
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bear at Chez Georges

Paris weather has improved to a high of 63! BEAR goes out on the town.
Bear studies the Metro board at station Concorde like a resto menu.Where to go? Bear LOVES the Paris Metro! Especially the Ikea couches at Station Concorde. Bear does not love crush hr. on the Paris Metro.
Bear loves getting lost in Paris. He feels at home on the newly repaired Daniel Buren pillars at Palais Royale. Another fav pastime is browsing menu boards dans la rue.
This 12 euro formule looks appealing.
But Bear has been invited to lunch by PB reader Kyle M. at Chez Georges.
Normally Bear doesn't eat out much, but Kyle is a fellow New Yorker and a foodie. Neither Bear nor Kyle can get a word in edgewise - they're both talking so fast and interrupting each other constantly = Perfection!
Bear inspects the bread = the best way to tell a good resto bien sur. No formule at Chez Georges. No plat du jour. They have been serving the same classic menu for about 100 years or at so.c'est comme ca
Later Kyle takes Bear to Legrand Filles et Fils for a little pate de fruits and guimauve. Bear is happy as a clam :)
Kyle is busy browsing the fine wines at Legrand naturallement.
In the Marais Bear browses the other bears at L'Ours du Marais.
Bonjour Karl! J'adore Karl!
On rue Vavin there are a million baby shops, Bear asks,
"R U my momie?"
Malheureusement, at boutique Colette while Bear browses a jeweled bear he gets a smackdown :(
c'est comme ca
Feeling battered Bear heads for the best pistache gelato in Paris Pozzetto . No smack down here
Bear finishes a busy day with a the de 4 fruits rouge.Hope you enjoyed Bear's day out on the town in Paris.
Do tell if you'd like more Bear.


  1. Kyle M.6:26 AM

    Mon dieu!
    Thanks for all the photos at Chez Georges

  2. Justine7:38 AM

    Completement adorable!
    Is there a Mme. Bear?
    just wondering...

  3. Loved the Bear's private Tour of Paris
    more svp!!!

  4. GG & I are in love with Bear. He's so adventurous (if his mom is nearby, right?)& open-minded. He looked a bit devilish at the wine shop...keep an eye on him!


  5. Spring time in Paris and Bear is coming out to play!

    Love those sofas at Concorde.

    Encore s.t.p

  6. OMGosh!! Best post, ever!! Loved the bear... Is he yours or Kyle's (or is that a secret)? Reminded me of the Flat Stanley project I did for my friend's daughter a few years ago....
    Great pics... Thanks for sharing! Looks like you, Bear, and Kyle certainly enjoyed your day out!

  7. Bravo Carol...way too funny...we did the same thing once with a toy in Niagara the Bear on the Metro....

    let's see Bear eating a macaroon.

  8. Wow..that was a lot of walking! You definitely earned the gelato and a stop at Paul...I always love their tiles on the wall. I love the Ikea sofas at Concorde!! Thank Bear for the "hidden Paris tour"!

  9. Loved seeing Bear in Paris! Bravo!

  10. I wish I could be with bear visiting Paris, too. A wonderful adventure!

  11. Mais I am the French gift Bear from LolaR.
    Oh la la la la la!
    You remember rien de tout!
    Scandale :(

    M. Bear

  12. William Ternay, Jr.10:19 AM

    I can see that you and Bear are good friends, and it's possible, with spring in the air, and being in the city of romance, your relationship could...well, "blossom."
    But if not, how about fixing Bear up with French girl, and escorting them on a date, "Paris Style."

  13. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Trés amusement!

  14. Bear is having good fun, I see. Love it. Those striped pillars are perfect. Charmante, Carol.

  15. What a clever post! Loved it.

  16. I loved when Bear was checking out the other bears. VERY entertaining.

  17. What a pleasure to meet Bear! Hope to see more of him!

  18. How hilarious!
    When I was there I took my Cabbage Patch doll and I took her out and took photos similar to the gnome photographs taken in the film Amélie - they are so funny.
    Yes, I know I am an adult but I was going to be there by myself for a month and couldn't leave her at home :)

  19. Shelley2:46 PM

    Max perusing the menu -- the shot of the back of his little striped head plus one fuzzy ear -- was adowable. Good thing one of the specials is cobblestone (?!) of salmon. No gummi bears for dessert, Max, you're too young to be a cannibal.

    A little heart-rending to watch him search for his mommy. But heart-warming that he understands we're all one, we're all related, so a mint-green bear could very well be his mom. He doesn't have to be exactly 1/2 polar bear, 1/2 Asian black bear, now does he?

  20. Cute, cute, cute :)
    I loved it!
    More would be just fine with me...

  21. I hope Bear got Karl Lagerbear's autograph!

  22. I love the fact you managed to get a Longchamp bag in the picture of Bear on the Metro!
    And I love the bear Karl! :)

  23. Thank you, dear bear,
    for taking us out on the town!
    You certainly have a special perspective. ;-)
    It was nice to see Karl too, merci.

  24. Hilarious!! I love it!
    Passez une bonne journee
    , et visite!

  25. Thank you so much for the ongoing pleasure of "Paris Breakfasts". Such a lovely way to start my day.
    I especially enjoyed today's Bear feature. It reminds me of one of my all-time favorite books "Ophelia's World". (The adventures of a bear in Paris - surely one of your favorites too?)
    Would love to see more of Bear about town!
    Merci bear-coup!

  26. Bear is very matchy-matchy with those Palais Royale pillars!
    Great Picture

  27. love "bear"...he has such a keen eye for stripes....

  28. More "Bear" for sure...great post, loved bear on le metro...merci la visite

  29. I can just imagine the faces of the Parisians when you kept plonking that bear everywhere and photographing it. Crazy lady :)

  30. Happy to see that the little bear also discovered the surprising IKEA metro station at St. Lazare!

  31. I have fallen in love with Bear.

    More please.

  32. Dear, sweet Bear, I am thrilled to meet you and must say...I would very much like to hug you (yes, even though we are strangers - but all connected). You are simply beautiful, clearly very intelligent and certainly know your way around Paris. Thank you for that wonderful tour. I also wanted to tell you that although you are searching for your mother, everyone loves you and most of all, Carol, who adopted YOU specifically! So feel the joy and please do come back often. :D

    oh yes, you are very photogenic!

  33. .. so cute and clever .. great visual journey ...

  34. I want to see more of bear, por favor!
    bear! Bear! BEAR!!!


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