
Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Le Boulanger des Invalides Jocteur

 I was going to tell you about a book today but I got hungry.
 Louise suggested I make Le Boulanger des Invalides Jocteur my HQ(headquarters).
 It was Louise who first introduced me to Boulanger.
 Which is a pretty dreamy version of 'la vie en rose'.
 I was shooting through the glass at the cashier in my inimitable surreptitious way.
 When the vendeuse suggested why didn't I shoot OVER the glass for a better view. This is an absolute first in a Parisian patisserie in my experience and reason alone to go to the Boulanger.
 Louise introduced me to their Lyonaise sablee cookie with praline topping
 And their blueberry cake (to-die-for).
 Louise is fond of their pistache/abricot slice and now I am addictee too.
 I discovered all on my own Boulanger's 'bichon' framboise and citron. I still don't know what a bichon is and I don't need to. Just give me one NOW! The best description I can think of - it's a folded pate brisee(I think) pocket glazed with apricot and filled with either lemon curd or confiture de framboise. Either one will make you very happy.

 Prices are reasonable at Le Boulanger.
The pink chicken in the window is inedible which is probably a very good thing.
Le Boulanger des Invalides Jocteur
14 Avenue Villars, 75007
Metro - Saint Francois-Xavier -Bus 87


  1. Chef Lucinda12:53 PM

    a Bichon is made of la pâte levée feuilletée not pate brisee but you are forgiven your error in your wild enthusiasm for the bichon.

  2. Anonymous1:22 PM

    A Bichon Frisé has an altogether different texture from either pate mentioned
    No relation whatso ever

  3. Such delights!

    Good thing you told us that the chicken is not edible because after wading through all those exquisite pastries I was lusting after something sweet and would have devoured it!

  4. Un billet tres rose... A very pink post :-) Appetissant... Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  5. The store looks great and the pastries look fabulous!

  6. The blueberry cake..looks amazing..all those blueberries..Carol it's uncanny how sometimes there is one little part of your post that is close to home..last night we were driving home from my friends..and on Sirius..Sinatra..La Vie En Rose was playing..I said to my husband...this is so nice.

  7. This post is so mouth-seducing...I begin to think perhaps I should steer very clear of Paris. I need one of everything!

  8. Very honored to be mentioned in your superb blog Carol !... I indeed love Jocteur praline sable.

  9. This place is to die for. They seem friendly to allow you to take pictures. I would love to try everything because it will be very hard to choose?!

    1. no need to choose Pamela
      Get 3 items :)
      pas cher ici

  10. Ha. I don't like cakes or anything in a patisserie. Are you surprised? I was greatful for the red chicken. In fact I want one!!!

    I love your photos though:)

    1. Oh how I wish I didn't like cakes...
      well eating them...
      I do LOVE the look of them - the designs and the colors

  11. Yum yum, but so rich! I wouldn't be able to say no to the tarte aux pommes though.
    LOVED your post on Francoise Gilot - wish I could see that exhibition.
    And I'm totally captivated by your watercolour of little Lillie - I think you're going to be flooded with requests from the mamans of Paris!

  12. Chez Lindy6:46 AM

    All your posts are beautifully and smartly curated.
    I receive other Fr blogs (longing for France) and I've noticed sometimes they're slapped together. I'm sure it's not easy to keep up the postings.
    But yours are all little jewels, clearly done with great care and style, and a real pleasure to read.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  13. "I was going to post about a book today but I got hungry." - hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  14. I love this boulangerie! Our rental agency is across the street so we stopped for sandwiches after signing the paperwork. They were probably the best sandwiches I've had in Paris. And pas cher too!

    1. I have never had a sandwich here!?
      I will definitely go for more substantial fare before diving into the pastries next time...

  15. Oh my goodness, Carol, you've added more Parisian temptation. I wonder what it would be like to arrive at this marvelous boulangerie at the opening hour and just steadily sample their baked delights throughout the day, perhaps venturing out for a short walk every few hours.

    I am imagining a certain form of heaven. xo

  16. Even if one can't eat sweets, they are visually so beautiful. I'll add this boulangerie to my list.

  17. Looks gorgeous, but I get breakfast at my hotel, the Hotel du Louvre. Can't wait for tomorrow! Love breakfast. And love the Louvre!

    1. Cakes for breakfast..I don't remember that on the menu there..
      But why not?

  18. I am drooling! No, really, I think a little bit hit the floor! how absolutely delicious!

  19. I need to get to this boulangerie, especially with the frilly pinks. Bichon is like a chausson-aux-pommes with puff pastry. These ones look really good!

  20. This looks so fabulous, I hope to wander in some day myself.

  21. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Looks lovely! Is it open on Sundays?


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