
Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Posting today. I've  been outside shoveling TWO times so far and yet the snow keeps coming.

Updates on the Paris Saint-Valentin report! From Pierre Herme - this lovely heart-shaped gateaux.
C'est perfection non?
Rose is keeper of the "Paris Room" in her house, so her taste is discerning and pleine de qualite bein sur! She sports a pink collar from Paris - tres chic. Rose is particularly fond of anything in pink , as long as it comes in a pretty boxes. She's a collector. Rose posed in Paris for her portrait... When Rose wants to make her own macarons, she brushes up with lecons at Atelier des Chefs - they have a special for Valentins... A gift basket from Fauchon would be appreciated, in case you were wracking your brains what to send...
This chocolate babe from Patrick Roger on the other hand...
Has distressed Rose no end...

Puleeeze send Pierre Herme chocolates thank you very much!

Petit fours from Lenotre will never be turned down. Jamais!
Boulangerie PAUL has sent Rose an invite to their special soiree this Friday...
I have explained over and over it is not a pot luck party...oh dear.
You can catch more of
Rose's shenanigans here.
Now it's time to go shovel again..



  1. Oh my. This darling Rose -- by any other name would certainly smell as sweet.

    You made my day Rosie girl.

  2. hahaaaa! classic. What a sweetie she is--love the watercolor, Carol! Are you getting pummeled by this latest round of white stuff?

  3. Rose is a real doll :)
    I love that cute video, too.
    Now as for the chocolate babe..........ahem!

  4. Rose is very cute.....xv

  5. Wholly macaroon, Rose is a beauty if not quite the joker. I do think my Buffy & Rose would be good friends. Lovely, fun post Carol. x

  6. I'm a big fan of red and pink! At Fauchon, they even created " un éclair St Valentin" for two! Howver, Valentine Day is not a great celebration nowadays.

  7. Oh Rose is just so cute, especially with her Eiffel Tower. Her painting captures her excitement to be in Paris.
    I had to take a trip to Versailles, France, myself today. It was such a great escape from this "white" stuff :)
    Please stop by if you get a chance.

  8. OMG, the post is amazing!!!!
    Rose is going to be SO excited when I get home tonight and let her know (she hasn't mastered texting yet)!!

    You are always welcome to visit us in Dallas, and you can have the Paris Room...perhaps even a very small Rat Terrier to snuggle at your feet! Obviously, not near as exciting as Paris, though. :-(

    Thank you for the compliment on my photographs. Makes my day! I heart photography!!
    Vickie (Rose's mother)

  9. Rose has a better sense of fashion than I do. I cannot wait to redo my wardrobe in Paris ;)

  10. Rose could be in pictures-wait she already is!
    She's a darling diva and I hope to feature her again
    Merci beaucoup Vickie & ROSE!!!

  11. Rose is quite the French girl. What a sweetie pie.

  12. J'adore Rose!


  13. Sherry9:11 PM

    the chocolate babe by patrick roger was the BEST

  14. Amazing how much Rose's taste is like yours...she could be your alter-ego!

  15. This is one of your greatest hits! That chocolate babe is wunderful!

  16. Misha in Paris5:00 AM

    here it's very cold, ice on the roads in Paris... eveybody is waiting for the end of this sad winter !
    Thanks for the Rose bouquet
    it's a touch of life !

  17. Just love your blog. I lived in Paris for a while and you remind me of everything I enjoyed about the experience - thanks!

  18. BTW, Bella is Rose the Rat Terrier's best friend.
    Well, actually, they have never met, being 3000 miles apart, but Rose's owner Vickie and I are best friends, and have gone to Paris together more than once.

  19. Rose, oh Rose,
    you are one sweet Rose!

    Carol's portrait of you is fantastic,
    aren't you proud to have been captured with her paintbrush in such a sweet and perfect way? (I know what you were thinking, while posing there, I hope you got what you wanted!).

    The knitted wool cap, so adorable.
    The chocolate babe, ohlala.

  20. Love it, and also everything from Laduree. It is a must when you visit Paris. Unique macarons :-))

  21. Sweet honey of a doggie!


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