
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Salon du Chocolat 2009

Oui, yesterday was the first day of the Paris Salon du Chocolat.And there are 4 more days to go! When I saw this poster, I thought yes! I am Red Riding Hood... Lost in a forest of chocolate bark...And the wolf is the chocolate. How to resist his seductive ways? Can you enhale the chocolate aromas? Breathe deeply...if only to keep from fainting :)I love this giant chocolate bar display of top Parisien chocolatier, Jean-Paul Hévin...
La Maison du Chocolat always has stunning window displays at the show that never disappoint...
Pierre Marcolini, another top Paris chocolatier (but really from Brussels) was new to the show this year. Maim...maim!
SadaharuAoki was there again...heaven on earth!
His stand was crowded as can be...well they all were to be honest.
Do you know your chocolate gran crus?
How do you choose a chocolate bar?
Based on where it's from?
Or the beans of origin?
The maker's reputation? The price?
It's not all about chocolate at the Salon... Cupcakes now have a presence at chocolatier Arnaud Larher.
Fair Trade chocolate is always represented at the show...
Did I say there were tons of macarons there among the 400+ exhibitors?
You could keep very busy just tasting macarons, mainly from non-Parisien purveyors from all over France. These rainbow-colored beauties were from Christolphe Roussel.
Ah the chocolate gowns must not be overlooked...
Watching a gown being made with glue and spray and chocolat bien sur...
Young French student chefs-to-be demonstrate bonbon-making...
One of the prime ingredients - piles of French beurre (butter).
Are you exhausted yet? Have a seat on a chocolate pouf...
Are you assiduously counting the calories here?
Now you can enhale a whif of chocolate calorie-free.
But would it really be as much fun? I think not...
"Despite the economic crisis, chocolate sellers remain buoyant about the business as the sweet has shown a track record for defying bitter downturns. Sylvie Douce, Commissioner General, Salon Du Chocolat, said, "Chocolate has sold well and during the 1929 crisis it was the same. Chocolate sellers increased sales. In fact, sales are inversely proportional to the economic crisis. The more people have stress and the more they are depressed, the more they buy chocolate."
Do you want to more chocolate?


  1. Amazing! No point even trying to resist!
    You must have been in heaven :-)

  2. All I can say is MMM MM MMM MMMM MMMMMM...from one chocolate lover to another :-)

  3. AHHHH! this makes me miss paris so much! so beautiful!

    absolutely adore your magazine, sesame.

    looking around the blog community because i'm new (been meaning to introduce myself!) and finding new friends and blogs -- would love to swap links and feature you!

  4. mmmmm.... J'adore le chocolat!!!

  5. Those are so tempting. Good thing my friend is asking me to go with her in Paris. I am so excited!

  6. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Brilliant photographs. I could almost smell the chocolate and now my mouth is watering.

    Marina in England

  7. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I awoke this morning, made some pancakes, looked at your posting...
    and had the mad urge to take a nice long bath in warm chocolate.
    But where -oh-where would I find enough Hershey Bars!!!!!!!!!

  8. Sigh...the chocolate with pistachios looks divine!

    I love the tall lady with the hat at the chocolate counter, tres chic non?

  9. Too funny--Carol, have a blast!

  10. Those are stunning photographs. I would not know what to sample - it all looks exquisite!

  11. oh my goodness. I can die happy there.

  12. You made my day! Seeing all that chocolate has put me in the best of moods. I feel like a kid in candy shop!

  13. Susan G.7:49 PM

    Is this open to the public and always this time in October?
    I need to plan for next year!!

  14. Je suis la maman des tours Eiffel rigolotes…je fabrique des tours Eiffel folles…

    J’adore votre blog…
    A bientôt !!!

  15. I think my avoirdupois has spiked just from reading this post. Mmm! Superbe.

    On another note, I was delighted to see that you'll be exhibiting at the French Library/Alliance Francaise in Boston. I worked at both places, before they merged. Near and dear to my heart. Say hello to Boston for me!

  16. What a fun show. I hope you tried samples from every vendor. I think I would select my chocolate by reputation.

    Have a great weekend.

  17. Wonderful, Carol. But really...Sylvie's last name is 'Douce.'? Very funny.


  18. Can you tell me if I can just go to the salon over the weekend. And where do I go?
    Looks delicious!!


  19. Ron in Boston2:16 AM

    I assume Alliance Francaise will host a reception for you to introduce your watercolor show. Let me know when that's going to occur. We are looking forward to meeting THE PERSON / IN PERSON !

  20. How to choose a chocolate bar? Ma chere, you forgot entirely the PACKAGING!

  21. Why do I keep missing this show and YOU :(

  22. Anonymous5:30 AM

    what baffles the amazing amount of pastries..bread..chocolate be eaten by Parisiennes..who actually EATS these amazing fattening morsels..if you want to believe that most chic parisiennes live on coffee and they just eat a piece of chocolate or only eat a tiny slither of cake or pastrie ?? they can't surely tuck into these calorie busters on a regular or normal portioned basis !! or can they ?? what is their trick ? hmmm

  23. That orange dress is chocolate... amazing!!!

  24. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Please stop teasing us with all this chocolate. I can't take it ;)
    Happy Valentine's Day!!!


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