
Monday, June 30, 2008

Macaron Breakfast

#144 Macaron Foursome, original watercolor, 9" x 11"
I can't remember when I last painted macarons..?

It felt like time to get out the watercolors again...

#143B Cup of Hot Chocolate and Macarons, original watercolor, 9" x 11"

And get cracking!

Don't the brightly colored macarons look alot llike watercolor pans or is it my over-active imagination at it again..? Seeing macarons everywhere I look..
Now here is the REAL thing at Dalloyau. A plate 'o four...sigh
No-name macarons.. But who's to say these aren't just as good and the price is right! And they still look pretty even without a couture label.
Macs from PAUL...
Macarons from Gerard Mulot! YUMMERS
Pierre Herme's lovelies...the big monster size too..a meal in itself.
Wouldn't we all like to be in her shoes..stepping out with her macarons in hand...
Wouldn't it be nice if you could buy macaron stamps that tasted like Pistachio? Does anyone lick stamps anymore? Did they stop all that after the Seinfeld show disaster (the wedding stamps that did in one of the characters fatally - what was her name)?
Now who didn't finish their macarons? No crumbs left on the plate PLEASE.


  1. I discover your blog today... and I love it!

  2. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I bought a miniature shop façade from a Parisian dollhouse shop that I am painting in Ladurée’s colors. I had a roombox made with a plexiglass top so you can look in from the top as well as the front, and I’ve got the interior covered. But the two sides will look boring if I leave them plain mint green. So here’s the question. Could you paint me a Ladureé window scene for each side of the box? Then I could decoupage (I think that’s the technique) them to the sides and have windows full of goodies! Just a thought.

  3. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I love it!
    I would love to get mail with a MACARON stamp like this on it.
    It would even soften the blow on bills!

  4. Anonymous9:40 AM

    macarons on stamps!!!

  5. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Perfect postage!

  6. Anonymous9:47 AM

    OH sigh...
    I would very much like TO BE IN HER SHOES with macarons in hand...walking out the door of Pierre Herme in PARIS!
    Yes sir ree!!!

  7. MACARON FLAVORED STAMPS!!!!!! We'd all be looking for excuses to write letters. :)))

    YUMMERS!!! Delish. And yes, pan colors look totally like macaroons.

  8. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I think you are referring to the dearly departed SUSAN on Seinfeld...

  9. Yes, it was Susan on Seinfeld. I love that show--we still watch it--we have the entire collection: I bought it for Joe for Christmas or his birthday. The macarons photos and watercolors are delicious! And that little blue watercolor palette is fabulous, Carol! I like that a lot!

  10. you speak from my heart!!! j'adore paris! there's a fantastic atmosphere for art and living or just visiting. keep up painting, your blog is wonderful!

  11. Those macarons look good enought to eat. :) You've got me seeing macarons in the paint palettes too.
    Love the colors & watercolors too.

  12. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I think her name was Susan and the problem was the glue on the envelopes. I love Seinfeld.

  13. Looooovely painting!
    Thanks for sharing it with us.


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