
Monday, January 07, 2008

More Mini Madness

Pierre Herme Mini Desserts #125 The MAISON PH DESSERTS MINI COLLECTION! has caused quite a stir in blogosphere.

Jeanette, Mistress of Longears left a comment on friday:
Scale is ALL. You must immediatement search out a smaller doll's teaset. Perhaps the Bernadaud I saw in your photos...nothing but the best for our petite princesse!
And I found one.
Granted it was in the 99 Cents store which I rarely visit.

Mini Ispahan #124LoveItaly never misses a trick.
A new piu-piu birdie? Cutiepatootie!

It's true I added another Piu-Piu to my collection last time in Paris.

MINI DESSERTS #124Janice C. Cartier said: I think the little bird is saying, " Nibbles for me, oh boy." And WendyB said: How cute! I always love it when the birds make an appearance.

Cris in Oregon said: Love them on the silver Tray.
Now you can buy faux Macarons & I can't even find real ones to taste. said: I love those Hermé desserts, the mini ones. I wish they sold them here.
Di Overton said: Only you could manage to find these.
Not true -Anita of Desserts First said:OMG we totally think alike! I just found out about these too! Did you get the complete set?
I am eagerly waiting for mine to arrive in the mail!!!
All Things Bright and Beautiful...said: Dear PB, Many good things come out of Hong Kong!Tartelette said: OMG! I wonder if mom could score me some before she comes? Oh hell, she HAS to!

Of course, it's all very well pointing the finger at others and accusing them of silliness.

I'm the one struck down the hardest with this mini-madness.
Another set is coming from
Stay tuned.


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Sweet post and what a surprise to see you mention me! I'm flattered to be in the presence of your sweet, little birds and all your cyber friends! ;)) Your birdies do my heart good. Your latest are really marvelous, Carol.

  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Can you tell us how we can also find these and add them to our "Paris" collections? I probably am not the only one that would enjoy displaying those in our homes ........... any information would be so appreciated!

  3. Cris in Portland - look into Pix Patisserie
    the macaroons are fantastic!

  4. I too was surprised to see my name mentioned and flattered. wow. And on such a cute post too. ;-)
    I love all the birds. They add so much. Your mini-madness is delightful. Can't wait to see the rest coming.

  5. I know where a tea set the perfect size sits. In my daughters apartment, in her doll's house in Paris.

  6. There's something about minis--waaay tooo cuuute. Of course, a person starts to need maxi-space to display them.

  7. For some reason,bird #1 looks a little annoyed to me!

  8. The link to purchase the mini set is in the post- they are fast, nice and not pricey

  9. How beautiful and lovely indeed.

  10. I was in s. jersey yesterday, painting landscapes, when suddenly, over a rise, THOUSANDS of white snow geese took off, their feathers aglow in the orange sunlight! As they flew over me, I thought of you, Carol, and your so very much smaller NY city chickies.

  11. If this is madness, count me in! I am flattered to be found in such company....Love all these pieces! Does the little yellow bird wind up and jump? I have a small collection of those fun wind up toys on my shelf to keep me in good humor while working at my desk. Hmmm, might have to bite...into this mini madness!

  12. Anonymous2:51 PM

    If I pull out my old mini-skirt from the '80's do you think you could paint me into one of your watercolors with the mini Pierre herme desserts? That would be kind of like heaven for me. Bises, Ms. Glaze

  13. Which comes first the chicken or the miniatures? So cute!!! The Paris Peep collection!

  14. i love ANYTHING in miniature...once i was interviewed for a magazine and asked what i collected...of all the many things i collect,i could not i calledmy daughter and asked her...she said, "anything in miniature"...tiny things so intrigue me...thanks for sharing these...blessings, rebecca

  15. Btw Carol...I'm not sure if you are ordering more from Angolz because they sent you 8 random boxes...there are sellers on ebay selling the *full set* - no duplicates or randomness. Be sure to check the rating of the seller! I wish I had learned about these while I was in Hong Kong - perhaps I would have found them there already!

  16. My oh my, what will happen next?

    Call me when you get the MEGA collection of those delectable delicacies...I'll be on my way PRONTO.

    Meilleurs voeux!!

  17. Hi Anita,
    The 8-box set I got from is complete even though the description says "random".
    I ordered from an Ebay seller 1st and will get only 6 of the 8 sets at DOUBLE the price!
    So is the way to go.
    The ebayer forgot to send out the boxes too :(

  18. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Happy New Year !

    Oh, I just love this ChickenLittle ! And those teasets can make me go absolutely mad !! Have you seen some of the miniature shops in Paris, e.g. in Le Marais and in the covered passages (Jouffroy, I think it is) - where you can all sorts of these tiny, oooooooohhh-so-adorable thingies !

    I admire your aquarelles, your colours are exquisite.

    Gitte / DENMARK

  19. I love that mini tea set! :)

  20. Oh, birdies. Sweet. Hope they don't nosh to much chocolate.

  21. Anonymous4:51 AM

    *I* want mini PH desserts too!


  22. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Resolved: never to be out of touch with the internet again! I also missed the Saturday night macarons-- travelling!


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