
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Maine Escape...

I'm not really ready for Fall or back-to-school school openings...
So I'm escaping off someplace I should have gone this summer.Up to David Dewey's watercolor workshop in Maine.
I've been 4 -5 times. I thought at first, that since I'm focused on still life I didn't need to look or think about landscapes again. Too late I woke up and realized of course, a still life IS a landscape!
A bunch of shapes sitting on a flat surface = a landscape.Most workshop mornings begin with THE DEMO by the instructor. You crowd round to see the magic performed in the relentlessly hot sun.Then you go off for the day and try to perform a little magic yourself. The bay out my motel window in '01. Thomaston's boat yard in '05
At the end of each workshop day comes the group crit.
You learn heaps here.
I could use an end o' day group crit in my New York studio

The real end of a Maine day ends with a Lobster. If you haven't had a lobster roll for lunch that is. Or for lobster aficionados, every meal should be Maine lobster.
OK I'm ready for Fall now.


  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    We so love those Maine watercolors you sent us from a previous workshop...They will find a happy home in Maury, France!

  2. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Your still life paintings are wonderful, but I really enjoy seeing your other things, too--these are great, Carol. Those classes sound terrific. You did go off and create your own magic.

  3. A still life is a landscape I quiete agree with you!! The blue one is like a dream.

  4. Ah....Just a little bit of heaven here this morning....Thanks for letting us escape with you.;-)

  5. I'm not ready for fall! Please keep the summer going :-)

  6. New England late summer days must be wonderful, from what you are painting.
    Somehow the weather has changed over the last couple of days. First, on Sunday the sun didn't sting any more, there was a mellowness around in the air, different smell too. Yesterday the sky was mostly clouds, grey light, the one that does not reflect anything, really dull. And now, it's raining buckets, temperature dropped to 9° Celsius (48 F). I refuse to leave my desk!
    When are you taking off for Maine? Happy painting and may the lobster sandwiches be as good as they can get (oh, the envy, no chance recreating them here).

  7. I just finished my last post of Paris and thought of you! When I stopped by I saw that you had so perfectly capturing the beauty of Maine I just had to leave a note :)

    You are such a talented artist. Where in NYC do you show your work?

  8. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Thanks for the kick off to Autumn in Maine. Your work is always beautiful to include your landscapes indoors and out. Thanks too for the Maine lobster roll. Yum.

  9. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Lobster rolls! I'm drooling. Was amazed to see them on teh menu even in McDonlalds!!!!

  10. ah yes, on my way there very soon. it's been a gorgeous summer on Cape Cod and this week is simply spectacular. You should come here to paint and play sometime!

  11. How wonderful...beautiful Maine, artists workshop, beautiful results and lobster.mmmmm

  12. Anonymous9:44 AM

    This workshop sounds heavenly. I enjoy all your do - still life, landscape - they are all marked by your luscious yet spare use of color.

  13. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I love Maine...and one of the best parts is definitley the LOBSTER.....mmmmm :)

  14. mmmmm Maine...........
    Thank you for sharing your lovely paintings, your blog was a beautiful thing to find today.


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