
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Le Poste

There is a lot of tarte citron yellow in Paris...
And not just because Parisiens can be a bit tart at times...

Le Poste in France is colored tarte citron jaune...

With much fear and trembling I ventured into the rue Cler poste all by myself...

Inside you take a number like in a US bakery...

They have chairs for you to sit down while you wait your turn!

And travel videos to watch and books to read while you wait! What?
This guy is appropriately dressed for the poste...

Later I found out there was a special boutique for people like me...foreigners etc. They speak perfect English and are actually willing to assist you!?

They sell other stuff besides stamps here = like books...

And citron yellow gilets or vests to wear when you're biking...

And Givenchy prints or stamps or something or other, I'm not sure what this is...but I don't see any Oscar de La Renta at our USA post offices. How come?

If you don't feel like going inside you can drop your envelopes in the color co-ordinated yellow box outside...

Or perhaps hand your mail to this sweet little lemon truck...

One thing they do not sell at Le Poste is chocolate bars - well not yet...
Bloc Le Chocolat
But they do have these stamps called, Bloc Le Chocolat, that smell exactly like a tablette of chocolat! Pas mal non?

Merci beaucoup Anne!



  1. I want one of those sratch and sniff Bloc de Chocolat stamps!

    I am smitten by the chairs to sit in while waiting for your turn. Amazing!

  2. Adorable as usual, and a tribute to one of my favorite places - the post office! I love their stamps! PS: next time check with me if you have a question about masculine/feminine. It is usually known as "La" Poste! ;-)

  3. Eeeep!
    You're right of course...why didn't I see it :(
    c'est la vie :)

  4. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Here is a rainy day, these delicious Tart nice to see and to yearn .... it looks so tempting from this lemon tart, and your story about this match is chosen.greetings Manuela

  5. Wow! La Poste has certainly changed since I lived in France!
    Beautiful post, as always!

  6. ooh what a pretty color! I recognized that la poste even before reading the caption, being a Rue Cler fan myself - I too get really nervous before talking to the postal workers, although they have mostly been very nice :-) Wish I had seen those red Paris envelopes - I would have bought some of those :-)

  7. Bonjour! I also recently entered a Poste for the first time in France. Fortunately I had my daughter who is living in France this year guide me. We just needed stamps and were happily able to bypass the lines/number system by going to the little stamp machines (where one is to weigh the letter too). I noted rather cute Poste messenger bags on sale at the Poste also! Someday I will have to try to do business in the Poste by myself! ha!

  8. those lemon tarts...i am so craving lemon tart now :)

    have to love the post offices in europe. i always make a special trip to two particular post offices when i am in rome.

    have a most lovely wednesday.

  9. The chocolate stamps sound fun. Neat post--or should I say "poste."

  10. Thank you for this post. Next week I will be in Paris and live near Rue Cler. I've always wanted to mail a postcard to myself but got discouraged with the whole experience. Your post and the info on "special boutique" is very helpful.

  11. What an enjoyable read every day. It puts a smile on my face daily. I am always struck by the wide array of different types of motorcycles and cycles I see in Paris and well as all those different tiny looking cars some of which appear to be antiques.
    Thank you for allowing us all to smile and enjoy your work.

  12. I have to thank you so much for these wondersful insights to one of my favorite places. You with your "fun" start my day beautifully.
    Thank you!

  13. Chocolate stamps! Fantastique!

  14. What is it with postal people? In our little village, the post mistress is the only sour puss we've met. I'd wear yellow today but I have nothing in yellow which was my grandmother Lierman's favorite color. She loved Jordan almonds that were yellow. Just ate some of those from Harrods. VVV good.

  15. Hi!
    I think your blog is fantastic.I'm wating your visit.

  16. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Hi Carol!
    When I saw the picture I thought "Hey - that's MY poste office!" I went to the boutique side on two separate occasions (just to be sure) and I'm sorry to say - the poste mistress was quite sharp with me and did not appear to speak English. Happily, the two other locations I went to were staffed with friendly people!
    Thanks for the memory! Victoria

  17. I think it's very funny to have chocolate stamps! I'm going to look for a chocolate window...who knows!

  18. What a lovely post. My daughter and I went into this very post office on rue Cler and didn't have a clue what we were doing. A very kind postal employee helped us figure it out. The whole experience was completely confusing, but successful.

  19. La Poste certainly has changed:) It was nothing like this when I lived in France (different city but a beautiful one) cracked me up. And on a ridiculous-on-so-many-levels day in DC, I bow & thank you, madame for the memories & for humor.

    PS: Do you paint cats who go to Paris? I assume so, just checking. ciao-meow on behalf of la Julie

  20. Cute! I found the French post offices to be very helpful and easy to navigate (and well-designed!) - I had the very opposite experience in Italy though, lol

  21. Loved this post on La Poste on rue Cler...spent many an hour in line brought back many lovely and not so lovely memories.

  22. Never realised that our post offices were that nice, but maybe; they are changing to the better, that's true! But not yet serving lemon tarts or chocolate! :-)

  23. Thanks, Carol. That one was really fun and brought a smile to my face. Thanks for always brightening my day with a bit o' Paris. I want to go back tout suite! Best, Paige

  24. I just have the best time at Paris Breakfasts...but I rarely comment as the computer is on verge of nervous breakdown. About which something will be done tootswee

  25. that lemon tart looks amazing...

    finding one of these might be first and foremost (ahead of macarons!) on my trip next month.

  26. I would pay extra for chocolate stamps!

  27. Love the chocolate stamps!

  28. Jackie6:50 AM

    Hi Carol,
    I thought you might be interested to know the prevalence of the citron yellow gilets or vests throughout Paris. We were quite surprised to see them popping up in our le marché in Chatou late last year, until it was explained to us that is now manditory for all car owners to have one in the vehicle and must wear them if they have a break down.

  29. They have to have stuff to pass the time in French Post Offices as the queues never move. I spent half an hour waiting for someone to go and get a paper clip once.


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