
Thursday, November 13, 2008

My flight was at 4:30 on Tuesday, so I ran out for a last visit to this excellent patisserie David Lebovitz showed me two years ago and a stone's throw from my apartment... FERME! As were many other shops on Veterans Day, November 11th.
C'est la vie.
 A last shot of my metro stop, Bastille... My view on the quiet courtyard in Charlotte's lovely apartment. I found this with your much appreciated assistance... Here is the link if you're interested: salon has wood beamed ceilings... French doors everywhere. Ma chambre/bedroom. Time to depart.Off to CDG I passed through Metro station Chatelet. Of course the Russian singers, Les Musiciens de Lviv, were playing their hearts out. Of course I bawled as usual. These metro singers represent Paris for me more than any other icon like. It makes no sense. They always play heart-breaking music. This time, loaded with too many bags and running to RER B, I stopped and bought their CD. Now to unpack. Some essentials not to leave home without: EarPlanes, tapemeasure, Oddibile 250, found in any Paris pharmacy (charcoal tablets for times when you've eaten too many escargot). Did I mention my studio was repainted while I was away by my neighbor? Chaos awaits... And a chance for a clean start too. It will take a huge effort to mess this up.


  1. Ooh. love the toile! This is a really cool idea. Welcome back. Lovely stuff you've been showing us.

  2. Anonymous11:03 AM

    No wonder you didn't post yesterday! I was getting worried...
    Boy is your plate full.
    Lots of clearing out to do I bet :)
    Bonne Chance!

  3. Anonymous11:17 AM

    So glad you made it home safe and sound :)
    What an adventure!
    All those chateaux...
    And now you'll have your own stateside in blue and white!

  4. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Carol, somewhere in one of my old Colonial Homes (or some similar home decorating magazine) there is a garrett-like room done entirely in toile... it is just to die for. I will have to find the article... floor to ceiling, wall to wall toile... I saved it not because I would ever be so bold as to do something extreme like that, but because the photos were just so breathtaking...

  5. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I know exactly those musicians!
    They are FAB!!!
    I burst into tears too..though I've never had the nerve to bring home their music.
    Bienvenue chez toi

  6. Dear Carol

    Glad you made it safely once again over the big blue ocean.

    Love that apartment you stayed in -- the book case was so neatly arrangement -- The chalk board was a good shot too... erased tomorrow but forever captioned by you
    Too bad we can't hear a snippet from that lovely CD you bought?
    I can't wait to see what you do with your art/studio,,, a clean canvas waiting for the artist .. in you...

  7. Welcome home, Carol! You're doing the blue and white room I wanted to do and didn't wind up with for my office! Way to go! I used to have rooms like that when I was on my own. I love toiles and blue and white stripes. You're going to love it. So soothing and calming. I hope you'll post pics of it when you finish! Lovely trip!!

  8. dear friend I have sat here drooling over all your images of Paris! I was there as you know in Sept. and all your photos brought back sweet wonderful memories!
    Ahh..the "new Laduree boxes" oh my must I plan another trip back to the city of lights to get one of my own!
    I loved the images of the Eiffel Tower all lit up ...we sat at a cafe right in front of the tower watching the lights go on at 11 romantic that evening was! sigh.
    Love all that you show us...perhaps I should go to Paris with YOU!!Won't Tara be thrilled!

    So now I have returned and post
    images of MONET'S GARDEN!

  9. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I will be in Paris this summer -- how can I find you ???

  10. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Welcome home from Paris!
    I, among many others, were there with you in spirit.
    My son and his wife are going to Paris this coming spring and I am forwarding your emails to them.


  11. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Welcome home...

    I love music to cry by...

    is the CD available in the States?


  12. Welcome home. What a great place you stayed in. How nice to have been gone while all that painting was going on too. Your place is going to be fabulous. Hope we get to see it. Love the materials.

  13. oh, i loved those musicians too -- it was about the only thing that made traversing through Chatelet-les-Halles bareable (how i hated that station!).

    i also wish i had bought their CD. next time for certain.

    seriously -- we should meet up some night at an appropriately french sort of place -- D'Orsay or Pigalle, for instance -- and compare experiences. i was researching a book, you were refreshing your artistic soul.

  14. I am a regular reader of your blog and look forward to reading your posts! Usually, I'm a lurker, but today I saw these on Etsy and I HAD to show them to you -- felt macarons! And they look "real",..

    I have not affiliation with the seller -- they just made me think of you...

  15. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Your apartment - Wonderful!! and the new Laduree boxes...stunning! Can't wait to see your toile...and don't underestimate your ability to re-create teh conditions to which you've become accustomed in your studio... :-) I myself am quite adept at undoing my magnificent organization.

  16. Wonderful, wonderful, awesome, wonderful!!! Paris made me cry this past June when I walked my family (first time for them to visit France and Paris) across the bridge from Notre Dame to the Ile Saint Louis, and there was an accordian player playing the theme from Amelie as I gazed out at the Seine lined with people drinking in the evening sun, while I was in line at Berthillion (sp?) for my scoop of Raspberry sorbet. Ah, Paris.

  17. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Welcome home Carol to your new studio!
    May you find much inspiration there!
    Glad to know you are safe and sound and filled with inspiration macs and Laduree boxes!!
    Yesterday I made my rendition of the pretty Laudree Pate a choux for a friends birthday. Will send pix later.


  18. Hi Carol,
    Loved your photos of Paris. I'm planning a trip to Paris in 2009, not sure how but I'm going to make it happen. Its been a long 10 years since I've been there and its a love affair I've had since I'm 13. Would you share how you found your apartment? I'd love to stay in a place like that.
    Thanks for all you do.

  19. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Thanks for sharing your Paris experience. I’ve enjoyed it so much.
    My ultimate goal is to be in France every year for 2 months.

    I’m glad you had a safe trip and may your home be welcome. Enjoy your newly painted apartment!
    All the best,


  20. Anonymous4:12 AM

    What you need is what started me off and its a book called 'Bringing France Home by Cheryl Maclachlan' and its fantastic and it gives you ideas you can do or get cheaply and there is lots of Toile de Jouy,
    Jill xx

  21. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Hi Carol,

    I love your blog and also I love macarons;->.

    I found that Japanese cell phone company has just invented
    collabo(ration) cell phone with Pierre Herme!

    They are very lovely.

    Please check it out!

    See you.


  22. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Please don't forget to tell us about the tape measure.
    When will you go to Paris next??
    I am living vicariously :)


  23. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Bonjour PB!..

    Hope you are feeling less jetlagged..!

    I am just wondering if you could tell me what that room is labelled ..'french doors everywhere'..the picture looks charming..maybe a lobby..bedroom? it possible you have a another photo of the room showing more detail?..i do so love that is too easy to get carried away with IKEA!! heh..

  24. I'm glad you brought some Macs home this time :)

  25. Just found your post as I was Googling for Paris metro buskers (to quench my general fascination); it's funny-- I took a sound recording of Les Musiciens de Lviv just last week. As in, January 2011. Without knowing who or what they were-- knowing only that they moved me.

    Guess what? Same song you captured in your video.

    Thank you.


Love hearing from you