
Tuesday, November 01, 2011

How to prove I was in Paris

How do you prove you were in Paris, if you don't have the souvenirs to show off? I always find a fun macaron T-shirt at
Anne Maisonneuve 12 bd Raspail 76006 (long sleeves(38€)
Anne ships overseas.
 Irresistable charm bracelets from. Manu Creations (about 16-21€) lets you could pick your own charms.
Some Paris souvenirs you can wear home on your hips.
'Some' is an understatement...hmmm
I love my new khaki postman bag (17€) from Musee de la Poste.
There are so many stickers/stationary at the museum's gift shop you could go nuts.
I picked up a Sonia-like stripey umbrella on rue Vavin(25€)
Reader glasses (2 pairs for 50€) bought impulsively my last night in Paris.
While waltzing aimlessly down rue du Bac at CoteVue.
I brought back Cafe Pouchkine macarons.
They're almost gone. And they're the perfect thing for breakfast.
Bear is still regretting not buying himself this Moulin Rouge bear. He's so indecisive. What souvenirs did you bring back from Paris?


  1. Well, since you asked, I'll tell you what I bought! I was in Paris in September/October and one thing I purchased was a white (rather stylish) lab coat at Monoprix on Rue Raspail. I was planning on picking up a new apron while in Paris (I am in my kitchen a lot baking) but when I saw this long, asymmetrical coat, I thought... this is it! They were hanging right next to the doctors' scrubs, or course.

  2. What a great score on the poste bag! You picked the best one! (love the readers too!)

  3. We returned from Paris two weeks ago (sigh) and I brought back two of my favorite things - perfume from Annick Goutal, and artwork. I connected with two American painters who live in Paris via their blog. I arranged a studio visit and was welcomed into a fabulous apartment filled with paintings. Two of them managed to come home with me and are now hanging over the paino.

  4. I love the poste bag! Very cool. And of course, the sweets ;-)

  5. That sweet charm bracelet is adorable.

    The best thing I brought back from Paris is a huge music manuscript page from an old (like 1500s old) choir book. It's gorgeous, with a big gold "A" on it for "Amy" (OK, it's for "Angelus...")

    I have it framed in my house next to the harps. I think of the dapper left bank bookseller who sold it to me, that perfect spring day by the Seine with the chestnut trees blooming, every single time I look at it.

  6. I'll have one of each! Including the Moulin Rouge Bear! :-)

  7. i always bring metro tickets, and beauty stuff from sephora (which does not exist here) and a big bag of chouquettes !

  8. Love the eyeglasses!! great impulse buy that you won't regret, I'm sure:)

  9. I believe Bear is so indecisive
    because he's traveling with someone
    who is so very decisive.

  10. Pauvre Bear! Did he at least get some of those macs? Or at least a ride in the new posts bag? Fun post, Carol.

  11. I went to a flea market in Paris and brought back a door knocker.

  12. After looking at all your lovely photos I've decided I must book another trip to Paris soon.....

  13. OMG .. forgot to ask about the bateaux ... what? ... love the postman's bag ... wow, and the glasses ... great !!!

  14. Your postman's bag is super-cute!

  15. Anonymous2:21 PM

    From my last trip to Paris I brought back a vintage French army jacket bought for only 3 euros, a fedora bought at a stand on Rue de Rivoli for 8 euros and several books bought at Librarie Galignani.

  16. I can imagine how tempting it must be to buy one of everything!
    I like the charm bracelet - I like the postman's bag even more :) The glasses look nice, too.
    Poor Bear! How could he pass up that amorous gaze!

  17. I brought back chocolate. And my favorite thing, a lime-green Esprit bag from Samaritaine, which has been retired following years of faithful service.

  18. Kathy in FL7:06 PM

    Did you know the catalog (store) "Sur La Table" has maccarron Christmas ornaments? They are really nice.


  19. I love the postes bag you got in Paris, went to the website but not speaking French it might be there.
    When you have a moment would you have a look for me.
    The header on the site is fantastic if you just sit and look, there's coal trains on the road with cars and lots of stuff mixed up,

  20. Jill:
    not many places in France care to do mail order
    Ya gotta show up :(
    c'est la vie

  21. It has been 11 years ago....
    I brought home:
    a box of macarons(pale green box)
    a small box of chocs from Hediard
    a pottery crock of Maille Mustarde small jars of lovely confiture from a shop on Ile St.Louis.
    That's the comestibles!
    As it turned quite cool I HAD to buy a scarf and found a lovely cashmere in pale green on sale.

    One of my favorite souvenirs was an empty watercolor travel size tin from Sennelier.
    I filled it with paint at home and still love using it!
    I am thinking I must go back soon for one of those charming bracelets....
    Loved seeing your treasures!

  22. You MUST bring back souvenirs if you go somewhere thats half the fun. Looks like some fun ones here too. I still love the charm braclets.

  23. Fun! Yum! Yay! You have such an eye, Carolg!

  24. Anonymous11:55 PM

    I brought back 2 purses. And over 3000 photos, a metro map and a huge desire for macarons. Its a 3 hour drive to Portland, Oregon for macarons !( but worth it.) NY Times had an article on Macs in NYC area today. (nov 1)
    you bring back so much to share. merci~ fan in Oregon xoxox

  25. Anonymous3:23 AM

    so cute these bracelets!!!
    I really like your blog, its so great

  26. Ooh do tell where you bought the eyeglasses? Will be in paris in three weeks and am itching for a pair!

  27. Sadly our Australian quarantine laws would likely confiscate souvenir macarons. But I've still managed fabulous souvenirs- I particularly like everyday household objects, that give you a special buzz, whenever you use them. I wrote a blog post about it for Paris in July earlier in the year


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