
Friday, September 19, 2008

Eiffel Tower Tea

Eiffel Tower Tea Time,watercolor on Etsy, sold 5.5" x 7.5"
I had my first cup of tea yesterday. This morning when I got up they said the temperature was 53°F ....feels like: 53°F

No snow yet thanks Gawd!

It must have been so chic to stroll by the Eiffel Tower when it first opened. Photo from Historic Photos of Paris.

I love this view of the tower...

I have yet to get very upclose and personal with the tower...

Maybe next trip..?
Course mini Eiffel Towers are BIG favorite of mine and so much fun to paint....
And taking a bite out of this giant choco tower at Salon du Chocolat would not have been a problem...
Chocolate tower bar...YUM!
More Eiffel bonbons...there are endless ways you can take in the Eiffel tower in Paris without even setting foot in the 7th arrondissement!


  1. My last trip to Paris, I was in the 9th arrondissement heading to the airport when I drove past a bakery with an Eiffel Tower made from bread in the window. To this day I still wish I had asked the taxi driver to stop so I could run in and buy it.

  2. Oh, Carol, as often as you go to Paris, you should at least go up to the top!! I even did that--and I'm enormously afraid of heights. It's amazing up there, though! Go for it.

    I love the delicate pinks in this painting next to the lush background wash.

  3. Your blog is such a wonderful dose of daily candy!
    You made me smile today!
    The Antiques Diva

  4. Have you seen this Eiffel Tower webcam?

    My daughter spent the summer in Paris, and I loved being able to see at a click what her weather was like.....

    I am still clicking in, daily, to see what the weather is like in Paris......

  5. ps -- love the watercolor! Love all that dark storminess behind the soft and pretty pinks........

  6. I love the Eiffel tower and always loved getting a glimpse of it when I was living in Paris. Glad to see it again in your painting!

  7. Eiffel Tower was one of my first stops on my first trip to Paris - so cheesy but so true! And I loved it. I love the little teapots you painted, the pattern is adorable!

  8. J'adore your tower of tea cups!! Too cute!!

  9. Anonymous4:01 PM


  10. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I don't know how I happened upon your blog, but I am SO glad that I did!!!
    I'm a 'hobby miniaturist', and after spending this past Christmas & New Year
    in Paris (& eating my weight in macarons), I cannot produce the French
    Pastries fast enough!!! I took as many photos of Laduree/macarons/pastries
    as I did of the beautiful buildings & monuments of blog is
    like mainlining the pastries without the calories, and your watercolors are
    to die for....I'll attach a photo or 2 or my latest creations....I work
    entirely in 1:12th scale, but have to admit that I own several Re-Ment items
    ...looking forward to your next
    post and incredible photos & artwork!



  11. hi Carol! i love your blog so much and visit here very often and would like to give you a 'sweet blog award' what i've just received. i know it's a little stuff and maybe useless but your fantastic works bring so sweet days to my life - why i'm grateful! thank you! have a sweet days i Paris! :)

  12. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Again I enjoyed your photos and watercolor. Do you live in Paris or New York?
    If NYC
    how often do you go to Paris?

  13. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Hi Carol...I got inspired to start blogging after I stumbled on your Paris Breakfasts site. I'm now a subscriber and getting your weekday posts is like getting a little daily present....Jeannie

  14. Anonymous6:37 AM

    OK so you understand my love of the tower.
    Wait till you climb the 3 levels and actually touch the tower!
    NOW can you do that 6 x 6 inch watercolor for me?
    Well, a smidgen under 6 x 6 so I can frame it to 6 x 6 for my collection, PLEASE :)
    Love the idea of Eiffel tower tea time!!!

  15. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I say this with considerable trepidation, but that Paynes Grey/ blue background looks
    like 53 F -even the pink cups can't warm it up.
    Geoffrey L B

  16. Anonymous6:51 AM

    very pretty, the china is gorgeous!

  17. Hello Carol, I see you!!
    So nice China cups, just what I like!!

  18. REALLY love this painting. The tea Pot and cups are charming & PINK. :)). Love the tower in there too. That background really pops them out.
    Wonderful post.

  19. Darling post Carol. Thanks for memories of Paris today.

    The background of your painting is terrific, I really feel your mood.

  20. I am loving that link to the Eiffel Tower webcams! You have the coolest readers :)
    My keychain is a mini Eiffel Tower...could not help it!! Love that watercolor!!

  21. Carol SVP come on over to my blog. I am holding the 2008 Ermine Awards and you have been given an award!

  22. Gorgeous painting!
    And all the Eiffel Towers look delicious.

  23. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I've been told by various teachers that the Eiffel tower is shown so often in French paintings of the period because the artists liked being technically au the tower seems so quaint...please do visit it.

  24. Fabulous
    I love all that you share.
    Love Jeanne

  25. Your blog is simply dreamy!

  26. I doubt I would be able to eat that chocolate tower. I'd feel so guilty! All the hard work that went into sculpting it...

    I never went to the top of the tower either. It seemed so...well...touristy. :-/ Foolish of me, since when I was there I was...well...a tourist!

    I ♥ that historic photo!!!

  27. How come you have nevr been to the Eifell Tower? Are you scared of heights?

  28. Look out for a flying red Hermes Birkin bag, should you ever get close to the real Eiffel tower! ;-)

  29. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I too j'adore le Tour d'Eiffel and feel it would be trés chic to be able to promendade by some Dimanche. But forget not that when it was first built, the Frenchmen considered it an eyesore!

    In front of me, here on my desk, I too have a 1' tall Tour d'Eiffel that I had to buy at Target last year.

    I also have the Eiffel Tower webcam plugin on my iGoogle home page and have had it there for several years. I can't imagine being without it. The lights at night are simply stunning and when I catch a gorgeous sunrise or sunset, I right click and save it in my pics.

    You've never been to visit it? My dear, I simply can't imagine any self-respecting Francophile NOT visiting Le Tour d'Eiffel atleast once! Rien!!?? If I were to have the opportunity to visit gay Paris, I would run, not walk, to see it, first thing, it is such an icon in my heart.

    Thank you SOOO much for your divine blog! It is treasured.


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