
Monday, December 12, 2011

NYC Santa Con

Saturday was Santacon in New York...
Santacon is a non-denominational, non-commercial, non-political and non-sensical Santa Claus convention that occurs once a year for absolutely no reason.
The santas start out at the Financial Center and march up town (well some of them do) ultimately ending up in Central Park.
It was impossible to miss seeing a santa or 10 on Saturday..
Very festive and cheering indeed.
I can tell a 'Miami' santa when I see one (it was darn cold out btw). He insisted he would be getting his santa hat very soon.(Anyone caught attending Santacon without a FULL costume will be pelted with reindeer droppings and receive coal in their stocking).
I asked this santa when he was due?
Call home Ms. Reindeer...
Instructions:Get creative! Santa loves gingerbread men, giant presents, Hannukah Harries, snowflakes, sugarplum fairies, frisky reindeer, toy soldiers, and Santa mash-ups.
New York Santas are a thirsty bunch...
They require constant sustanence breaks. In fact some might say Santacon is one long day break for these kids...
The perfect snack awaits at Chickalicious on 203 East 10th street, like this giant choco chip mixup cookie. Where's the glass o' milk?
There's something here too for Frenchie Santas...
Some santas may prefer a BLT or short of that a bacon macaron from the Union Square Holiday Market...
Macaron Parlour is the place to go
This Santacon reindeer got fed up and headed home early on the N train.

Too many Santas!


  1. Great pictures! Happy Santacon to you!!

  2. A convention that happens for absolutely no reason: I love this! Great shots of the fun event. My favorites: Le Macaron parlor (I fear the blogosphere is bordering macaron overkill) and the cute little reindeer who went home because he was all santa-ed out! Fun post, merci. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  3. So much fun! Halfway through the pictures, I had to get up and get some cookies and a glass of milk and when I came back, there was that picture with the giant chocolate cookie and your suggestion of a glass of milk! So much fun, Carol, merci! ;-)

  4. I spotted some of my friends from college in one of the pics... great coverage!

  5. What a GREAT IDEA.
    I wonder if there were any SantaCon-Artists among them?
    No doubt one of your more monochromatic posts yet, Carol.

  6. Carol how fun and I started getting hungry as well...a good thing I have some gingerbread and whipped cream handy!!

    Please come and enter My 12 Days of Holiday Giveaways! You will love the unique gifts!


    Art by Karena

  7. I just happened to be in NYC on Saturday in a cab and facebooked that I saw 7 Santas strolling down the street and my friends thought I was nuts. Ah-ha! Santa Con explains it.

  8. Who knew?
    Thanks for the heads-up on this. It looks like everyone was having fun!
    I love the reindeer - that's very cute.
    I agree with French Girl in Seattle that macarons are everywhere lately!

  9. Oh, I thought I heard that it was a santa flashmob. Fabulous!

  10. Candied bacon and maple cream cheese macs....I'll have to get back to you on that combination.

  11. Carol, I am so glad that you caught all these Saturday Santas! I was indoors in my own little North Pole, working on gift production, but later on Saturday on my way to a lovely party, encountered a Santa with a cell phone to his ear, trying valiantly to summon a cab to take him uptown on Eight Avenue.

    Let me also compliment you on your splendid photos of the BG windows.

    And now...on this day off, I must rush back to the North Pole. Time is running out.


  12. I heard about this on GMA this morning. You should be their reporter on the beat. You seem to get all the latest up to the minute on the street NY news. :))

  13. You captured some great moments! I was in San Francisco and witnessed the same SantaCon madness... including two naked santas in the Castro, bien sur!

  14. It must be a lot of fun living in NY!!
    Here in OH there's not a lot going on.
    Where's your photo wearing a Santa costume?
    We must see it!

  15. yeah right.
    Moi as santa
    No way!!
    I'm strictly the observer :)

  16. What fun! Love the presents. So creative.

  17. Did Bear sleep through Santacon? I was hoping to see him in the throng! cute little deer- did he need directions back to NP?

  18. I wish we had a Santacon. Sounds so much fun and cheerful, as you say. Oh deer: pelted with droppings if you don't wear full costume? Too right :-)
    Love bacon and maple macaron idea. I added it to a chocolate-bacon macaron, which wasn't bad. In fact it was amazing!

  19. oops - link didn't work on the comment. Chocolate bacon macarons for an April Foolish moment at

  20. Nice blog about Santacon parties. I know one of the best company for Santacon parties. They organize parties at Hoboken Santacon, Santacon boston, Nyc santacon and in many other cities.


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