
Friday, October 26, 2007

The French Macaron

Macaron en gris This is not another post on all the grey fashions in Paris.Remember I was late to the Gerard Mulot visit?
Gerard Mulot Macaron Tower I decided to do a "make-up" session since I'd missed one meeting by going off to Provence bla bla bla.Meeting The French Macaron guide Florence Our lovely macaron guide, Florence admiring the chocolat.Gerard Mulot Macaron Chef LeclercMacaron Chef Leclerc inside the kitchen/cuisine.Chef Leclerc shares his Macaron secrets Chef happily shares his macaron secrets with us. He is present from morning to night making sure the macarons are perfect and they are.Macaron topsHere Chef explains that only some of the macaron shells/ coques are flavored, like cafe, chocolate, pistache.Macaron raspberry colorantChef adds raspberry/framboise colorant to the egg whites.Once the eggs are beaten to perfection, Chef Leclerc goes handson up to his elbows, folding/macaronage in the sugar and almond flour to exactly the right consistency. 
Macaron danceThe chef does.
Macaron danceThe Macaron Dance!
He knows when the batter is perfectly mixed. Eighteen new seasonal flavors /parfums are added seasonally. Final approval comes from Gerard Mulot and the board. Wouldn't you love to sit on that board judging new flavors?
macaron dance Here Chef gives a helping hand pouring the batter into the macaron making machine. Occasionally the machine messes up. The chef throws the batter back in till it behaves properly.
Macaron batterThe framboise-colored macaron batter.
MacaronsOut come perfect macs ready for the oven/four.
Macarons ready for the oven At Gerard Mulot, they rest just 10 minutes, not 1 hour as at my Lenotre class before going into the overn.Macarons twirl inside the oven The revolving oven is new at Gerard Mulot and can bake many more macarons.
80 kilos are made per day.
8 macarons in 100 grams.
1 kilo(1000 gr.) should equal 80 macarons.
1,600 macarons per day.
Macarons removed from the fore Removing the hot trays at exactly the right moment. Many of the stagieres/workers are from Japan. There are 18 Gerard Mulot shops in Japan selling ONLY MACARONS! They all come to Paris to get the training. American pastry chefs get off your duffs and get on it!macarons resting The baked framboise lids get their beauty sleep for 24 hours but I may have gotten that wrong in my excitement.
Macarons ready to receive their fillingsThe shells wait to be filled.
the Macarons get their ganache filling White chocolate ganache is piped into coconut macaron lids. This worker looks very happy.
Macarons waiting for their tipsMacarons await for their tops.
Nougat Macaron reward As a reward for our patience we taste a nougat macaronmaking the chocolate ganache Then into the chocolate kitchen to see ganache made. That's another post that will have to wait dear readers.
Over at Jean-Paul Hevin they are celebrating JOUR DU MACARON too. No one is waiting. Here you buy a box a box of 5 for 6.90 euros and they give you 1 free raspberry mac.
They donate 1 euro for you. Hmmm...
There are 2 other pastry chefs celebrating today. I'm off to check them out and report back. It's a race against time - MSN keeps shutting down my internet for no good reason. As I raced to post I wolfed down my free macarons :(
I MUST replenish supplies at once. I forgot to taste them!
A bientot!
back inside Gerard Mulot shop


  1. gosh I wished they had this many flavors here in Japan! I've only seen 5 so far and have tasted them already...bring on more flavors!!

  2. I have never watched anything better while my pizza stone's heating up! Maybe I shall make some little macaron pizzette? With a smudge of dark chocolate, dried tomatoes and chili? Or color them pink?

    I swear there's fragrance de macarons wafting out from my kitchen, is it fleur de noisette’?
    Une touche ... oh no, help, something's burning ....

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Dear Ms. P. Breakfast,
    the macarons look really tasty.
    Are there perchance any with bacon flavor? My padrona used to take me to the Three Dogs Bakery on Elm Street in Bethesda, for a treat every now and then (there was a Pastry Shop right there too! *dog-smile*).

    With kindest wooves
    and a little something for you,
    your devoted friend,

  4. Wow..Makes me want to eat the whole load full just looking at them. ;) How do you keep your mind on making them without tasting??

    That macaron in the Chefs hand was awfully would take a dozen more to get a good taste. lol

    And YES WHY AREN'T the Chefs of America learning how to make those lovely looking morsels???

  5. Oh thank you a macaron redux! I am amazed. Love the dance and the violettes. What a great idea to go back and give it one more shot. Someone kick our chefs in the derriere and get them off to France to learn the steps. I want to taste the parfums. Scented air and eggs and magic ingredients. Ahh, Thanks for such a treat. All best, Jan

  6. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Carol, that was fun! I liked that they seemed more hands-on here! And I do wonder now how those caps on top stay flatter than the others after baking, and why one takes so long to bake and the other does not. Interessante! Fun post...

  7. I like the purple ones.

  8. Hmm. So you write , " Here the framboise lids get their beauty sleep for I think 24 hours" (I know I am not to quote you here..but um...well...did make a question in my head arise). This "rest" is when they are in dough form? I understand some people make the dough in the dome formation "rest" (or stand) so to form a skin. Yet, the others only "rest" 10 minutes. I wonder what the difference here is...must be something in the recipe?

  9. Anonymous2:00 PM

    simply luscious looking!
    The Macaron dance is wonderful!!

  10. Anonymous2:00 PM

    thanks for the lovely blog today---seeing the macaroons made gives them even more character-

  11. That looks like a big tub of strawberry gelato! I love how they retain their vibrant colors even after baking.

  12. Anonymous2:49 PM

    bon sang de bon sang j'adore les macarons!!!!!!!

  13. Wow- it's just like being there with you!

  14. Anonymous6:46 PM

    purple cassis macaroons! Oh I would love a kir and a couple of the "roonys" right now! LOL

  15. Oh! The purple macaron dance! (I think those purple ones are my favorite thus far!) I would be gaining weight like crazy amidst all the culinary yummies you keep viewing!

  16. Anonymous7:51 PM

    ARGH! You have forced me to order almond flour! In fact, ever the scientist, I ordered it plain AND toasted! I hope you realize how much time I am spending in the kitchen trying in vain to keep up with your posts when I should be out kil chasing rabbits!
    AND I think you should start posting the photographic releases you have obtained from your "subjects" because I will be too busy baking to bail you out of jail!

  17. Oh my! I find myself wanting to buy something grey, get a metallic purse & eat alot of those macarons!

  18. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I just discovered your blog and yum!! Btw these yummy delights and your chocolate post I think I'm gonna like coming here frequently! But OH this all makes me miss Paris soo much..I think another trip is much needed very soon :)

  19. MERISI there is a place in Lyon I think that makes savory macarons with foie gras etc. So you're on the right track with your tomato macs!

    MAXIE ma cheri Bonjour! So nice of you to stop by even if it was for the doggie bisquits :)

    CRIS intersting point..maybe the chef has giant hands but macarons do come small-medium-large.

    Correct Cybel I meant to say the BAKED lids...please excuse.

    Cassoulet Cafe The color of the macaron can change in the oven...why some of the cassis turned grey not violet.

    Chere Jeanette be sure your almond flour is bleached I think..there is a recommended brand..Hills Farm something or other-I'll look. But macarons are VERY TRICKY to make.
    Much easier to eat. :)

  20. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Have you had some violette/cassis?
    I like their colour !

    I'd love to try "réglisse" !!!
    Does G. Mulot make some?
    Who makes them?

  21. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Regarding the almond flour:
    Almond flour is something that is used every day and can be bought in the smallest grocery here in Austria. I know it is very difficult (and expensive) to find in the States.
    The problem is, one cannot grind it fine enough with electric grinders or Cuisinart or the like.
    There's an almond grinder available from Moulinex, a small gadget, kitchen stores like Williams Sonoma or Sur le Table used to carry them.
    Here in Austria my mother and any other cook uses a tool that looks like a meat grinder that can be attached to a table.

    The difference betweet "white" almond flower and the regular one is that for the first one you have to blanch the nuts and remove the skin, taking care to dry them carefully at low temperatures in the oven. It is generally not adviseable to "toast them", unless it is a recipe that specifically asks for it (the taste between the one and the other is quite pronounced), but getting the almonds really dry after blanching and skinning is of utmost importance.

  22. YUP that's it MERSI!
    My mistake..not "bleached" but BLANCHED ALMONDS are required!!

  23. Anonymous4:10 AM

    thanks for your comment
    i love macaron they are my favorites with millefeuilles
    you are very lucky to make those kind of visits
    your blog is really nice and your paintings are lovely


  24. Anonymous5:31 AM


  25. Anonymous9:57 AM

    What a wonderful post! I adore macaroons and am counting the *hours* until we move to Paris (next Wednesday!)...

  26. Oh dear! A macaroon sends me into a tailspin of delight. This is my first time visiting your blog and you've hooked me on this first post.

  27. Oh my! I must say, that was such fun!! :-D

    I'm very glad you decided to do this make up session! lol :)

  28. Stunning post!
    This mac "à la violette"has the color of a dream: Can I borrow it from you?

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. what a fun field trip. thank you

  31. All I can say is "Sigh". What beautiful photography -- as wonderful as the artistry of the macaroons themselves. I love the idea of the flavors as parfums. Your blog is so magical.

  32. Anonymous11:25 PM


    I would have gained 140 kilos on your trip!!!! Hope you savoured every moment:)

  33. yummy macarons for all to savours. As i have not gotten the chance to try Macaron from Paris or japan...i am eager to know which method they used for their macarons( french meringue Or the Italian meringue- boil sugar syrup)

    Which method did this particular Chef used for this lovely macaron?

  34. Sue Larraway11:43 AM

    I am happy to report that in San Francisco there are several places that feature the French macarons! They say they are very popular and will be the next food in fashion replacing the cupcake! So far, I have not yet had one, but you certainly do encourage us to taste!

  35. Macaron is the best. It is so delicious and all ages will going to like it. Watching it how to make is fun. You can be sure that the macaron you like is safe and made perfectly.


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