  5. I am hungrybnownjustlooking atvthictures. Wow, that meal must be delicious. The girls Maman looks gorgeous!

  6. Ooh la la indeed, that looks yum. Great food shots! Frenchies now added to the little black Paris book for my next trip :)

    1. BOOK NOW Karen!
      if yr serious..
      The plates are like little sculptures - works of art truly

  7. The food looks beautiful, and great shots of the kids and mom, too

  8. Oh and I just got home late from work and vegemite on toast for dinner because I couldn't be bothered with anything proper.... Frenchie has gone straight onto my to do list for next year- it looks fabulous.

  9. This dinner looks good... I remember of a strange dessert there : a chocolate sponge cake with bacon !

    1. Bacon isn't 'IN' this year I think...
      I tasted chocolate-covered bacon at the NY choc show and it was GREAT!!

  10. Hi carol
    Thank you !
    What a special post for us
    I love it and it is a great memory to have with you
    Karen xxx

  11. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I want to say what a pleasure it was to see the little girl eating so nicely with her knife and fork. I say this because my son, who was taught, has not bothered to teach his children how to use their cutlery properly nor how to use their knives never mind about how to place them when they've finished eating.


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