
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Moustaches in the Marais

The holidays are for dogs just as much as their owners. Many pets will find their portrait in Paris in their stockings this year... I was listening to Dr. John Bradshaw and his quite revolutionary ideas on our relationship with dogs. You can catch him on: NPR and
The Guardian and the
His book, Dog Sense came out in April (called In Defense of Dogs in the UK) and will change the way you think about your pet. Stop looking at your poodle as a dog in wolf's clothing. Learn how to leave the house without giving you pet a Valium. And why the pack theory is not really servicable. Do we pamper our pets too much? (These are 'dog' chocolates of course!)
In Paris, dogs want to be 'cool' though so far there is not Coca-Cola for dogs. Many have been seen hightailing it to the newest specialty shop in the Marais...
In Moustaches on 32 rue des Archives 75004
Doggie customers may browse off the leash.
Hmmm..wonder what Dr. Bradshaw would think of that?
Everyone loves Paris evidently...
The 'Hollywood' look is always in...
The perfect cash register decor for dogs...
Cats are customers at Moustaches though I didn't see any running around...
Cats like to go to Paris...
La Petisserie has created yummy peanut butter cookies for dogs and I created this label for them.
Will Dog Sense be coming out in French?


  1. Your label is fantastic! Our six dogs agree.

  2. Love the dog paintings & the label!
    Scampi went to Petsmart but couldn't find anI love Paris t-shirt, so he settled for a new chew toy. Soon he hopes to have his own portrait by you Carol. He admires the goats one so much! I have never bought into the pack theory for domestic dogs, & why would anyone deprive a dog of the joy of playing tug?

  3. Exactly Jeri-Ann
    Tug-of-war is now fine and not to be discouraged at all.
    let your dog play and let him win!
    Who doesn't want to win...

  4. Lucinda3:55 PM

    So pleased to know I can now cut back on the Valium!
    Thanks Doc and NPR for the info.
    it was becoming a major pain.
    Love the biscuit package.

  5. Congratulations to le Petisserie's good taste in label illustrators!

  6. So how come your second favorite water color painter didn't know about this wonderful and oh-so-appropriate illustration for this packaging?
    Tre' elegant Carol.

  7. Wow, you really are full of surprises!
    So many great paintings! Congrats on landing the label job.
    I love the cover of that book!

  8. Geri, NJ7:47 PM

    What a beautiful label. Congratulations on that! I'll be looking out for those treats...peanut butter biscuits are my doggie's fave.

  9. Have to get that book!

    Love the dog in the black and white Lagerfeld look. Wonder if Karl would be happy with it. ;-)

  10. very clever - hats off to the brilliance of the store owners for providing this... love the hollywood look dog :-)

  11. Just wanted to tell you how wonderful the painting you did is and how much I like it.
    I know my friend will love it. Don't know if I can give her all the Paris souvenirs, I may have to keep some for myself.
    Thank you so much for the painting.
    I will continue to read and love your blog.
    And maybe have you do a painting of my puppies someday soon.
    Happy Holidays,


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