
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Art Temptations...

No Food today!
I was enroute to a cafe, as I usually am,
when I passed this pretty art shop on 20 rue Soufflot 75005
The little boxed pen set entitled, "Madame de Pompadour" called out to me...
Look at these giant Chinese calligraphy brushes hanging in the window!Any Paris art store is just as irresistable as any Paris patisserie... So many colors/flavors...
So many things to look at, to touch and maybe buy...
And No calories!
Calligraphie is their specialty at Dubois SARL it seems... Boxes and boxes of pen and ink sets...YUM!A demo of how to open the Limoge ink bottle :)Couldn't she tell I was sold hook, line and sinker? If you want to be tempted...
Then you can get an expresso at Cafe Le Comptoir du Pantheon.


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Beautiful post Paris Breakfast, and a nice store too! Thank you for letting me peek. I was a calligrapher for a while.

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Thank you Carol..I asked you to look up a cute little Art store in Paris and You did. I could get lost in there for a lovely hour or two. My Cousin brought with her from CA her moms, who just passed away, water color supples she wanted me to have. Food for the soul ;-)
    Cris in OR

  3. I don't know what it is about your blog. Even art supplies look good enough to eat.

  4. Thanks for showing us this beautiful art store! Laurie

  5. Anonymous10:16 AM

    That looks like a store I'd be spending hours drooling in...

  6. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Oooh! those French ink bottles!


    Thank you for posting these exquisite things for us to appreciate through your eyes.

  7. Anonymous12:17 PM

    You're in Paris on the art sale trip! Hooray! The art store is great. I can never resist art supplies either. I've been missing pictures of Paris shop windows & can't wait to see what you find next!

  8. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Thanks so much for this..
    I would love some french paints to watercolor - great shots
    I love the idea of food and paints.

  9. Anonymous2:40 PM

    The map is a great touch! I know exactly where that is. Thanks for taking me back to Paris.

  10. Anonymous3:15 PM

    pas en soldes?

  11. I can pretend I could resist your lemon tarts but this shop is irresistible indeed.

  12. Oh wow...I will loose myself in there....can`t resist art stores...

  13. This shop looks like a corner of heaven, what with all those calligraphy inks, those Moleskine notebooks... Really, French art supplies shops and papeteries are so enticing, aren't they? Almost as much as pâtisseries ;-)

  14. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I love this shop's.

  15. I can't pass an art shop. I go in and browse and buy something I really don't need, especially in the Parisian and Italian ones.

  16. I cannot pass by an art store! Thanks so much for bringing us along to snoop! :)
    Always, Rita


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