
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Haremhab + des Gateaux et du Pain

Metropolitan's new exhibit of Haremhab Has this happened to youYou go to the Metropolitan's Haremhab, the Egyptian general who became king and all you see are chausson aux pommes?

 There is an uncanny likeness to divine chausson aux pommes in Paris.

 Beautifully designed striations inedible and edible.

 Unfortunately the 1st time at des GATEAX et du PAIN they were ferme - mardi bien sur.

I only got a look in the open laboratoire.

My second visit was more successful.

Les viennoiseries d'or are irresistible.
And the interiors.
Elegance personified.

Could have been designed by an Egyptian of Haremhab's time.

I'd planned on Le Figaro's prize-winning chausson aux pommes but the chausson aux agrumes made my heart race. 
Pâte feuilletée au beurre frais et sel de guérande caramélisée, crème au jus et zeste de citron et pamplemousse

And my camera shake. miam-miam
 Perfect for these Egyptian beauties. 
At the Met another uncanny French likeness...
 To Lanvin designer Alber Elbaz 
There are many museums in Paris.
Don't miss this one.
Bonjour Haremhab + des GATEAUX et du PAIN!
63 Boulevard Pasteur  75015

Des Gateaux et du Pain


  1. Justine8:49 AM

    Choices choices choises...
    I'll take looking at art, eating chausson aux pommes and browsing LanvinHM Thank you very much!

  2. Love the striations on the chausson which seem to match the drap on the flat tum Egyptian.
    Was that intentional?
    Has Des Gateaux etc. been to the Louvre lately?
    Why are so many pastry chefs THIN?
    too many questions I know..

  3. Sensational post!
    And I loved the videos, especially the second. Has to be seen to be believed --- and then I didn't believe my own eyes.
    Also especially loved (ahem) the white haired lady in the saffron dress, thank you Lanvin and H&M.
    And of course --- Thank you Carole!

  4. Ah ha....
    The OFG (Older French Girl!)in Lanvin's video
    What a clever duck he is..
    He wants us ALL in Lanvin for Xmas!

  5. Anna-Maria A.9:40 AM

    who is ready to jump into Lanvin's divine creations besides those FAB models..?
    Qui sait :(
    pas moi

  6. So many choices... when I did ballet I hardly ate anything, but now after I broke my foot, there's something pretty incredible about chocolate...

  7. I'd have totally given in--hell, you only live once, right? there's always sit ups and exercise to work it off, but you gotta' live. I could be hit by a truck on the way home, and I'd have neglected my tastebuds for nought, eh? Looks delicious. I heard good things about that exhibit! Thanks, Carol.

  8. Carol, those temptations are part of life! They need to be enjoyed as well!

  9. "Je peux resister a tout sauf a la tentation"

  10. Anonymous11:20 AM

    After reading down through your comments of conflict between desires for slimness and for pleasure, when I got to the photo of the awning, I mis-translated it as "Cakes of Pain".

  11. M. in Paris11:45 AM

    Bravo tu vas aux expos à NY!
    pas seulement à Paris, je devrais faire la même chose...

  12. The question is not what WOULD I choose (Chausson aux Pommes, pretty please!) but what SHOULD I choose....oh, well, flat tum and all....I guess. But I did want to let you know that you certainly keep me in the know about the world of fashion. One evening a month ago my hubby came home early and caught me watching The September Issue on pay perview. Me not being a fashion maven, he wondered what was up..well, your review of it had intriqued me so much I had to see it. And I could appreciate the artistry of fashion and the chic sensibilities of its movers and shakers but oh, my, how could one keep up...I have to confess right now I am sitting around in my yoga pants (that have never "yoga-ed") and sweat shirt, what I call daily "momswear" so I can't critique. But thanks for the glimpses.

  13. Only you Carol! Though I do admit to admiring a rare bum or two at the musuems.

  14. Believe me C,
    When I say I have shot many bums, hips & thighs as potential inspirational momentos...
    But to no avail so far, though aestheically they are pleasing..
    Very nice ones indeed to be found in the V & A in London, but that's another post...

  15. Oh, I hear you, Carol. I ate so many croissants when I was in France in September that I carried a little croissant-shaped tummy home with me. Despite the sit-ups and the jogging and the no-chocolate-policy I've applied to myself for a while, I don't regret a single, flaky bite!

  16. Ah women and diets!
    Anyway - I love the interior decor of that pastry shop. Amazingly well done.
    Enjoy your food :)

  17. It is NOT your fault! That wily Haremhab is sending very mixed messages!!! Look closely at his clothing: it bears the very same marks as the chausson au pommes! Subliminal advertising. I rest my case.

  18. lol - oh, I love the pharoah lookalike alber elbaz!

  19. those all appears to be very attractive.. I am bit curious abt them now..

  20. Oh. I laughed out loud at Alber & the pharaoh. So funny.

    I'm choosing flat tum from now until closer to Christmas. (Yes, I know Thanksgiving is next week.) Well, the tum can't get flat by then, but you know. I'm trying to keep ingestion of loveliness to the visual. I'll let you know how that works out.


  21. alors je trouve tout à fait surprenant et topisime ce rapprochement entre des chaussons aux pommes brillants, à l'apparence croustillante, etc. et une visite d'une exposition Egyptienne. En somme deux passions que je partage l'Egypte ancienne et la pâtisserie!! Miammm je ne peux qu'approuver. Surtout les deux photos de départ sur lesquelles les motifs de l'une ressemblent aux motifs de la seconde!!!! De l'Arttttt!!! :D


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