
Monday, September 15, 2008

Macaron News...

La Vie en Rose, original watercolor, 5.5" x 7.5"

With all the gloomy news out there...I thought I'd perk you up with a bit of happy, if highly trivial news today. Don't we all need some trivia now?

I got an email invitation this morning from Pierre Herme. You can get one too by the way. You only have to subscribe.
Le 20 septembre, Pierre Hermé vous invite à un week-end d’exception

Pierre Herme is OPENING A NEW SHOP!!!

Course, it is not in New York nor in your hometown (gloomy news). But still this is something to jump about. And there is a grand opening day - the 20th of September, if you just happen to be in Paris this Saturday...
Did I say the new boutique is on 4, rue Cambon 75001 and you must RSVP if you would like to attend the opening day here.

Herme has a new cookbook on MACARONS out. Ok, it is in French, so far...but that should not be any deterrent to the throngs of mad macaron lovers. *You can order the book online at AMAZON.FR!

And now some thrilling news for mini collectors. We are loved by Pierre Herme! Really we are. There is a NEW collection of his FAB desserts coming out in October. I have not slept a wink since I heard this. The gloomy news is it isn't coming out until October. Dear Priscilla, Rement Queen in LA will be carrying it, so you might want to let her know to put one aside for you.

But look at the macaron box half filled, rather than half empty


  1. Now there's an invitation that would be impossible to turn down, if I found myself in Paris on thatday...double ooh la la yum.

    I have to scan again and see if they are coming out with a religiuese those minin madness makers! I can see you clicking and waiting for delivery expectantly. ;-)

  2. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Ohhhhh yes, I know...just around the corner from where I work!!! I've already been there, but I am growing concerned about my waistline and whether I'll still be able to continue wearing the skinny French fashions unless I develop some self-discipline when it comes to these fabulous macarons (especially during the foie-gras-et-figue time of year).

    I used to justify burning off the extra calories by walking all the way down to Rue Royale for a visit to Laduree. Oh, Pierre, what you do to me!

    But thanks for the heads up about the official opening day - I'll definitely sign up for an invitation!


  3. I would like to have your problems Robynn...most definitely!

  4. Carol, you must be the biggest macaron lover I know! Thanks for the heads up about the new miniatures...will have to look out for them! As for the PH book, I had my eye on that too...perhaps I can beg you to bring a copy back from Paris;) I'll make you any thing you want from the book:)

  5. yummm Sure glad they arent that handy here. My waistline would suffer too. :)
    Another great painting.

  6. The first title is absolutly perfect! Such a "chef d'oeuvre" this pink relegieuse!

  7. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Even with the world going to Hell in a hand basket..
    Merci :)

  8. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Lordie what next?
    Still it is an essential distraction.
    Can one ever get too many macarons?
    Perhaps one needs to go work in a Paris patisserie to get over this fixation?

  9. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I'll be looking out for those new miniatures! Thanks for the heads-up!

  10. I only *wish* I could be in Paris this Saturday. I guess I will be there in spirit? :) It must be very thrilling to look in your mailbox and receive an invitation from PIERRE HERME! Beautiful painting.

  11. IRENE;it was in my EMAIL box only. I subscribed.
    You can too!
    Shall we charter a plane?

  12. Anonymous5:15 PM

    OMG, an invitation from PH, wow! I wish that I can go to Paris and have his macarons & desserts as often as you do :-)

  13. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Such a mixed bag of emotions reading this, yay new book,oooohhhhh its in French, plain old yay for the new minis, then disappointment that there will most likely never be a laduree in Australia, on a bright note there is a new one in London since my last visit!

  14. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Thanks..that is cheerful. I will be in Paris in December and check that out.

  15. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Bon article, très interressant, je vous félicite vivement pour votre blog.
    je vous souhaite une bonne continuation et longue vie à votre site
    à bientôt


  16. What a beautiful watercolor, Carol--just the right combination of dark/dramatic and light/ that Laduree truck! Is it bringing me some nice macarons here in Ohio? I could use one!!

  17. Bonjour Carol,

    Te vas arriver en France quand? Je sais que tu viens en octobre... Il fait trés beau à Paris ce mois!! J'espère que ça va duré!! ---Leesa : )

  18. drat- missed the opening by a week...Still Paris was very beautiful despite the rain last week....

  19. Thanks for the info on the new book! I guess I'll have to buy it, if for no other reason than to laugh at his recipe for ketchup macaroons. What was he thinking? Everyone knows that the best macaroon is a basil macaroon, like I whipped up this week.

    Mine may not be as pretty as his, but they sure are yummy!

  20. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I clicked on the Amazon link immediatement!! There I realized the book is written in French (go figure!) and I had to pause to think about whether my 2 years of many years ago? 40? with an emphasis on medieval French (strange head of the department) would carry me through. Then I noticed THREE other books on les macs....what a wonderful country!

  21. oh my, your site is the treasure trove of all things yummy and beautiful! Glad the macaroons take such prominent place


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