
Wednesday, August 19, 2009


freefalling said the other day... You're a very cruel person, aren't you? Tantalizing all us poor antipodeans with the enormous variety of hot chocolate available in the northern hemisphere. I've just had to wipe the drool off the keyboard!
I thought I'd lay it on with a trowel today
Especially since I know you're still in your "jim-jams"...
Look these are "healthy" desserts right - all fruity...
And if you don't eat the crust,
these might be considered part of your daily fruit and veg quota..non? We'll just ignore the glossy l'abricotage coating on them.
Ok Enough of these fruity desserts you say...I'll take my grapefruit in a bowl with a spoon, thank you very much!There's something here for everyone...Chocolate anyone? Et voila!

This is the patisserie where you can find all these divine creations on rue Lobineau. Gerard Mulot is every bit as creative as M. Herme or J-P Hevin.
Maybe his gateaux look more traditional but they are right up there with the best!
And now a snack / gouter for the blogger posting this drool-worthy post..
Click on this picture and jump in. The water's (Tarte au Citron) fine. I'm going to the pool to work off these vicarious calories...BONJOUR TARTES!


  1. Oo-la-la to all those desserts. I want to thank you for yesterday's
    column on the illustrated book. I will chase them out.

    I have vowed that I will work on refreshing my miserable french. Do
    you have any books, cd's to recommend. I fantasize renting a room in a bright, sunny Paris apt. near a school and spending a month or two developing some fluency. Any thoughts?

    Thanks always,

  2. Don't you know the most fun is in the research Leda.
    I wouldn't want to take that away from you :)

  3. Some of those are almost too pretty to eat. I said Almost! Beautiful!

  4. Now normally I would lick the screen on a post like this but today I am at the day after a hang over and just can't do it. I will be back tomorrow.

  5. win I am going to Paris! Actually my wife, Kathy, and I heading to Europe for five weeks with two weeks of that in Paris. We leave from Chicago on October 14th. With today's Gateaux pictures I am more ready than ever to get over and to get started on our exploring, wining and dining...I have two months to practice...Thank you -- Sterck

  6. Yes and I do love research. Many thanks, Leda

  7. Yes, how I often savour the sharp tanginess of a Tarte au Citron and fool myself into forgetting the copious amounts of egg yolks, sugar and maybe cream...Its Lemons! Thats why I can't seem to eat brownies if I've baked them:)

  8. Oh my goodness these look so fabulous! You can't even imagine how jealous I am!

  9. Boy, that looks good!
    I love the last shot :-)

  10. You're beautiful pastry pics brightened my day.
    having a bad one in California

  11. Oh, Carol, now these fruit tarts and things are right up my alley--they look delicious. I will be dreaming about these tonight you know. Yum!!

  12. Your prowess with a trowel leads me to invite you to garden at Longears. No Tarte au citron or au anything else, but I can offer a lovely and large selection of trowels...something for every hand. :-)

  13. I love his shop. His chocolate macarons are to die for-the giant ones, of course.

  14. We might be in our jim jams but when we get out of the house into the winter morning we can now hop off and get a Hamburger Macaroon! (At Adriano Zumbo Balmain on the Cafe Chocolat menu).


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