
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Parisien Pastries!

Parisien pastry Sometimes a Parisien pastry looks like jewelry...
And sometimes a Parisien bracelet looks like pastry...
Parisien pastry Sometimes a Parisien pastry looks like a work of art (more often than not)
And sometimes a Parisien artwork of food looks like I don't know what...
Parisien pastry Sometimes looking at boxes of macarons makes you want to take out your paintbox...
Parisien pastry And then you pray.
Parisien pastry Sometimes a box of Parisien fraises/strawberries...
Parisien pastry Looks just like a berry red pousette/baby stroller...
Or like a Parisien pup in a berry red coat...
Parisien pastry There's no question...
Parisien pastry That Parisiens...
Parisien pastry Get their 3 - 5 (RED) fruits a day...
But are they getting them all in pastries is the question.
And does it matter?


  1. Fun post, M'lle. Enjoyed it. Your watercolor is exquisite--and I'm liking that new color--the deep lavender/violet concoction there! Tres gentile. Looks good enough to eat.

  2. After your blog photos I always want to go grab a fruit tart or a macaron, from a local bakery. They don't taste very Parisien, but in my ruminations they take me to Paris ;)

  3. Your Parisian pastries especially those tartes aux framboises always make me want to travel to Paris right away. Totally delicious!

  4. Ummm it taste delicious!! cute pictures!!

    kisis from

  5. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Does it matter? Of course not. Beautiful images today.

  6. I love the way you craft your posts and draw me along to your often hilarious and always amusing conclusions. Pastries and fruit are a natural combination, sort of an aristocratic peanut butter and jelly, don't you think?

  7. This post sure makes me hungry :)
    Great shots of the pastries.
    Love the dog, too

  8. Your watercolor today is just stunning - macarons and a flower - perfection!

  9. Beautiful! I'm so impressed!

  10. Dearest Carol,
    thank you for the descriptive title of this blog post!
    What with all that gorgeous spread of Parisien pastries, in any which disguise, one needs a little forewarning, otherwise the laptop screen could take a hit and a scratch and, though some virtual miracle, your post would be cleaned of images before you could do anything about it! Yes, you are such a temptress, and your painting just sums it all up, it reflects your exquisite taste and knowledge and artistry, and mastery of color and brush stroke, sine qua non this all could not be! In short, I am drooling here, for both pastries and drawing, the last one being amongst your best ones ever.

    I see no cure but get on my little boots and hasten over to the next pastry store. It will surely disappoint me, after all that regal exquisiteness here, but there is such a thing as comfort food, isn't it? I shall sneak into Demel and have a Puppenkrapfen in your honor.

    Smitten in V.,

  11. Why do we have nothing like this in England? Wonderful pics :)

  12. Liking the edible jewelry. That third photo (pastry) is def a work of art. Those macarons look lovely in your watercolor.

  13. That's it!
    I'm making airline reservations!
    There is NOTHING in the world like Parisian Pastries!!!!

    p.s. I saved a photo for "wallpaper".

  14. My God, you make me long for Paris - love your pictures and your watercolor

  15. OMG! Whee are my paints?!! Drooling over these. Pastry AND red. Devilishly tempting. SWAK!!! :)

  16. J'adore le rouge, une couleur intense et même fascinante, je viens de manger un mille feuilles délicieux et je pensais à ton blog. Et quelle surprise que ce superbe article, cette superbe aquarelle, et ces comparaisons rigolotes, simples au premier abord mais amusantes! Quant aux tartes aux fruits rouges, elles donnent l'eau à la bouche c'est incroyable.

  17. Anonymous2:26 AM

    As I already mentioned before in my cupcake post - i love french pastries! I never tire of looking at them. And eating them. I love your watercolors too!



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