
Friday, March 09, 2012

Carole Bouquet Sangue d'Oro

 Last night French actress Carole Bouquet introduced her wine at Alliance Francais New York.
 Just as beautiful as ever.
 I thought I spotted Bouquet at bistro L'Ami Louis last October but I was wrong.
 Much better to see Bouquet up close and taste her luscious liqueur, Sangue d'oro she makes on the tiny island of Pantelleria near Sicily.
 Golden like honey, 'with confit notes of bergamotte, cinchona and dried apricot.
 'A smooth mouth..the perfect blend of softness and fine length on the palate..' Try it!
 Bouquet chatted with John Mariani on her film career - she's 55 and has made 55 films. Acting doesn't stop for French women when they become 'une femme d'un certain age'. And national theatres, supported by the government provide additional work to films.
 Warm, natural, animated, Bouquet was not the Mona Lisa/sphinx I was expecting. 
 Her porcelain beauty is legend but working in the 007 film, For Your Eyes Only, was hell.
 Luis Bunuel's That Obscure Object of Desire was Bouquet's first entry into films at just 20 and mostly by chance and luck. Being a gorgeous beauty didn't hurt either.
 Chanel quickly came calling but Bouquet waited till she was 28 to step into the role of spokeswoman, so her acting would not be overshadowed.
 I thought this was Carole Bouquet in the newest Cartier lavish commercial, but it's a look-alike.
 Have you seen Odyssee de Cartier?
Bouquet was wearing earrings almost as fab as her wine.
Merci Mme. Bouquet!


  1. I worked with Carole Bouquet in the late 80's! She was very regal, a natural beauty. So nice to see her still looking gorgeous without all the "work" that a lot of American actresses seem to think they need. Looks like you're having fun. Cheers!

  2. Thank you, Carol.
    What a beautiful, elegant, and tasteful way to start my day, and weekend.

  3. I wish you could 'taste' Bouquet's beautiful wine...

  4. I don't say it often enough but I so appreciate PB.
    It really brightens my days, Carol.

  5. Hi Carole!
    The color of the wine is beautiful...... I wish I could taste it... She was also involved as the designer part of one of the cooking teams at Paris des Chefs in January...... Good for her........And thanks for more news about her....... Maryanne xo

  6. Geri, NJ11:30 AM

    Once again, lovely post. That ad is fantastic ~ First saw it last evening. Thx for the link; now I can share it w/someone who was too late to catch it w/me last nite.

  7. Mmmm...the wine sounds delicious. She's lovely--I have seen that commercial. Several people were recently talking about it, too!

  8. Hello carol my special friend ! I wish I was with you to see the real carol bouquet. See you for sure in October at salon du chocolat!
    Miss you. Love karen

  9. .. I remember her from "Too Beautiful for You" ... yes, I think one would think her much more reserved .. looked like fun. Karen

  10. Carole Bouquet. As the French say: "La Classe!" -- Great actress, bonne vivante, the kind of woman who would make a great girlfriend. Merci Carol. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  11. I love your line "'A smooth mouth..the perfect blend of softness and fine length on the palate..' Try it!" I imagine, though, you were speaking of the wine and not Carole.

    1. I wish it were my line Bill...
      from the copy on her site but if the shoe fits wear it I say.
      Yes and it certainly does fit her as well.

  12. Those earrings do look a bit posh :)
    And that bottle of Chanel - yipes!
    I don't drink, but I'm glad that you enjoyed the wine!

  13. What a treat to see Carol Bouquet again !
    it is close to impossible to see French films here so I look forward to moving to a place where I will once again be able to indulge my "foreign film" habits ~

  14. Are she and M. Depardieu still together?

    1. mais non for quite a while I think...

  15. Still looking marvellous (and those shoes!). Wine making in Sicily sounds like an occupation I could get used to :)

  16. Omg, those shoes!

  17. Yes OMG those shoes.. :)) Great shot. I have seen her in something recently but cant figure out what. hmmm

  18. I absolutely adore Carole Bouquet - she is such a great role model. A strong, confident woman who makes smart decisions. She is absolutely gorgeous.


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