
Friday, May 23, 2008

French Toast

#115 Pink Champagne, original watercolor - SOLD, 9" x 11"

I'm not talking about the kind of French Toast you put syrup on...

I'm talking about all the weddings and graduations going on... They were toasting champagne at the wedding on Gossip Girl on Monday. And not to forget the wedding on Desperate Housewives finali on Sunday..

Les Jours des Champagne, original watercolor, 9" x 11"
So May and June are the "French Toast" months

Naturally I've been hunting down all the good champagne glasses I can find. I found this one on Ebay...

My collection is ever growing...

If you see a good glass give a shout! Just remember it can be no taller than 1" - 1 1/4"

There's nothing like a good vintage champagne for you French toast..

In a pinch, if you live in Reims you can substitute chocolate bouchons (corks) filled with Marc de Champagne

I'm celebrating BIG TIME and breaking open a special bottle for the ocassion. Remember the photos I showed you that PB reader, Yuko send me from Japan of the Pierre Herme macaron keychains? Yesterday they arrived in the mail! YIPPEE

This long weekend when your pouring out your champers...

Remember not to over do it...ahem


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I love my daily e-mails from you.
    I am in a group called Make Mine Pink, and one of the members makes miniature food. Take a look. I think her work is amazing. Maybe you could use some of her items.
    miniature pastry chef

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    aww~ this is so cool!!~
    i wish i had a friend in Japan too =(

  3. you are so lucky!!

  4. Anonymous9:24 AM

    This is so beautiful, love your work !!!
    Skál !!

  5. Arigoto Kat..
    WAIT you LIVE in Japan.
    you can just walk out the door and macarons will fall on yr head!!
    More macarons in Japan than in Paris I bet :)

  6. Wonderful paintings here, Carol! I can see what's in their future. Excellent! They're big faves.

  7. I desperately require at least one of those macaron key-chains. Is there a web page/link somewhere?

  8. I love these paintings! I'll have to do a champagne post when I finally decide to drink my gift from my friend in Paris. Remember she was supposed to bring me Laduree macarons? Ahem...she didn't. But she DID bring me a Veuve Cliquot gift...a picnic case with the bottle of VC and champagne glasses. I'll have to take photos when we partake! :) Probably for our 15th anniversary in July!

  9. Pass the Grande Dame and hand me a macaroon!! Love the STAMP!!!!!!!

    (I sent another email. Did you get it? )

  10. ah, une coupe de champagne et un macaron...What a perfect day!

  11. ( Critique Package info in comment response.. :) )
    What's up with the email?

  12. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Love the new Wedding stamps too!

  13. These miniatures are so addictive.


    On another note, I've been wondering what ever happened to your resolve to clean up your "office" ?

  14. Ann - Cleaning up my "office" is a life long process..tee-hee
    At least these little puppies fit nicely into a sewing box!
    I will do an update though
    Thanks for the reminder...ahem

  15. Cheers.
    A toast to you sweet wonderful you.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  16. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Nice to know those pesky champagne glasses came through for you! This is gorgeous! I love the pink champagne bottle & glasses. The pink reflective hues in the tray are especially lovely.
    Let's all have a toast to ParisBreakfast!
    Ok everyone, raise your glasses...*takes a sip of bubbly*...Ahhhh!

  17. Anonymous8:13 PM

    OH MY... this is alot of girly fun in one piece with all the pink. I love it. Kind of makes me want to have pink champagne ...

  18. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I wanna live in your world :)

  19. Cute Carol!

    My friend is going to order those RSVP stamps for her daughter's wedding. YAY!

    I'll take pink champagne, anytime, anywhere. MY FAV!

  20. Champagne toasts and "Desperate Housewives finale on Sunday" !!!!! -
    I almost fainted, reading that!
    Are you aware that we poor souls who are stranded at European shores, er, in front of European TV sets, are a full season or two behind you lucky viewers in the good old US of A?
    How about telling us who is marrying whom?

    Oh gosh, do I feel out of it .... is Andy Rooney still on 60 Minutes, what's Diane Sawyer up to these days, is Barbara Walters still asking what kind of tree you are?

  21. I was wondering whether you were out there at Coney Island, convincing Nathan's to get rid of his famous Hot Dogs and start selling macarons instead, or digging for miniature seashells. My bet's on the first, I can already see the Yearly Macaron Eating Contest out there. ;-)

  22. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Have you ever seen these? The new trend ... so that you can celebrate anything anywhere!

  23. Love the paintings Carol. Also a clever title to your post. :)
    Hope you had a long fun weekend.

  24. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Your blog, paintings, and photos really make me want to go to France! Just for the bread, pastries, desserts, and of course...the general ambiance. :)

    I love the mini wine coolers...they somehow look familiar..;D

  25. Anonymous7:22 PM

    As always, I enjoy reading your wonderful blog and looking at your beautiful paintings.
    I want to thank you for the info about where to buy the MegaHouse Pierre Herme Paris Collection, they are so cute!
    I've finally tasted his amazing macarons 2 weeks ago during his special class in Chicago, they blew me away. He is a very nice person too.


Love hearing from you