
Monday, October 20, 2008

Sophia's Piece Montee

Piece Montee de Macarons,watercolor on Etsy,sold 5.5" x 7.5"
I've become joined at the hip in more ways than one with these piece montee de macarons.

Sophia's Montee de Macarons,watercolor on Etsy, 5.5" x 7.5"

Sophia requested a painting of a piece montee to go with her fabulous mini pastry shop.
She wrote: I’ve been thinking about colors all this dreary, rainy afternoon....I think what I love best are pinks (framboise, fraise, rose, cassis) and greens (pistache), pale orange (abricot) and yellow (citron).

What I love to eat is caramel au beurre sale, praline, pain d’epices and marron. So think about what you could do with that palette and I’m sure I will love it!

 Hmmm...well I took another look at her mini shop and instantly decided to make a painting like this piece montee.

Just one color and covered in
Photo by Mercotte 
Yummy thin strands of caramel.. This picture is from French Macaron Queen, Mercotte.

I may never get around to making real macarons. But I could certainly dribble caramel all over them. THIS I could do most happily. How about you?
I just might be able to re-create this piece montee de fruits from Chateau Vaux le Vicomte with some spit, polish and a few toothpicks


  1. Ah, les pièces montées! We always eat them for a celebration in France. I'm not a big fan, but with the macarons, I can't say no!!!!!

  2. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Here I am working ... bored ... so I see you've updated and pop across to find out what today holds at Paris Breakfasts .... mwaaaaaa - delicious!!!!!

  3. Ooh good choice. I love those strands and strands of caramel wrapped gleefully around a profiterole tower... si charmante this mini...what a cool project.
    Tick tock..a few more days and you will be sniffing out the real ones!

  4. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Yummy even if it is a mini wheres my glass of milk ready to dig in!

  5. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Sweeeeeeet !!!!

  6. Anonymous12:13 PM

    It would be fun to construct one of these...but what kind of glue would you use?
    Caramel would work...

  7. Love the paintings. Lucky Sophia. :)
    Macarons make wonderful still lifes for photos and paintings.
    not to mention for eating. :))

  8. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Oooh la la!!
    Love these water colors!! Especially the closeup!!
    You are too much!!

    Thank for stopping by today.
    You brightened my day!!


  9. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Hi Carol....
    A Parisophille in Philly just sent this to me.. Don't know if you have already read it...


  10. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Love the close-up perspective on this one!

  11. Anonymous4:33 PM

    LOVE the swirly carammel concoction!!! That's my fav-anything gooey caramel PLUS macarons = THE TOP!

  12. Wonderful,Carol! All wrapped up in delicious swirls--looks elegant and pretty!

  13. yes I certainly could!

  14. Anonymous9:55 PM

    I think your piece montee is a croquembouche - little balls made of choux paste and glued into the tree shape with hot caramelized sugar. Then the sugar it drizzled into strands (cooked to the hard crack stage) usually referred to as spun sugar. But, no matter, because i think the macaron piece montee would be soooo much tastier!

  15. mmmm It's just a bit off your topic, but what a nice watercolor you could make of the fruit arrangements in the last picture! Looking forward to those ;)

  16. Our favourite restaurant served a fantastic amuse bouche the last time we went. It was a macaron flavoured with squid ink and I wish I'd had my camera to show you this dark black feast for the lips.

    Next time, I promise.

  17. THANKS olechko..
    You read my mind...
    I've been thinking of painting that fruit montee...
    But do I need to return to Chateau Vaux le Vicomte to do it? ? ?
    Jeanette - it is a Framboise MACARON Montee...HUMPH!

  18. No no it's not nice to spit on people's fruit.


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