
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Noe l'Antiquaire du Vin

Yesterday Ruth said...Dear P.B.
I’ve been missing your drawings but alas, you saved yourself this morning by inserting the macarons stamp!
So I thought I better get on the stick and do a drawing PDQ! And there have been requests for Yorkies too...
Noe l'Antiquaire du Vin is at 12 rue Malar 75007 just down the street from chocolatier Michel Chaudon
And their specialty is antique wines...
Naturally as your PB girl reporter in Paris I was shooting everything in sight...
Out steps the patron and asks,
"Why are you taking a picture of my ugly sign?"
Then the darling guard Yorkie invites me in for a look around...
A truly lovely shop and well worth the visit...
Situated right in a cave/wine celler too...
Don't you love the way bits of grape roots are used as sculpture?
And look at this divine old keg!?
Perfection non?
It should be said that the French let an old wine keg go to waste...
In front of Noe's wine shop a keg holds more fine wines. They are just sitting out there too like this! Good thing I only steal shots hither and thither or I would be tempted...
Here's another wine shop on rue Montorgueil...
With baskets of inviting wine sitting out in the street...
But wait!
There's a guard cow at the fromagerie nextdoor standing watch over those wine bottles.


  1. Nice.
    I loved the macaron stamp yesterday too!!!
    It was gorgeous!

  2. Dear Carol,

    It is true, we have been missing your artwork!

    Merci pour le cadeau,


  3. Replace Yorkie with a black schnauzer "guard dog" in front of this wine store and I will order one.

  4. Haha, the little cow at the end is so cute. To be able to draw like that is to be obsessed with what you love and that is passion ;)

  5. I agree with the other folks, nice to see your paintings in the posts.
    The "guard dog" is cute, but the cow is a real hoot!

  6. Just have to tell you that 2 of my Francophile friends and I share and talk about your PB posts every day.
    And today we googlemapped Noe's wine shop and plan to visit it on our next trip to Paris.

    (Love that 3.7 Euro wine!)

  7. Thank you Ruth!...that`s a lovely one Carol...

  8. THANK YOU for listening!
    Now if I could only get them to listen as well at home!!

    Ruth (quoted in today's post...)

  9. oh my! oh my how I love your blog… the extensive post on macarons (made me want one in every flavor immediately), your delightful illustrations, your commentary on Parisian life… lovely. merci - *angie

  10. All I can say is I love your blog...the past post on Macarons was amazing! Your drawings are a really treat...I will be picking up some of your postcards. xoxoxo

  11. i am so loving
    these---->Paris Façades!


    they may need
    their own little stamps, too.

    {{ i am just saying...}}

  12. I am up before dawn again. I love to seek out new blogs in the quite of the morning before all the hubbub starts. Today I found your wonderful blog. I have only been to Paris once and then it was the whirl wild tourist group tour. Thank you for your wonderful posts of the off beat places!

  13. Carol, just when I think I'd already found my favorite Paris Breakfasts write-up, you come up with yet another one in contention for the title. Love this piece!
    (Stop by my blog if you have the chance -- there's something spicy from the rue Bourg-Tibourg you might already be well-familiar with... Or maybe not?) :-)

  14. Am I reading that sign correctly? He's open from 11:30 to 1:30 and again from 5:30 ro 8:30? I'm in the wrong business! Of course, he must have to do a LOT of RESEARCH.

  15. I noticed you hadn't done many paintings of late, thought you had lost your brushes :)


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