
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

BEAR takes Eurostar to Paris

BEAR 🐻 thought it might be fun to invite you along for the trip from London to Paris on the Eurostar (or 'The Chunnel' as we American heathens call it...) After you book online, and as far in advance as possible for the best prices, you've got to high tail it over to St. Pancras Station.Eurostar Eeeek! It's only 4:10 AM and our train is not until at 5:25 AM
We were moaning to David at the Club about how early we had to get up to catch the 5:25 AM to Paris. But he reminded us that we did pay less, the train would be way less crowded (it was) And we'd be in Paris much, much sooner then if we took a later train.
St. Pancras is practicment vide/empty..EurostarSt. Pancras railroad station was designed by Gilbert Scott and built in 1868. Though it's been renovated for expanded service, it still retains many Victorian details like these gothic windows...Eurostar Really quite a thrilling space to have all to yourself... AND there are at least 20+ shops to browse, almost all of them closed. Bear contemplates lovely catty socks - too purfect...sigh
Eurostar Ah...a Bear hat!
And a FREE cuppa!Eurostar Clever Pain Quotidien IS open for hungry travelers fortunately...
EurostarWe take a look at the check-in board.
Check-in is approaching...
Eurostar You smash your ticket agains the square window et voila!
Eurostar You wait some more inside.
Other people are busy taking last pictures of London...
Eurostar BEAR waits patiently...
Eurostar BEAR gets impatient!
BEAR is first going up the flat escalators to the trains.
He has adopted New York pushy ways I'm afraid...
EurostarBEAR searches for coach #2, seat #72.
At last BEAR settles in and falls instantly to sleep.
BEAR wakes up to catch a glimse of French countryside.
Where did the time go?
Eurostar Et voila!
Back in Paris at busy Gare du Nord Bear heads for the Metro.
Back on the streets comme d'habitude red red red...
EurostarMore RED!
If you're wondering what BEAR is reading on his travels, he found Martha Gelhorn's (former wife of Hemingway) book, Travels with Myself and Another in London. The catchy subtitle grabbed him -
'5 Journeys from Hell'
Perfect reading everytime we wanted to moan about something like getting up insanely early to catch the Eurostar to Paris...ahem


  1. Oh gosh, I took the first train from London to Paris in july so I know EXACTLY how you felt about the ungodly hour! Slightly thrilling though. Le pain Quotidien was tempting but there was too long of a queue. I was lucky, I booked at the very last minute and the Leisure ticket was unexpectedly cheaper! A breakfast of eggs en cocotte, tea on a silver tray and complimentary fashion magazines was much appreciated:)

  2. Anonymous2:37 AM

    The first to comment - early bird they say!
    Thank you for your journey today Monsiuer Bear. I had never been on the Eurostar - It was a lovely adventure.
    Enjoy Paris and wrap up warm! x

  3. Justine3:37 AM

    Merci for the letting us come along with you and BEAR!
    I will definitely take the Eurostar to London next trip(chunnel!)
    Now i know the ropes!

  4. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Really enjoyed this one - reading about your trip is the next best thing to going. I love that early morning journey feeling - empty and excited. So nice that the Eurostar seats matched bear's outfit.

  5. Tu me fais envie...



  6. I love riding in a train ever since I was a little girl and travelling by train from London to Paris sounds like bliss. You made it into a journey to remember for me. As soon as the occasion arises this is exactly what I will do. Will be in London end of November but not to catch a train to Paris. Thanks for your wonderful posts. I really love them all even though I don't comment often. Cheers from Germany

  7. daniela4:26 AM

    I agree it would be exciting..different..not sure if I would feel claustrophobic though..the idea of all that water around me..hmmm :)

  8. That bear of yours travels in style, even dressed so he fits seamlessly into those cushy Eurostar seats (clever, clever, Detective Bear!!).

    Can't wait to learn what he is up to in Paris!


  9. This bear is très chic!!! What a gret travel!! Loved the pics!! xx

  10. Thank you for the wonderful trip!!!

  11. How very happy BEAR looks You must have been looking after him well in Londown town & now he's so pleased to be back in the beautiful city he loves best of all Paris. Now isn't that his home town?? Maybe he has some brothers & sisters there!!
    You must both be tres fatigue.

  12. Trisha7:11 AM

    Thank you so much for brightening my morning. The dry cleaners have just ruined my daughter's cot, but reading Bear's exploites at St.Pancras had me smiling again. I love reading your posts, they always make me smile. Thank you.

  13. Trisha7:13 AM

    I meant to say coat! My daughter is 27! Next time I'll remember to hit the preview button.

  14. Thanks for the book suggestion. I just downloaded a sample on my Kindle!

  15. Geri, NJ7:51 AM

    Made the trip in the opposite direction once but no time to actually see St. Pancras - so thanks; had no idea it is so lovely. Bear must have been thrilled to have a matchy-matchy seat...or not.

  16. Glad you made it back to Paris Carol....even if it was an early getaway...xv

  17. .. very exciting and just darling pictures of Bear navigating Eurostar ... we took it from Paris to London last year .. ALERT ALERT do not take the Sunday afternoon train, what were we thinking .. jammed to the gills, but the passport queue was horrific.

  18. I like how Bear matches the upholstery.

    Early bird indeed. I was leaving Paris on the third day of the strike and I was 4 hours early.

    The bear that knows the most about train stations is of course Paddington.

  19. Gorgeous post!
    I purachsed three of your pieces a few years back and still feel carried away to another world every morning.
    How wonderful that I can now follow your blog -- and little bear, bien sur. I may have to do a little post on "Paris Breakfasts" soon ; )

  20. I have traveled a bit in Europe...enough you would think to make the ins and outs of getting from point A to point B a bit of a monotony...but OH,NO! I still get a thrill with all aspects of travel..the tickets, the airport/train station, even the waiting. Bear's eurostar journey made me feel like I was along for the ride that I hope to one day take in person. Thank you...and it looks as if coats are being worn in it so very cold?

  21. I am so happy to see Bear travelling in style in a Laduree bag!

  22. All this...and signs in English, too! One of my favorite posts so far!

  23. Merci tres bien Bear for allowing me to come along on this exciting adventure. I love how you match the upholstery (very chic - and I'll bet, made just for you). You make me feel happy, warm and so comforted. I LOVE hearing stories from you. You are also so very sweet and cute; it's almost difficult to concentrate on your adventures, lol. I also must thank you for helping me get up so early and see all those wonderful images I would normally not have the opportunity to (I just don't do well in the wee hours). So, you have brightened my day, lifted my spirits and I wish you and the one who adores you so a safe and WONDERFUL journey, and look forward to hearing much more. xoxo

  24. Were you staying with Squeak the Cat in London? I'm just relieved he hasn't decided to give Bear a stuffing-ectomy!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Nikon said...
    I love how they designed the train upholstery to match Bear....
    I love the station photos, too but mostly I love your book selection!
    I didn't know that Bear was a Hemingway (by marriage)fan! Good for him.........

  27. Bear is such a good traveller, Carol. And I do love MG's writing. Hope things are going well...seem to be. Hurrying but wanted to say 'allo.

  28. Bear looks tres chic on the chunnel. Hope you get some rest! Sounds like some of my early travels. Have fun, Carol!!

  29. reminds me of some good times travelling with my parents

  30. Bear, your blog and your artwork are absolutely charming! I've just been looking through old posts and have been having such fun. Now if I only had a cafe creme and macaron to go with it.
    My blog is called Mignardise and I'm excited to see many of them painted here.
    Just lovely...


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