
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pierre Herme's Ispahan on My Mind

Pierre Herme's Ispahan Pierre Herme's ISPAHAN is on my mind lately... Pierre Herme's Ispahan in my Flickr Favorites If you look in my Flickr Favorites that's about all you'll see... A Pierre Herme Ispahan contest is going on...I looked at Pierre Herme's site
and he's having AN ISPAHAN CONTEST! You could win these ISPAHAN goodies. Did you know that the 'Ispahan' rose, also known as 'Rose d'Isfahan' and 'Pompon des Princes' is one of the finest Damask roses. It's also one of the most beautiful and fragrant of all roses. And it's very hardy and tolerates poorer soils.

Pierre Herme's Ispahan is made of:

Biscuit macaron a la rose,

Creme aux petales de rose,

framboises entiere


Next time in Paris I'm going early to Herme's shop. So I'll be the first in the line...

I'm taking my Ispahan to this rosey cafe table. I hope I can find it again - I plan to do a color match.


  1. Oh dear, I tried to enter the contest and clicked on the link but it was "introuvable"!!!
    Alors, what can i DO???

  2. They're always on my mind :)
    I wish they were always in my tummy!

  3. Anonymous8:49 AM

    The contest had ended as it was in 2007.

  4. made me think of you... macaron glasses case!

    and original in japanese:

  5. lovely painting, Carol. And always the trend-spotter.

  6. Hi, you have very beatiful blog! I like your original paintings very much! Iam from Czech republic and invite you to my blog!

  7. Hello, Iam from Prague, Czech republic. I love Paris and Your blog is beautiful! Especially your pictures of dogs are nice. I have little pinch :-)And I invite you to my own blog too!

  8. Yum! And I am talking about your illustration! XX

  9. nancy in savannah10:55 AM

    Here's a factoid for you: In the Persian language, there is no difference to the Persian listener between an "f" sound and a "p" sound. This is why you see the different spellings: Ispahan, Isfahan.

    nancy in savannah

  10. Alors! the contest est fini malheureusement...
    I always wondered since I visited isFahan not isPahan, Nancy.

  11. wow absolutely lovely and thanks again Carol.
    I am actually going to go visit Ispahan later this week for the weekend.
    All is well here in Iran and much fragrant roses and jasmin now in bloom

  12. I am here as a single commenter! I want one of those Ispahan' roses please. What does it taste like?

  13. I love the rose color of the post!
    I have never had a macaron!! Can you believe it?

  14. Please don't lose faith in your psychic powers just because the contest ended in 07...not one among us had any inkling there HAD been a contest. Perhaps you could use your powers to tell me where I stored my needle-felting tools...about the same time as the contest.

  15. i really like your blog, very artistry. By the way I am from Singapore and will visit Paris soon. So Pierre Hermes, here I come!

  16. Your blog is fantastic , the paintings amazing & cute . Aurel75007 voilà le dessert dont tu rêves .


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