
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rainbow Fashion

When I opened My Little Paris this morning, it was full of 2010 trends to look for...
One of them is couleurs « clashtastiques »
Featuring every color of the rainbow in an eclectic mix of patterns. If colorful is your thing, then this is your time. Colors were all over the catwalk. Vibrant and multi-colored Is Hot. This is depression-busting at its finest.
Naturally I started thinking about macarons and how wildly colorful they are...
Three Little macarons, original art, 5.5" x 7.5"

And since I had some freshly painted macs...ahem
Macaron colors have always fascinated me. I love trying to mix up and match the real thing in watercolor paint...
Rose macaron, original art, 5.5" x 7.5"

These multi-colored puppies come from Franc DeVille - visit his site for many visual and virtual delights. Virtual delights are another strong trend by the way...
Gerard Mulot throws that paintbrush around big time. WOW!
Here is where you get your macaron colors at G.Detou at 58, rue Tiquetonne 75002.
I went so far as to buy some of these - egg yoke yellow!
You can watch a mini film here of how the colors are mixed into the meringue shells at Fresson Patisserie.
Not my photo..I wish I knew whose it was..So if tons of color is going to raise our spirits in 2010, why not add a few colorful macarons into the mix?
On y va!


  1. ooh la la gorgeous! Look at those colors!! And those runway macaroons you painted, THOSE are fabulous. :)
    Here's to color in 2010.. and macaroons galore. Very yummy Ms. Agog.

  2. Loved the juxtaposition of the macarons (the real thing) and the water color paints. Fascinating to see how you turn your imaginative process into the real thing on the page!
    A French-trained chocolatier here in the mountains has actually begun carrying one flavor of MACARON (chocolate, bien sür) in his store, but, hélas, it's usually sold out.
    Merci, MMe. for your wonderful columns.
    Berkshire Tsarina

  3. Elizabeth10:43 AM

    Kudos for the rose. I know how hard to paint they are.
    Very interesting about Detou & the colors for macarons. Made me wonder why they don't make them in certain colors: BLUE??
    No blueberry macarons?

  4. certainment there are blue macarons and violette and black even !
    Reglisse (liqorice) (sp)

  5. Love all the colors--I'm glad, because once winter hits, it seems all you see is dark blacks and moody colors, so I'm game! Lovely watercolors, Carol--your macarons lined up like Rockettes here are divine.

  6. I love the it! Especially the pistachio colored macarons. Your posts just make me smile (and hungry) :)

  7. Valérie-jeanne12:00 PM

    Love your blog-beautiful watercolors, great Paris tips and of course, the macarons! Speaking of hot colors, have you ever seen the macarons at Fresson? Check out the site, I'ts fun!

  8. BIG MERCI Valerie-Jeanne for the Fresson patisserie site!
    I added it into the post.
    Most kind

  9. Mon Dieu! Love the macarons palette....and of course, Gérard Mulot.
    Merci encore,

  10. Catherine5:04 PM

    I think you have the most beautiful blog I have ever read. In fact, I have NEVER followed any one blog and
    I am addicted to yours.
    Thank you.

  11. I have 2 questions:
    1. Why is it that vibrant ARTIFICIAL colors look fine to me on a macaron.....but I HATE them in other foods...can't stand the very idea of red velvet cake with its whole bottle of red food coloring
    2. How did that guy at Fresson make the orange mac dough turn red?

  12. Ahhh fashion AND macarons in the same post. You are killing me.

    I really love the shot at the end of the palette with the macarons as the paint colors. Great!!

  13. Patricia9:29 AM

    If only Miel in Philly went outside the box with flavors... only chocolate, vanilla and raspberry, usually.
    Sigh, to have a fleur de sel caramel one would be my idea of heaven!

  14. foodwalker5:03 PM

    The recession must be in full swing. We wear black when we're solvent and colors when we're down. Your pictures and the macs are a lot prettier than these model's legs!!!!

  15. Carol I blogged this post in my blog if that's ok. I am going ga-ga over the fresson clip! that is super genius and super cool! Thank you for a great post!!!

  16. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Do you ever find youself in London? Where do you go? Keep going with your beautiful work!


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