
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

This red heart...

Next trip I'm skipping dinner and buying these roses... I hold your heart close to mine...

Laduree, you've won my heart... I know we had a date.
I know I'm late.

Fauchon sets my heart a twitter AND my camera... This red heart is filled with chocolate...

Here is everything you need for today: champagne, roses, chocolates. Oh the guy is missing... But you'll just have to wait...

Hmmm... Till next year. And I know you'll be irate..

LOVE this window at Marie Papier! Because this red heart is my new soul mate :)


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    This red heart has been untrue.

    You made me bleu.

    Our date fell through.

    My chocolates - you took them too.

    I must bid you adieu.

    I think I'll go make some beef stew...


  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Be still my heart. I'm in love with those GORGEOUS Rose's. What a PERFECT shot!

  3. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Merveilleux rouge, boîtes roses, splendides photos etc.
    Merci infiniment pour cette adorable pensée venue de l’autre côté de l’Atlantique !!!!
    Love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    xiane G

  4. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I was looking for a chocolate pot, and found your lovely website.
    I love your watercolors.
    Please let me know where and how they are available.
    Thank you
    Janet Jackson

  5. You old romantic you - fabulous post today

  6. So "they" finally let you post another beautiful blog entry.
    Have a great day
    (I was sitting outdoors today at the Gloriette for the after-lunch-cup-of-espresso, 18 degrees Celcius!).
    Sunny greetings from Vienna,

  7. Merisi, it may be -18 degrees here :(
    So I don't wanna hear about it :P
    Sleeting too..just you wait.
    I hear it's blowing your way...

  8. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I happened upon your blog and love your artistic style. The watercolors are deceptively simple yet full of emotional.
    I was in Paris last June and fell in love. We stayed above rue Cler - and had fresh baguette, roasted chicken, Camembert and a bottle of wine while watching the Eiffel lights turn on.
    Thanks for bringing back those memories.
    Best regards,

  9. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Happy Valentine's Day Paris Breakfasts!!
    Many happy croissants to you!

  10. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Thank you for "my" Fauchon´s black & fuchsia photo in your Valentine´s post.
    You´re lovely ;D

  11. Anonymous2:44 PM

    toujours superbe!! bravo

  12. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Happy Valentines!!
    What a delicious sweet post!
    May all your boxes of chocolates be full of tender sweet things!

  13. What a lovely post...I enjoyed it immensely...thanks


  14. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Valentine's and chocolates. Can ther ever be Valentine's without chocolates?

    love rules

  15. Happy Valentine's! What a beautiful post - especially with your art imbedded in the links. Chocolates, hearts and roses - could't be better!

  16. Grey sky and rain today. :-(
    Even the birds don't soar, they sit in the trees instead, clamoring for hot chocolate!!!!

  17. Anonymous3:50 AM

    My present of the day: another box which could be dear to your heart ...

    I loved all your links... those little birdies are "à croquer".

    Explaining the French hint (especially for Anonymouse!)
    The phrase "belle/beau à croquer" is said about a child who looks lovely (looking / or well-dressed) lovely that you could feel like having a bite... or a sketch ... as "croquer" meaning to bite, to scrunch AND to sketch" too...

  18. MERCI Marie-Noëlle
    I bought a silly little pencil case in Paris that says,
    "à croquer CHOCOLAT"
    Now I know what it means :)

  19. glorious photos as always! and yes...i indulged without care - i made made magnolia bakery's chocolate cupcakes with buttercream frosting - always delicious.

  20. I love the Valentine's notelets on the last image. I wish I had thought of that for this year! I can't wait til my next trip to Paris - Marie Papier here I come!


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