
Monday, April 16, 2007

Marquise de Sevigne Chocolat

Box of Marquise de Sevigne Chocolates, watercolor

I mentioned last week, that when C. emailed me in Paris to please bring her back some French chocolate, my immediate response was no, no, no!
I bring back only EMPTY choco boxes to paint in my still life watercolors.
But the last minute. After all Marquise de Sevigne Chocolats shop is next to my hotel on 62,rue de Seine. Before heading out to CDG airport I stopped in for a little box.

Everything is French blue, blue, blue inside and out at Marquise de Sevigne.
Marquise de Sevigne, a 19th century French aristocrat, is celebrated for the sharp wit and vividness in her 30 years of correspondence to her daughter, Madame de Grignan.
The chocolate shop has cleverly taken her ecriture/writing and turned it into a wall of chocolate descriptions.
And those chocolats have won many prizes.
I'm a big fan of their hot chocolate...
Like so many French chocolate shops they have a big selection of teas to drink with your chocolate. A few chocolatey quotes from the Marquise's letters to her dear daughter:

"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you.
But you have no chocolate!
I think of that again and again!
My dear, how will you ever manage?"


"Please believe that I love you as much as the chocolate we shall savor together".

Merci C. for making me stop in for that box of French chocolates.
Now why didn't I get myself a box too?! :)


  1. Anonymous9:34 AM

    By the way I tried them last night with some nice red wine...they were delicious!:) thanks again!!!

  2. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I sound like a stuck record but.. I love the painting. ;-) I like the way you showed off the details on the tea cup. And how with your colors and execution of drawing, you bring me into the painting to follow thru to each object and when I get to the flower placement it keeps me from leaving the painting by directing me back in. Well done. I need to remember that for future use. ;-)

    Cris in OR

  3. Yum. Every picture today looks delicious.

  4. Anonymous2:01 PM

    What a delightful looking shop.
    I LOVe the way the French are so in love with BLUE!
    It's as if they created it.

  5. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Did Yves Klein have a choice other than to paint with French Ultramarine blue? I think not.
    It's a national addiction!

  6. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I totally concur with the Marquise..
    If you have no chocolate,
    you can not feel well
    or sleep well
    or do much else of consequence!

  7. I took a little nap, and dreamt I went through French customs again and had a 2nd chance to buy more customs.

  8. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I am going to France for the first time this summer and can't wait to visit all of the places that I have read about. :)

  9. Anonymous4:24 PM

    The Marquise's notes are hilarious--how fun. Love the cherries atop the chocolate bits here in your photos, too.

  10. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I've walked through the world believing chocolat to be chocolat. You are opening up a totally new world to me.
    Keep on!!!!!

  11. Anonymous9:51 PM

    I couldn't help making one more comment today. I was looking over the pictures again and I find that blue is growing on me again..I just LOVE the blue thats on the siding of the chocolate shop that has the woman walking by in blue jeans that's almost the color of the wall. Now that is yummy. ;-)

    Cris in OR

  12. Blessings and thanks so very much for all the beauty you share.........
    Love everything!

  13. Anonymous9:25 AM

    As you are in a blue mood, you should try Pierre Koenig's shops and products (from East of France).
    See his on-line catalogue:

  14. Lovely! Wonderful blues. Plus, the 17th century is one of my interests, especially the Marquise de Sévigné, so I've always been a fan of the whole idea behind their chocolate store.

  15. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I really like this watercolor a lot!
    Great composition, and each piece is just marvelous.
    The upside down cup is great--and what a lovely way you hinted at the curves in it!
    The flower is charming, (and the orange complementary color is perfect,)
    The box and tag are soft and pretty colors, and the little pitcher is wonderful!
    I love the hints of purple amidst the blues in that pitcher, and the shape is classic...
    All in all, one of my favorites!

  16. Anonymous11:54 AM

    That cup in your painting is a new style for you! Wonderful wonderful, that is what I like about're always inventive and new!

  17. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Beautiful post Carol!


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