
Friday, April 06, 2007

Another Dozen Eggs...

This is a double yoke post (no pun intended)
Here are some of the more unusual eggs I saw in Paris.
A huge macaron egg in Gerard Mulot's window!
These pastel soap-like colored chocolate eggs are really filled with ganache of cherry, rose, pistachio.
Look-a-like candy egg candles in a shop on rue de Seine just down from Gerard Mulot.Silly eggs are from Dalloyau's Collection 2007 introduced just like French couture.A beautiful giant egg full of Madagascar chocolate-flavored tea from Les Contes de The and seen in the Comptoir Richard window.La maison du chocolat had these lush egg-shapped gateaux/cakes in their windows.A chocolate smashed egg shell from Jean-Paul Hevin.
Eggtown at Dalloyau Luxembourg on 2, place Edmond 75006.

I just missed this chocolate egg hunt in the Luxembourg Gardens by a day and sponsored by Valrhona chocolates!
Quelle domage :(


  1. What a wonderfull post!!!!
    May you have a blessed and happy Easter

  2. i love the egg made out of macaroons!

    lately, ive noticed alot of the japanese women here are carrying fauchon tote bags - i wonder if there is a place to check it out around here?

    reading your posts on macaroons finally gave me enough curiousity to try out the chocolate and sakura (cherry blossom) flavored macaroons at the starbucks (not the best but better than nothing) delicious! ill bet the french macaroons are heaven, i am totally addicted to them now.

  3. ps. i just looked on the site - they do exist in japan and practically in every major takashimaya in japan! when i get the chance, i am definitely going to try some of the macaroons.

  4. Anonymous12:30 PM

    That egg roll in the Luxembourg looks positively dreamy..
    I bet the weather was accomadating too unlike the cold spell we're having here in the East.
    Happy Easter!

  5. Yum, yum, yum! Catching up on posts, so much chocolate and none of it can I eat. Don't you love the lacy eggs filled with friandises? I think those are my favorite, although that new line of Dalloyau's is great.

    I hope you had a wonderful trip and a good flight home! The photos are wonderful. Can't wait to see the paintings, too.

  6. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Sounds like you had a wonderful trip, Carol--welcome back! Beautiful images. Happy Easter!

  7. Oh wow! How fun and it makes my mouth water to look at all the delicious eggs!

  8. gosh, I think I would be in heaven if I visited Paris during Easter :)

  9. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Let's go back for the egg hunt!! How incredibly romantically beautifully FUN!! Easter egg hunt in Paris!!

  10. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I think I would gain 50 pounds if if I went go to Paris. Thankfully, I can admire Paris through you blog and not gain weight!


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