
Friday, June 17, 2011

Cafe Pouchkine

Cafe Pouchkine Cafe Pouchkine Chocolat Chaud,  9" x11"

Cafe Pouchkine Why ever did I not get Cafe Pouchkine's fabulous pastries.

Cafe Pouchkine Is beyond me.Cafe Pouchkine Not even one multi-colored macaron...Cafe Pouchkine Passed my lips - quelle tragedie indeed...
Cafe Pouchkine Granted I was there for breakfast/petit dejeuner...
Cafe PouchkineAnd I did wolf down a lovely orangie viennoisserie thing...
Cafe Pouchkine Mainly I'd come for a cup of lush, thick chocolat chaud served in a traditional chocolatier with traditional beater/le moulinet...
Cafe Pouchkine Nearby Parisians were having dessert for breakfast (what clever ducks) but insanely drinking Coca-Cola! Why ever do Parisians adore Coke? Karl Lagerfeld has been plastered on 3+ bottles. Some French trends/tendances are completement nuts non?
Cafe Pouchkine Cafe Pouchkine is located in a far corner of Printemps ground floor. Don't hesitate to go in for a delightful respite from shopping and browsing.
I'd advise you to leave your gun at home, even if Printemps saw fit to include it (on the chair) in their vitrine setup next to a Cafe Pouchkine table. Same goes for the RED lipstick on the rim of the cup.
Cafe Pouchkine


  1. Oh how too, too divine!
    You MUST go back for those pastries at Cafe Pouchkine! No two ways about it!
    And then report back bien sur.
    I am drooling in anticipation

  2. Justine2:28 PM

    One HAS to treat oneself now and then doesn't one?
    Especially if you just eat bread and water at home, you deserve a little break non?

  3. I love your swirling, shimmering chocolate pot! It's gorgeous. I'm amazed at how you can paint WHITE...

    I've never seen dotted macarons. Maybe you should dissect those little beauties next!

  4. Send me a ticket to Paris Amy and I'll dissect anything you like!

  5. Wonderful watercolor, Carol! Your cup washes are so soft and lovely. Beautiful!

  6. Hi Carol!
    What a great little gem!Love the picture you did! Thanks for the tip!!!!Maryanne xo

  7. What would I do if I couldn't armchair travel through you?!! Merci!

  8. Love that watercolor! Imagine the sugar rush for that coke couple! They definitely need to come unarmed!

  9. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I have not been to this cafe either - but I did see Karl lager field walking done Rue Bonepart and he stopped for a photo - so obliging. Did I mention? X

  10. WOW WOW WOW Suzi !
    Impressive and very nice of Karl L.!!
    I just read that he credits drinking only Diet Coke to losing 90 pounds!

  11. I invite you for breakfast and a leisurely "catch up" with home baked bread and poppy seed schneken rolls.

  12. I promise to leave my gun and my red lipstick @ home! Here I thought only us crazy American's drank Coca Cola for breakfast?!

    Have a wonderful weekend Carolg. I hope it's filled with tasty french treats.

    x Deb

  13. Great post. Those macarons look delightful! Never seen such a thing. Thanks for the insightful post on this yummy Paris cafe.

    Coke for breaky?!

    The Wanderfull Traveler

  14. Great watercolor, Carol.
    The pastries look fabulous.
    I practically live on Coke, but I don't think I've ever had it at breakfast!

  15. Since I don't have any desire to wear red lipstick, I think it would be safe for me to go there. :O)

  16. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I love the moulinet. Que chic!!!

  17. I like your painting. I am drooling over all the goodies to eat too.

  18. "same goes for the RED libstick"....funny, I only call it "libstick" when I have been to the dentist! Have a good weekend and eat something marvelous.

  19. Nice article, thanks for the information.

  20. Just realised from following the link that it's Russian Pushkin, only the spelling is so much more charming in French! How have I managed to miss this delightful place on visits to Printemps? Thanks for another great post!

  21. Interesting that a Parisian Cafe' is named after a Russian writer, but fitting because, after all, Alexander Pushkin wrote also in French. The pistol on the chair is probably meant as a reminder that Pushkin died of wounds from a duel, the last of almost a dozen he was involved in. Must have been a hot-blooded fellow. ;-)

  22. looks like a wonderful place....everything appears so yummy and very grand!!

  23. But it is a branch of a RUSSIAN CAFE!! with a French chef :)
    I should have said so more clearly!
    Woe is moi :(

  24. I was just thinking about the picture you had of a display window.
    There was lipstick on the cup and a revolver on the chair seat. Loved it. It told a story. That's what I liked about the Peterman catalogue and the early Banana Republic one, too. If you tell a story it sticks in the head. Now how can I apply that to what I do?

  25. Sherry9:00 PM

    Thanks for your wonderful Paris posts. They make my day! Someday i'll get to Paris..I hope.

    Have a good weekend

  26. Carol wonder new work of art. I adore the cafe table with lipstick on the cup and the gun on the chair!

    Art by Karena

    Come and join my Giveaway from the Novica Artisans!

  27. Pastry washed down with Diet Coke is my breakfast of choice. I always thought this was an American thing. I wondered why the barristas didn't bat any eye when I ordered un Coca Lite with my almond croissant in Paris. Now I know.

  28. Thanks for your beautiful Paris posts.Those macrons looks very amazing! Never seen such a thing. Keep sharing for the insightful post on this yummy Paris cafe.

  29. Don't those Frenchies know Coke can peel the paint off their fancy little cars!?

  30. What eez 'appening with ze French and ze coca-cola, alors? They're going crazy at Café Pouchkine! I love the lipstick ;-)
    And goes without saying, your paintings are sensational, Carol. Jxo

  31. My friend did her stage here! Loved it! Her favorite is the streusal, did you get to try that one?

  32. I had an orangie struesel Jessica!
    But they have so many outragous desserts
    Yr friend is a lucky duck!! miam miam

  33. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I love the orange juice bottle. I used to bring stuff like that home as a souvenir, but no more.

    And the Coca-Colas in France are different from those in the US--made with sugar, not corn syrup I believe. Big difference.

  34. Gawd I used to bring home OJ bottles's a contagion.
    No more of me either.
    I imagined I would paint them.

  35. Carol, I would like to enter your contest! However, i'm not sure if this is the right place?*!* I have only had one macaroon in my life -- a frozen (vanilla) macaroon that came from our local Trader Joe's. It was so surprisingly delicious that I fear I am hooked and now I'm looking to learn how to make these tasty morsels myself! I don't live near any bakeries that make these (that I know of), and I would love to spread the love of these delicious treats to my friends and family. Surely the fresh macaroons are superior to ones that have been frozen, so the amazement of the REAL and FRESH macaroon is a treat I have yet to experience. Would love to experience it in Oklahoma!!! Love your blog!!

  36. Dani,
    It's not MY contest.
    You have to go to Pioneer Woman and it may be too late depending..
    LINK is here:

  37. I actually doubt it was Coca Cola that they were drinking, but rather a Russian fermented drink called 'kvas' which looks kind of similar, but trust me, you'd know the difference if you drank it!!


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