
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Doggies in the Alber Elbaz Vitrine

It's a natural when you're traveling, that if you are looking intently for one thing, you will stumble on something far more interesting...

While I was searching desperately for SIA I discovered these witty Lanvin windows created by designer Alber Elbaz.

Anything with a dog in it is is a home run for me...

I love the way these windows continue out into the street..

Like this painted dog bone in front of the vitrine...a snack for the leche-vitrine hounds who pass by perhaps?


Here the hound is raised up high over a pile of seriously pedigreed Lanvin purse.

A real Paris room to stray for this pup - kept close at hand. BONNE JOURNEE


  1. some of those windows are VERY clever, aren't they! Cute! We just babysat two little ones this past weekend. I was exhausted keeping up after one--a puppy! They were a riot. Sweet post, Carol!

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I love the doggies in the window--

    hope you are having a wonderful day!


  3. Anonymous9:27 AM

    There must be a rent-a-pooch in Paris?
    You should at least consider renting if you can't own.

  4. I love a window with a clearly defined narrative. J'adore that Fi-fi wears glasses. And, the red Lanvin heels aren't bad either!!;-)

  5. Life without you would be ruff ruff ruff.
    Love all that you share.
    Love you

  6. Clever window dressings. Fun post.
    Life without our Dog, Annie, would not be as happy. The French have it right. :)

  7. I LOVE these Lanvin windows!!!! Wowowwowoww. Seriously good. Oh my. Will be back for these some more.

  8. yes, you are right, these windows are fabulous. Lanvin windows are always great and created by the designer Alber Elbaz himself!

  9. I'm reminded of my youth, and dancin' to that old Patti Page standard; "How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?"
    Thanks for the memories, and your always creative blog.

  10. Fabulous, but now I'm going to have "Doggie in the Window" stuck in my head the whole day.

  11. Oh Anne! I didn't know that!
    Alber Elbaz :O
    I will be back for more next visit.
    What a lucky mistake to find them.
    Would that I could afford a little souvenir from the great man...sigh

  12. Anonymous5:49 PM

    SO many animals in shops all over Paris.
    Love your point of view - the wit lurking beneath the Parisien glamour.

  13. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I am a long-time daily lurker... I love your elegant blog (which gives my love
    of New York and Paris a daily fix)... and I love where it takes me through links to other sites that I would otherwise probably not find.

  14. haha, how witty.

  15. The Paris windows leave me speechless....................

  16. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I just found your blog and love it. I am enthralled with the Lanvin windows - especially the Poodle with the glasses. I want to copy the poodle and am wondering if you know what material was used to make the

    Thank you for your help and I look forward to reading your blog.

  17. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Could you set me up with the phone number of that sassy number with the red bow in vitrine #1? I have a sharp eye for the ladies, and I believe I can hold up my end of the conversation with a little parlay voo frances I've picked up from the Mistress. Besides, they say that love is the universal langue.


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