
Thursday, March 04, 2010

Cabas Je T'aime

Fauchon Je T'aime beaucoup, especially the macarons...But I love even more their snazzy cabas. I've been carrying them for like years.

Every single time I go to Paris I buy a new one to replace the last one. Hey ( 19.90€) this is highly doable. M. was with me a few years back and convinced me to go for the all-black version - more chic and elegant she said. She was right. No matter how many fancy pocketbooks I buy and I've stopped, because I always revert back to my Fauchon cabas. It holds EVERYTHING I need and more. I bought this adorable Kusmi tea cabas (10 euros) and don't you know, entering customs at CDG, the handles broke clean off! Give me my Fauchon anyday.I picked up this big cabas from BHV (only 3,50 €) It's time to buy a new one don't you think? I use it to carry my swim gear to the pool. Sorry/desole BHV, I have not treated you well... This cabas at Pylones I fought over a bit with another customer and I WON. Yay
Vanessa Bruno very cleverly came up with a high-end cabas - 300 € or $300 dollars, either way I ain't gonna spring for that! Not the way I treat my cabas...
Anne like a good French girl, loves her Vanessa Bruno cabas and takes good care of it.
I have four bags from the Sonia/H&M sale and I have no idea what to do with them. Shall I sell them on eBay? Ha!
In one of my earlier, crazier periods at PB, I was making my own mini cabas so I could paint them in still lifes. One's past obssessions are always amusing to look back on...

I would love a cabas with French handwriting on it especially if it was a BEN - that I would spring for! But you will never catch me springing for or behind one of these granny carts! Jamais!


  1. I never knew Fauchon sold these beautiful bags! I imagine they're handy to go grocery shopping with. I must pick one up this Saturday!

  2. well you could send me the H&M bags if they are causing clutter..ha a good bag.

  3. Hi. I love your blog. But I don't speak french and googling cabas gets me no where. Can you buy these bags online or ??? Or is it something I could ask my niece to buy?
    I really liked them.
    But I love your watercolors!!

  4. Ask your niece to buy it Tommy!
    They are so cheap, I doubt you could buy it online, but who knows with the internet?

  5. Don't hesitate a moment! Go to the Vere store on the net and feast over their lovely chic metallic bags.

    Mind you, there wares are meager...they just sell tyvek bags in silver or a wonderful burnished gold. (I have the silver). BIG PLUS: the only other fashionista I've seen carrying this bag is my dear friend who gave me one!

    These are SO chic, light and indestrucible. The bag is very roomy and could carry a whole jacket if you needed to stash one, but they can fold up and fit inside your fist. And if you stash it in your handbag, it's there for all the impromptu shopping sprees.

    The bags evolve into a wrinkled look that looks like it was intended. I LOVE it even more this way.

    There is a truly wondreful black tyvek raincoat on the Vere splash page that I crave.'s not in their Shopping items.

  6. Fun post, Carol. I love a good, big, roomy bag, but I usually need one with side compartments and pockets and zippers, etc, to organize stuff, or I have to constantly dump all the contents out so I can find the one crazy thing I'm looking for. Drives me nuts. I remember you making those bags.

  7. Great post! I brought my huge Carrefour bags with me to Louisiana to use at the grocery store. Very confusing for the baggers at Kroger! And I have to admit to owning one of the granny carts--mine is black with cherries. No, I don't use it here--it's back in Belgium---but it is the only way to get home with your goods from the open air market in Brussels. Sometimes you just do what you gotta do!

  8. William Ternay, Jr.10:13 AM

    I get the feeling
    only in Paris could one be a "classy" bag lady.

  9. Carol,

    I only recently discovered your blog. I decided to learn French as well as things about France and voila- your blog is wonderful!! I believe I read all your posts by now and every morning, when I drink my tea, I read your blog, look at pictures and it sets me in positive mood for a day. Thank you soooo much!!!! Please never stop writing.

    Alla Avery
    Austin, TX

  10. And there I thought that cabas bags are only made by Louis Vuitton and Chanel! ;-)

  11. But granny carts are fabulous too! One to pull along behind you as you carry your cabas in your other hand! Well, that's what I do!

  12. Every one loves a cabas ! Have many myself !

  13. Never heard of them!!
    Puhlease don't get a granny cart :)

  14. Hi,hi,hi.....And, I still carry my VB every day! You need a some new cabas!

  15. Tatiana6:35 PM

    Hi Carol, your "cabas" are very nice. I also like to get some wonderful ones when shopping.

    I've used for many years a bag that I bought only for shopping, it was made of "écru" fabric and had an inscription in Latin: "Emptrix Nata Sum"/"Born to shop"

  16. Elizabeth6:37 PM

    Thanks. I learned a new vocab. word today. "Cabas." My French is quite fluent, but this is a word I didn't know. I always just say "sac."
    I will be off to Paris for 6 weeks very soon...can you tell, I'm so excited.

  17. Foodwalker6:40 PM

    Oh, won't we be the fashionable bag ladies! Nothing like the old jokes. We'll be the darlings of the town.


  18. Richard6:48 PM

    There is only a few great bags….and they were designed by Sofia Coppola. She can’t be topped in any category.
    She’s amazing.

  19. Hello !
    The black Fauchon is incredible !
    I leave in Paris and I didn't know... shame on me !
    I will go and get one asap.
    It's so chic...
    As for the paper ones, from Ladurée, Varda, Rykiel, Thomass etc. I love them and keep them... the one I really miss is the Chanel one, with the camelia. One day, maybe...
    Have a nice day !

  20. Linda R3:39 AM

    Sell me a hot pink Sonia bag, sil vous plait!
    from Linda (who dreams right along with you at every posting!)

  21. Great blog! Wonderful post. And BTW: you can order online; I have an email into them re: shipping costs and time to the US:

  22. Anonymous10:03 AM

    You can get very chic granny carts as well(naturally for chic French grannies). Just google "chariot de courses". I've already picked my one out. Now all I have do is to figure out how to get to live in Paris and use it.

  23. The very best bag I ever owned was a freebie from was made of black rubber, with nice round soft handles and it had enough shape to stand on its own. I could put my thermos of coffee inside without worrying that it might spill. I could stuff in a roll of trace, bag of markers, scales (architectural) and went with me everywhere for over 10 years. Then the handles wore out. I would PAY for another like it and though I have bought many a cava, none have been able to shoulder the burden.
    That one from Vere sounds ok....maybe!

  24. You know I meant "caba" don't you?

  25. Oh, I love these things, too! I just didn't know the word for them. My new BHV one is sitting here right next to me. The Grande Epicerie one from Bon Marché is right next to it. I must add to my collection!! I have a gazillion Monoprix ones that I use for lunch bags. They are so cheap and so colorful. Don't you just feel more French when you stuff one full of junk and take off for the day??


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