
Monday, March 08, 2010

Sonia Rykiel Fall/Winter10

Dessert first!
I made it to Sonia Rykiel's show!

But to get there - a lot of waiting in the frigid cold. Paris cold is like no other. It says 21 degrees/feels like 18. It should say feels like minus 18. The Seine wind chill blows right through you.

The fashionistas couldn't give a %$#@


Style reporter man-on-the street and all-in-blue, Bill Cunningham from the Sunday Times is dressed appropriately.

We both scurry to grab a pic of barely dressed all-in-blue Lilly Allen it’s Roxane Mesquida

Inside I squeeze onto the Photog's podium. I have no actual ticket or seat # but I'd rather stand here than sit in the gigantic stadium of the Halle Freyssinet.

The first model prances down the catwalk.

A giant pompom on her head.

I love this intarsia sweater with swallows flying

Fab flaming red long trench

Sonia's stripes - a must!
Sky-high shoes with fur - a must!

Fluid, drapie..what can you say?
Tres feminine as always is Sonia.

The grand finale of high-fiving smiling girls - so Sonia

I follow these Sonia lovers into the mist at the end of the catwalk, thinking they are headed for the exit

Party time back stage

And another chance to admire while drinking champers

The model's look sheets

Makeup look photos for at least 60 girls.

Back to realite and the next show

What it takes to get "the Look"
What it takes to get back to feeling warm again - a cup of chocolat chaud at the cafe Deux Magots. Hope you had fun!


  1. Justine5:22 AM

    FABULOUS! to see it through your eyes!!

  2. Carol
    Loved every detail of that fashion show -- while sitting here in my warm home..
    the Pink Shoes -- great, Lilly Allen - adorable wonder what was in her morning hot chocolate that kept her warm and of course Bill Cunningham dressed appropriately from the Sunday Times leave it to a New Yorker love it. and actually liked some of the clothes, the trench coat , not so much the shoes, and sorry to say the strippie outfit but it was fun -- maybe wear it under that big trench coat.

    Thanks for the pics and the tour that was fun!

  3. Where's Bill's bicycle?

  4. That looks fluffy! Hope you had a good time. Looks like you had very good seats :)

  5. Congratulations, Sonia, er, Carol! :-)
    I want that read coat and sunshine-colored flowing drapie unterneath. Me want want want.

    Love the backstage shots!

    Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw one of the girls smoking - what happens to all those fabulous clothes? Reeking of smoke?

    Enjoy Paris with lots of sunshine,
    (sending you some strong March sun all the way from Vienne!),

  6. Laurie6:56 AM

    Very well done, Carol.

  7. Formidable!

    Merci beaucoup.

  8. Your pictures are so nice !!
    Thank you for coming and for your support !!!
    Hope to hear from you soon !

  9. Are you still in Paris now ?

    Wonderfull pics, you're so lucky !!

    j'espère que tu as bien profité, c'était une opportunité incroyable !

  10. Are you still in Paris now ?

    Wonderfull pics, you're so lucky !!

    j'espère que tu as bien profité, c'était une opportunité incroyable !

  11. be a fly on the wall at a Sonia show! THANK YOU for squeezing in on the photo platform and running with the big guys to get this done! Great shots and a great blog.

  12. I know it's frrreezing in Paris right now!!! I caught a cold yesterday, by walking in the Jardins des Tuileries with no scarf ...

  13. The pompoms are great. I love the flowy look of some of those--what fun. Way to go catching Bill C! Excellent--I'm a big fan of his. I turn first to his pages in the Times.

  14. Hi Carol! The woman in the blue dress is not Lily Allen, it's Roxanne Mesquida: you can check it here ->

    Love, Paris Pastry

  15. Jealous, jealous. The photos are great! The red trench is FAB! And the chocolat chaud at my favorite caff? Just the thing! You go girl. And try to stay warm!

  16. Carol, thank you for the front row seat...really terrific summing up. I'm excited that you saw Bill Cunningham:) More later but excellent. Also, enjoy International Women's Day! When I've been in Italy on 8 March we all give yellow mimosas (the fleur:) to each other. (Many non-experts say, "Men give yellow mimosa..." no everyone does)...anyway, happy IWD in France! (& to your friends, as well)


    Susan & GG the Sonia-loving cat

  17. Thank you for sharing this ~ what a great opportunity for you and how fun! The chocolat chaud was certainly well-earned!

  18. Sophia2:52 PM

    Looks like a very good time.

  19. Look at all the hot chicks ... just in time for Easter too!
    But seriously: what a blast! I'm enjoying your foray into Fashion Photography.

  20. Beautiful photo journalism, Carol - you really nailed it!

  21. Thank you for bringing me along to the fashion show. Loved it - especially your take on everything.

  22. Felicitations for the invite. I really enjoyed the reporting. Really front row!

  23. Those pom-poms! I think tey might make me look taller.

  24. Hello carol,
    Soy de Perú y me encanta tu trabajo, me parece una idea genial retratar escaparates, lugares, gente de una ciudad, en este caso de París.
    Deberías venir a mi país ya que encontrarás lugares igual de hermosos y con características muy particulares.
    Te felicito!!

  25. The show looked fantastic!! Your pics are sensational however there were very few outfits I could actually see myself wearing. especially the pom pom on the head. hmm.

  26. Georgia10:49 PM

    that was fab/
    did you order a few numbers/ Really glamourous.
    Keep us posted on the highlife

  27. Yr pics look good!!!
    better and better

  28. SO excited to see YOU MADE IT! Well done.Thanks for giving us such a great preview. Enjoy you time there.

  29. Definition of high fashion: emaciated women wearing absolutely stupid things made up to look like heroin addicts prancing on a runway with shoes that might very well kill them.

    Sorry for the snarkiness; these photos just seem so ridiculous.


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