
Friday, September 24, 2010

London's Best Cake Shops

Tea In London, watercolor, 9" x 11"
Come on you poor pups. I'm dragging you off on a tour of London's cake shops.

I'll be in London for 5 whole days next month. Can you think of a better way to fight off a cold at present than research future cake places? I can't.

I love looking at Shop Image Graphics in London for clues. It says I must go to Aubaine - have you been?

And what about Peyton and Byrne? Do advise svp. Your advice is the BEST.

Primrose Bakery in Covent Garden looks awfully tempting too. Ah decisions, decisions

We've been to Hummingbird Cupcakes so we can cross that off the list

Isn't this a delectable macaron cakestand at La Maison du Chocolat on Piccadilly? Though we visited many times in NYC and Paris...hmmm

Carluccio's is not strictly cakes but very appealing and nearby on Fullham road so I will pop in

Look. Faux gateaux at Liberty's 

What about an elegant china teapot to display your cookies? The British are very fond of cake.

I like these macaron displays in Fortnum's windows

Shall we all hop in the pink roadster and take off for London's best cake shops?

Or would you prefer lingering over afternoon tea at the divine Sketch Tea Parlour?
Thank you PBers for telling me about THIS place. Have you got others I must not miss? Your suggestions have been noted:Primrose Bakery Melt Yauatcha William Curley Baker and Spice Burnt Sugar Euphorium Bakery Gail's Bread Maison Berteaux Patisserie Valerie Konditor and Cook Loafing The Wolseley Belle Epoque


  1. Justine9:06 AM

    A most delectable post!
    I am virtually counting every MACARON on that cake stand...
    Is there a prize if I get it right?
    drool drool

  2. What an amazing cake shop.
    I've never seen something like this before. Love it and your blog. ;)

    xx Jana, by petit fournil de paris

  3. I don't know...perhaps bypass the cake shops and go straight to afternoon tea!!

  4. Ahhh Carol; what a delectable way to slip into the weekend.
    If this week was my cake, then your post was the icing that topped it off. And no calories to worry about, either.
    Then may be a tasty weekend, as well.
    Does the eating never end?

  5. Cake stand? There was a cake stand in the photo? All I saw was goodies.....
    Bad enough that you keep tempting me with glorious goodies, but NOW you keep tempting me with those fab picture books!!! I can prepare to resist the goodies by keeping a chocolate stash dedicated to my PB readings but the books....Is there no safe way to read this blog?????!!

  6. This post is so sweet. Thanks a lot for sharing all this info. will be in London in November and have already made a list of these places. I will see how many of them I can squeeze into a week. Love your blog. Greetz from Germany

  7. I bake better with a brush and paint too! ;) My "baking" paintings are at my other blog

  8. I love the Patisserie Valerie!!! It's really nice and there's one only a couple of minutes away from the Wolseley (also great)!! Everything's good!!! I don't go up to London as much as I should :( but I love it there.

  9. When I first moved to London I spent my first year ensuring that I knew a non-chain cafe/cake shop in every area. I can happily recommend Loafing ( for a great selection of cakes and my favourite place to get coffee and cakes is the Wolseley ( which is pricey but the millefeuille is completely worth it! I hope you have a wonderful time and look forward to reading about it!

  10. Have you been to this place? My friend Dana had the best time there.

    I hope you know that you have encouraged a macaron obsession for me... which is hard to satiate when I live in Boise, ID. VERY sad indeed. But when I was in France this past April that is ALL I ate. :)

  11. I love the colors on that opening shot - really grabs you.
    I wish that I was going, too!

  12. Oh ............. *faints*

  13. i don't want to scoop myself, but something might turn up along these lines on passage paradis next week. but i will say that there may be more cake shops in london than there are in paris. seems like there's something really yummy to eat every hundred feet! so you will be spoilt for choice and have lots to report on!

  14. Oh Carol! you do get the toughest assignments ~ researching cake shops in London!!! You must do High~Tea at the Langham. If you need an assistant~ you know to help you taste test les macarons or the cupcakes . Please pick moi..

  15. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I am truly inspired. You definitely had me at CAKE today. I have taken a peek at your gorgeous sketch parlour and that will be on the agenda for London.
    I was looking for the perfect place to have afternoon tea - The langham hotel comes highly recommended.
    When are you in London? My daughter and I are there from the 8-12th Oct. Maybe we could meet for tea?

  16. Derek W. in Firenze8:18 PM

    Woof Woof!
    You can drag me along on one of your cake walks anytime.
    My leash is ready.

  17. Michelle8:55 PM

    I want to go! If you don't already have it, see if you can find this little book published by The Little Bookroom titled "The Traditional Shops & Restaurants of London: A guide to Centuries Old Establishments and New Classics" and written by Eugenia Bell. Great for "armchair travelers" too! It has some of the most charming little places to visit.

  18. Dear Pudding,
    Thanks but I'm done with these HIGH teas.
    I will stick to the lowlands of simple browsing in cakery shops.
    I prefer to walz about rather than be waited upon and have to wait.
    I do not have the patience of a saint...must keep moving like a shark-
    On to the next one...on to the next one.

  19. Leah in NC11:45 PM

    So - even the sign-makers in Maison du Chocolat are spelling macaron wrong? Here in NC you have to be careful not to drive 50 miles for a macaron that turns out to be a macaroon!

  20. A l'heure du petit déjeuner c'est dur de voir ces belles photos!



  21. I think you have to go to all of them, don't you?? Five days... a couple cakes a day... totally doable!

  22. Dear Leah in NC
    MACARON in English = MACAROON
    The French spell it exactly this way in Translation.
    And La Maison NEVER makes a mistake about ANYTHING ever.
    Good to remember that...

  23. okey...I think I'm hungry now! where is my cookie? ;) delicious post :)

  24. Lucky you a cake tour of London! You must review the ones you go to Carol!! Try that carrot cake from Carluccio's for me.

  25. I am gaining weight just by reading your blog but I sometimes have no self control.

    Enjoy your trip and feel better!

  26. 1. I just got the urge to lick my computer screen.
    2. NO Macaroons should EVER be for 'display only'. :)
    3. I adore your blog
    Thanks Carol

  27. oooh how exciting - if I am not too late and you are not too full -the Langham is wonderful for afternoon tea and I am sure you would love Fortnum and Masons food hall! xxx

  28. I havent been to any of these places!! how sad is that!! i think that in itself merits another trip to London!!

  29. Beautiful, delicious cakes add to the merriment and joy of any occasion, especially in birthdays and weddings. Find on The Local Caterers a list of renowned cake shops who offer a wide range of choices for small events as well as special deliveries.

  30. Thanks for sharing your info. best patisserie in london I really appreciate your Post and I will be waiting for your further write ups thanks once again:-)


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