
Monday, February 05, 2007


Triple Hearts, original watercolor, 9" x 11 1/2"
You no longer have to hangout in Schwab's Drug Store like Lana Turner to get discovered...

Writing a blog is a very nice way to get "discovered". Carmen found me a few weeks ago, while searching out macarons.

She invited me to paint the February Valentines cover for her online chocolate zine, ChocolateZOOM!

Pierre Marcolini's Raspberry ganache heart bonbon, my favorite... Naturally I jumped at the opp. The "research" began with a box of Pierre Marcolini's chocolates...

No matter how much chocolate I ate, I could not come up with the right cover painting :(

Then it came to me! Get my nose out of the chocolate box and paint what I love to paint -> a teacup still life. Et voila!

PLEASE visit ChocolateZOOM

There are a ton of fun articles about what we all love to eat and read about. And then get to work on your blog!


  1. Anonymous7:36 AM

    This is my most favorite post of yours by far!! I love that painting!! It is a true Valetine!!

  2. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Love it!!!

  3. I agree! My favorite post :) and congratulations...I can't wait to go see that 'zine'!

  4. Congratulations on your Zoom Cover, so beautiful, Carol!

  5. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Congratulations on the cover, Carol. Now even more people will have the opportunity to enjoy your work.

    Valentine's Day is my anniversaire de marriage and I'm always looking for interesting and fun ways to celebrate. Perhaps I will look to the Paris Breakfast blog between now and then for ways to celebrate. Tea in a lovely china cup with a lovely heart-shaped chocolate is now one of the ways I am considering.

    As I live in California, it may be difficult to find good French chocolate, but I will do my best.

  6. Anonymous9:44 AM

    My first thought in seeing this blog this morning and your 'cover' painting was... OMG IT'S GORGEOUS.
    My Second thought was..OMG IT'S GORGEOUS. ;-)
    Congrat's Carol. You just keep getting better and better.

  7. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Great painting, and I love how they cropped it for the cover--looks great!

  8. congratulations!! gorgeous painting, well deserved accolades!

  9. I saw it on the Chocolate Zoom email that I got, Congratulations!

  10. Oh I love that chocolate heart sitting on the spoon instead of a sugar lump.You are one clever girl. I did my dedication to you today as promised but a week late and included the Charlotte!

  11. congratulations - lovely picture as always

  12. GOSH!
    Valentines came early this year! :)
    Big Merci!

  13. Anonymous2:55 PM


    An inspiring story, and a beautiful cover.

    What a way to begin the week.

  14. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I always enjoy receiving your blog in my e-mail, but today's was exceptionally brilliant. I love the paintings!
    So many of the Paris places you have posted are also some of my favorite in Paris. Your work makes me nostalgic for this wonderful city. This June I will be taking my thirteen year old grandson there. He is taking french in Junior High and I thought it would be a good thing to have him use it. Currently, he is reluctant to speak but I threaten that soon I will speak to him in french only and he will have to deal with it. So far, it seems to fall on deaf ears - he is not a true francophile yet, but I'm working on it. Congratulations on the Zoom Cover - its beautiful and I believe that your talent and enthusiasm will continue to be appreciated and admired by many. I will try to get a copy. My best to you, Ellen

  15. Congratulations nice to get paid for your artwork! You have many fans of your work and I am one for sure!hugs

  16. Congratulations Carol! Your work definitely deserves to be seen by everyone in the world! This is only the beginning...!

  17. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Amazing! This would make a fabulous Valentine's Day card. I love the blue shadows with the red. And the composition - wow. Simply stunning.

  18. Perfect cover. And chocolate inclusions no less! Couldn't be better!


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