
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pain de Sucre & Kings of Pastry!

Kings of Pastry Tonight 'Kings of Pastry' will be playing on PBS.Pain de Sucre To get in the right frame of mind immerse in the amazing tartes of Patisserie Pain de Sucre.Pain de Sucre Last trip I only peered in the window. I didn't go inside.Pain de Sucre Admittedly I was munching on a tarte citron from Cupcakes Berko across the street.
Pain de Sucre An act of betrayal and regret I relive daily since.
Pain de SucrePastry chefs Didier Mathray and Nathalie create shapes, flavors, colors and textures unique among Paris' patisseries.
I can't wait to go back and taste these.
Pain de Sucre Or at least taste the mini versions - 'tentation'/temptation, the perfect name for this tarte framboise.
"Castanea'- Sablé à la farine de chataigne, pulpe de pomme légèrement caramélisée,praliné croustillant, crémeux au marron, biscuit tendre à la châtaigne, mousse à la pulpe de châtaigne, glacage à la noisette.
Pure poetry no?
Pain de Sucre What looks like a mini version of the Castanea is really a nounours - chocolate-covered marshmallow on a stick.
I have tasted many of Pain de Sucre's caramel macarons.
Pain de Sucre Do have the right snacks while you watch Tonight's Kings of Pastry.

Bonjour KINGS & Pain de Sucre!


  1. I don't need to watch anything if I could munch on those delectables....xv

  2. Justine4:50 PM

    Utterly luscious looking, even if some are a bit pizza-esque..
    Most creative.

  3. phew!

    just in time
    i set my TV to record this...


    thanks so much!

    {{ i Hate when i miss shows
    you recommend;
    you Did turn me on to Glee,
    you know,
    thanks so much for that...}}

  4. Just exquisite - delectable what more can I say - Don't the French do pastry well??

  5. Just watched this on Netflix:) We really liked it..

  6. It's not on here in DC tonight. For those who have Netflix, it's on instant streaming(as I see someone stated above:)

  7. Wow, those pastries look so delicious!
    Thanks for the heads-up on the show.

  8. And I thought I was the only one who repeatedly watches this on Netflix! LOL! They are so serious and it is so intense. It is a must see if you are serious about pastry. Merci Carol.

  9. DARN! 'Fraid I won't be watching 'cause I must focus on getting ready to drive to Maine tomorrow, to go painting.

  10. Love that documentary! I'm always on the edge of my seat!

  11. Sounds fun, but I can't watch that temptation when I'm being so good, woman! You'll just have to tell me about it all here. So many sweets!

  12. It is gripping tales...
    I love the serious aspect too Theresa for quite disposable frivolous objects.

  13. And there we go: I missed it!
    Well, not that I would have had a chance to see it here. I shall have to get the DVD. Amazon, here I come! ;-)

    That caramel macaron looks tempting. Is is it salted caramel? I would give it a try anyway!

    Happy First Day of Summer,

  14. Damn! Speaking of acts of pain and regret - Why didn't I get around to your blog in time to catch the show???? I will try to find a repeat!

  15. Loved it! Thanks for the heads up!

  16. Megan in OR9:30 PM

    Watching Kings of Pastry made me want to dive into a vat of chocolate and cover myself with pistachio something or other.


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