
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Corey's Cups...

Paris Breakfasts watercolor I met Corey at a French cafe...
Photograph 2007 copyright by Corey AmaroPhoto by Corey Amaro

I was Googling at 4 AM and out of 1,300,000 French cafes I found this cafe picture. I went to look closer, left a comment and returned to bed. A few minutes later I heard a ding. She responded. Back and forth emails flew. In Provence it was 10 AM - a more reasonable hour. Then and there she dared me to start the blog I'd been tossing around in my head. She sent me pictures of her cup collection to tempt me to come visit.
MOO cards and StickersAbout a week ago I looked at those cup pictures and thought, maybe I should paint them?
Afternoon tea We met in Paris last trip. After some arm twisting, she brought along this rose teacup - a great eye for cups. Sometimes I help Corey with spelling. And she helps me with life choices. That's what friends are for.She found me this little demi-tasse at the Paris Flea. You can meet some nifty people hanging out in an online French café.


  1. Dearest Carol
    Ah gee thanks for the thoughtful post about our friendship. Your humor makes me laugh, and your eagle eye has helped me with my spelling and journey more than a hundred times! But most importantly you are spirit is wonderfully bold and creative. What luck that we met in the INTERNET CAFE, Cyberville. My days have been richer because of it. You are truly the daily cup of tea friend I dreamt of!

  2. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Those cups are beautiful, but your paintings of them are even better!

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    What a beautiful post about friendship! I love the way internet is making friendships cross borders.

    I wrote a post about the different types of friendship today :-)

  4. I love how you and Corey met! I am also a reader of Corey's daily blogs! I feel a little kinship...we are both from California!

    And of course...I always show up for my "Paris Breakfasts" every morning!

    I love your paintings!

  5. Anonymous2:27 PM

    It´s very kind of you what you wrote about Corey
    (and she really has a very handsome husband)
    What the French would call a beau gosse ;D)

  6. Anonymous2:36 PM

    The teacups are marvelous, Carol--so sweet and delicate. Keep 'em coming! It's amazing how many wonderful people one can meet through the internet. The world truly is, now, our oyster.

  7. WOW. I dont know how you do it but you keep topping yourself. This is the best of the best today. and I am in love with that 5th photo down. GORGEOUS.. with the whole set up, and of course your painting. I know the feeling of someone helping another with comments!! It makes a difference. We are ALL thankful to Coreys dare for getting you to do this blog post. Kudos to Corey. ;-)
    Cris in OR

  8. Oh, Carol, THANK YOU for pointing out Corey's blog to me! I just spent a lovely hour looking at her photos and oohing and ahhing and missing Paris :-)

  9. Isn't she a treasure? I am dying to meet her and I hope it won't be long now.
    I LOVE the Moo thing painting but don't understand the Moo thing or am I just being dim?

  10. I'm happy to share Corey with you all. She is a special treasure.
    I feel very lucky that morning at 4 AM !
    Thank you, Google for making the introductions :)

  11. Lovely! I, too, think Corey seems like a wonderful woman. I love her posts. And I love both your paintings of her tasses, but especially the confit de roses, because I have been swimming in roses de mai lately. :)

  12. Anonymous7:46 PM

    What a lovely story on friendship. Thank you I had a look at Corey's blog this morning. Just what I needed to read her story on Lance Armstrong this morning... I was feeling oh so tired with my beautiful 6 month daughter waking every 11/2 hours last night but this put things into perspective for me and I started the day feeling strong instead of tired.
    I love love love your photo with the teapot and your paintings as always. Missing your hot chocolate posts, I love to read these in my jarmies (yes I'm Australian)in the morning while I drink a cup of tea as I can't have caffeine while I'm nursing. what torture but what delicious torture. Have a beautiful day! Leanne

  13. What a great story! Corey thank you for the dare, so we have Carol's lovely blog to visit!

  14. Anonymous2:35 AM

    What a gorgeous post!
    What a beautiful friendship!

    Congratulations on your "moo" and on your writing !!!

  15. This is a truly heartwarming story of a friendship. Your blog, Carol, and Corey's are my daily treat. I am so grateful to Corey for convincing you to open your blog. I would have never met you both otherwise.
    When I started blogging, I had no idea there were so many blogs out there (seriously)! I know yours was the first one I felt the need to visit daily after having discovered it (how? My memory's keeping that a secret). I am pretty sure, I found Corey through your blog. I was afraid of leaving comments at first, too much in awe. What could I ever say that was worthwhile? I gave your link to all my "real life" friends. And when one magical day, I found a comment of yours on my blog (I hardly ever got any at the time), I was overjoyed. A real artist and a real blogger (I didn't consider myself one then, just putting up photos for my friends) had commented on my so-called blog!
    Thanks, Carol, and thank you, Corey, for the beautiful moments in my daily routine, they are always way beyond the ordinary. :-)

  16. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Oh Carol - I couldn't have been more excited when I read your post, and saw you mention "Lori's wall." I can hardly wait for UPS to bring Corey's cup to me! I feel very fortunate.

    And thank you for "introducing" me to Corey. Not only will I have your fabulous watercolor on my wall, I also have a story to tell to all the guests who sleep in the guest room where it will be displayed. I promise to send you a photo once I frame it so you can see your beautiful piece is well cared for...

  17. These are lovely pictures, and what a lovely friendship. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    You make painting these beautiful pictures look so easy. I tried painting cups today (I too have a bit of a tea cup thing, and coffee cups!) and all I can say is "Arrrggghhhh!" :-)

  18. these watercolors are so feminine and beautiful!

  19. Knowing Corey is like a breath of fresh air, full of giggles, and a touching into a depth that matches the sea... your friendship with her is like your paintings, a treasure. Having both of your blogs to stop by for tea, or to steep myself in your unique personalities, and beautiful art is a treat I so appreciate!

  20. Corey is a good one indeed! (You *both* have a very good eye and both of your blogs are a delight to behold).

  21. What a sweet and touching post Carol. And isn't MOO the best - I'm in love with their products!

  22. Carol, Corey's photos and your paintings brighten my day when I am down - which is not that often - but I like looking at them anyway. What a combination!

  23. What a beautiful post...your blog is very inspirational...and is a joy to read and look through. I just love your paintings.

  24. Hi corey, this is just Julie following your instructions - we shall see....

  25. i LOVE this post!

    your blog is MAGNIFICENT!

    can't wait to read more. x.


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