
Friday, July 20, 2012

Bear is in Poitiers

 Someone asked 'Where's Bear?' Bear is in Poitiers waiting for the train to Paris
 Back in Paris Bear visits patisserie Gerard Mulot
 Bear would lurve a chocolate chef bear lollie/sucette at Dalloyau
 Bear loves these giant strawberry earrings in the Marais

 Bear was quite jealous he didn't get to admire artisanale regional products in Charantes so he visits famous Monoprix/Monop in Paris. Can potato chips really be artisanale and a l'ancienne?

 Bear is just as thrilled as Carolg to browse food aisles

 So many cookies!

 So much yogurt!

 Banks and banks of chocolate bars/tablette!


 At the Louvre Bear makes a new friend, Storsh, wearing a matching striped marinere T-shirt.

 Back in the Charantes, Bear and Biff became quite good friends.

 Errr...darling Biff did get a little too friendly.
We had to pry open his 'gentle jaws'.
Bear is just fine and enjoying Paris to the fullest.

As Ben said it,
'Happiness is right now.'
Bon Weekend PBers!


  1. So where are you now? Poitiers, Paris (Astoria?)

    I guess you have to wait a few days to get the hopefully perfect weather for the "Paris Plage". Next week, it's a promise! :-)

    1. in Paris Peter and looking forward to Paris Plage.
      We saw them dumping the sand onsite today!

  2. Biff eating Bear gave me a LOL moment :)) Glad to hear Bear recovered unscathed and is enjoying Paris!
    Yes, apparently next week we too finally get some summer weather at last, yayyyyy

  3. Bear's girlfriend of Olivia and she lives in QC:)

    Love seeing the market shelves..etc.. the earrings are fun to see also.

  4. Bear - don't THINK about the potato chips. EAT them! You'll need them after the journey you've been on. Plucked from the jaws of death, er, Biff and everything

    1. Not to worry Amy
      Bear has a macaron feast today to make up for his close call with M. Biff.

  5. When I'm in Paris I love seeing dogs everywhere (well, can't say I've ever seen one in a Monoprix) and asking their owners what their names are. French dogs have such surprising names: Benedict, Serge, Chanel, Wolouff... I'm a big fan of Biff, and I'm laughing over how his name must sound to French ears: Beef? Boeuf? B'if?

    1. What a great opening line Vivian!

      I just met a kitten/chat called 'Avedon' ('Donnie' for short)

  6. Carol, I share your love for exploring grocery stores and much more so in PARIS!! Enjoy your last few days. xo

  7. Carol, I love having the Bear updates. In the first photo, I thought at first that Bear was wearing an extravagant, eccentric Bat Hat!

    Thank you also for the views of the grocery aisles. I love the line of jam jars.


  8. Love all the pictures you take! What a fun way to explore a foreign country from an armchair traveler.

  9. Good to see Bear! He looks like he's enjoying the sights, and perhaps thinking of buying some pepper-spray :)
    Can't wait to see the Paris Plage

  10. Tell Bear not to worry about that little encounter with will give him an air of well-travelled charm.

  11. Bear and Biff are so cute! I can't blame Bear for wanting to eat all of the chips, the chocolates and yogurt as they are so many on display in the monoprix in Paris. Love those many varieties of yogurts in the Paris Monoprix! I would love to try those chips though.

  12. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Though I'm STORSH's mum I have to say the photo of Bear with Biff tops it on the list!

  13. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Regarding the artisanale and a l'ancienne chips – On our trip to France last September we got some chips similar to those. When eating them I remembered something about most American chips coming from potatoes that have a low water content, so when they are fried they stay uniform. The chips we ate all but appeared to have exploded, and all of those irregularities had much more flavor !


  14. I always love hearing about Bear! I'm drooling over that wall of chocolate. Sigh.
    Love the picture of Bear with the little girl - just adorable.
    But are you sure it was Bear that liked the strawberry earrings? Maybe it was his person?! Ahem!

    1. You got it...
      I'm feeling some shopper's regret I didn't buy the berries :)


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