
Monday, February 19, 2007

Cador Patisserie

Petit Dejeuner at CADOR PATISSERIE
Petit Dejeuner at Cador Patisserie, watercolor, 9" x 11 1/2"
Meanwhile, back in Paris...
CADOR PATISSERIE interior At a lovely small tea salon, Maison Cador Patisserie adjacent to the Louvre. I used to stay at Hotel de la Place du Louvre, and sometimes have petit dejeuner there.
CADOR PATISSERIE exterior across from the Louvre Cador sits on the corner of rue de Louvre & 2, rue Amiral de Coligny. The interior is in the style of Louis XVI, decorated with allegorical reliefs of love, Venus and cupid πŸ’˜ 
CADOR PATISSERIE'S perfect croissants pur beurreTheir croissants πŸ₯ are perfection!CADOR PATISSERIE'S perfect eclairsCador's pastries are classic and perfect.
Their star gateaux:
Le Concord - dark chocolate with meringue
Le Petit Cador - chocolate ganache in an orange-flavored bisquit. MIAM!
An update on CadorI'm sad to report on my last visit,
I stopped by and noticed Cador was closed.
Total rennovation was taking place.
COJEAN bought the space and opened a healthy fastfood restaurant 😱


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    -Your pretty painting.
    -Lovely new discoveres shared.
    -Delicious lickable images,
    that contain no calories and pleny to dream about!
    -Symbolic red and pink for the month of Valentine!
    -Wonderful how you give us a feast both for our eyes and heart!

  2. That is EXACTLY where I want to be right now...In fact...I AM there that tea salon...enjoying the lovely interior and perfect croissants....ooh...thanx this was devine

  3. I am off to Paris in a few weeks and if I try to visit every fabulous place you have shown on your blog I will have to stay for another year. That would be great!

  4. Seeing all these delicious pics (photos and your paintings) I really do need to accompany you at least for a week to get to try all this delicious stuff.
    I can almost taste it already ;)

  5. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Your painting is delicious! Went out to a tea house to celebrate Valentine's Day. Had a wonderful time-enjoyed the tiny tea sandwiches, the sweets and the scones. I had a wonerful Scottish breakfast tea-I love a hearty tea with a spot of cream-so satisfying!

  6. I'm beginning to think I should make "Vicarious virtual visits to Paris" CDs.
    Very low calorie and easy on the credit card, though you won't get any milage :)

  7. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Love the painting. White on white with just a touch of color..Deceptively simple.
    Love the "Vicarious virtual visits to Paris" CDs Idea..What a hoot.. pop a CD in and go window shopping/drooling in Paris as many times as you'd like.. Talk about a Fantasy! ;-)

  8. Your art delights me and your images of decatant parisian desserts.... oh what can I say but mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!

  9. Anonymous1:01 AM

    yum indeed! Now photos like that are one of the reasons why I just have to visit Paris!

  10. This is where Carrie feasted in the penultimate episode of Sex and the City. I really want to visit Cador Patisserie. It seems like Laduree but a bit more 'old school' (if that is a phrase that can be applied to a Parisian establishment).

  11. It's much smaller than Laduree, l'embrouillamini and not a chain.
    It's somehow more authentic.
    I can't wait to go back...

  12. I have loved Patisserie Cador since I studied in Paris more than ten years ago. I was so sad to see it under renovation when I was there in April 2007. Does anyone know what happened?

  13. Anonymous1:18 PM

    like it , I hope go to pars and visit cador.

    Ther is website to cador ?

  14. Carissima Carol, sono Fulvia e ti scrivo da Roma Italy, non sai quanto mi ha fatto piacere scoprire il tuo blog! Anche io amo tantissimo Parigi e ti ringrazio per i tuoi preziosi consigli, a presto, Fulvia.Tres chic!


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