
Tuesday, March 01, 2011


Is Spring really here?

Some say oui!

And some say NON!

BEAR bought me a bunch of Irises to make me feel 'Springie'.
I'm seeing purple. Printemps 2, watercolor on Etsy, 9" x 11"  Printemps 1, watercolor, 9" x 11" ~

Chris suggested getting over winter by bringing in fresh flowers. That's where BEAR got the idea to run out and fetch those irises.

Peter's Paris is busy recording all the signs of Spring busting out.
In the parks of Paris.
At Gardeners’ Question Time on the BBC, you can get all your Spring hortacultural problems solved instantly by Pippa Greenwood, Matthew Biggs and Anne Switihinbank. Mesvitrines in Paris says Lanvin is thinking pink for Printemps.
Ines de la Fressange wants to take you on a Springie jaunt through the shops of Les Halles - Don't miss it!
DO IT IN PARIS says drag out your POP colors for Spring!
Bergdorf Goodmans windows are full of 'POP' colors. I hope all those balloons don't pop before the week is up.


  1. I'd love to know how a Paris-loving New York gal comes to listen to Gardeners Question Time!?
    Nice post
    My French Country Home

  2. I love the shades of blue in the opening shot.
    You're teasing us with this post :)
    Spring is almost here - but I'm still freezing!!
    No flowers here, yet........

  3. Are you kidding SHARON?
    I'm addicted to BBC4 (and BBC 7)
    In Paris I constantly need a shot of the BEEB
    All that French all the time!

  4. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Bonjour Printemps indeed. I must day i am fresh and new to the French language and only just found out the French word for Spring.
    I have seen it on so many visits.
    Love you suggestions today.
    Yes Spring is arriving for you and fall is for me...I can relive both my favourite seasons through blogging. x

  5. I love your post and now I hate Ohio even more! It seems like we are always the last ones on the planet to get any signs of Spring!
    I am so jealous of all the flowers and green parks in Paris.
    Here we are totally covered in snow.

  6. Belss you for bringing spring to my screen! I am sorely in need.

  7. It is strange to see all these posts about Spring when we are just approaching a Autumn (although, it is a weak seasonal change in Australia). I love the splash of colours and the flowers! Beautiful iris watercolour, Carol!

  8. Oh, Carol, love these. I definitely see David's influence in some of those arrangements--they're gorgeous. Really lovely

    I recognized Chris' camellia in there! Pretty! And Ian's gorgeous drawing.

  9. Bonjour PB et Bonne Anniveraire Bear!
    Have been out of town and missed a couple posts. LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos of Bear at the Palais Royale and tucked away in "his"? bag.
    today's post is the japanese irises. Visited the Maclay gardens in Tallahassee and was overwhelmed by Camelias, Magnolias and flowering Red Bud trees.

    Happy Spring!!!

  10. I can't imagine anything nicer than being overwhelmed by flowers Suzanne.
    I'm looking forward to that happening in Paris

  11. Love your 'macaron' candles...
    I have the same ones - calorie free!

  12. Your iris paintings are exquisite! The wrestling paid off. Oui, printemps must be here soon (though it was only 1 degree fahrenheit this morning in Minnesota...)

  13. Oh, Carol, merci beaucoup,
    that is so sweet of you to include me in your spring line-up, it really is! *bisous*

    I missed it yesterday, what with trying to do three different tasks all at the same time (it must be spring, I say, everybody wants something from me!). I coddled a secret dream of dashing down to Venice by night train, just for a day, to Sunday's Carnevale finale, alas, impossible. Maybe at the end of March, who knows? ;-)

    To spring,
    and thank you again,
    big hug,


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