
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Feathered Friends

Feathered Friends..., watercolor on paper An older watercolor of Piu Piu... I saw birds and other animals all over Paris in the windows...
A sweet little birdie holding onto a bit of lace.

...a bit of lace undies. Finally a naughty picture at Paris Breakfasts!

This proud bird resides in the copper pot department at E. Dehillerin - the best Parisien professional kitchen supply house at 20, rue Coquillière, 75001.

A lucky duck at Dihillerin, this one in the window. Don't you love the jaunty red chef's neckerchief he's sporting..?

This wonderful sign on rue Montorgueil...

These two Magpies stopped me in my tracks at this left bank shop window! I did see a pair of giant black Ravens early one morning on Boulevard St. Germain. They were on the street, not in any shop window. Looking for a Paris breakfast croissant I guess...


  1. Little does that duck know that he is going to end up in one of those terrine dishes. Lovely stuff as always. Di

  2. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Oh, jaunty duck of hope
    Did you not note...
    Those terrines hold your fate,
    At a future date...


  3. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I love those little birds holding the lace--they remind me of the old cartoon of Cinderella when I was a kid, and the birds helped when she was getting all decked out for her big night with the prince!

  4. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Intriguing contrast between background and foreground on the bird watercolor. Wonderful color in your pet. Amazing modeling on the tea pot...
    From just Duckie..

  5. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Oh I love those magpies! And the 'naughty' little birds - just delightful!!!

  6. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Naughty Finches
    Unlucky ducks
    Foraging Ravens
    And Magpies plucked
    A cockerel crows of a copper pot.
    Me thinks it's Piu Piu
    Who's got the best spot!

  7. I love all the different birdies! Oui ! and Merci !

  8. I love all the different birdies! Oui ! and Merci !

  9. Anonymous4:04 PM

    And what colorful company for a delicious cup of coffee!

  10. Anonymous4:05 PM

    You always make such good use of that "magic triangle" in your compositions--lovely and playful all at once.

  11. Anonymous4:08 PM

    you are a morning delight!
    un plaisir parfait!
    Merci for Being here, now, sharing what you do.
    it is just so lovely.

  12. Your watercolors and photos are delightful and delicious!

  13. Birds, my dear birds, you taught us humans how to fly
    To sleep on the wings, Is now what we have to try
    All our dreams, that take us far and wide
    Are made of wings, held on your side

    You gave us the urge, and some of the clues
    Then came the surge, took away the blues
    On the wooden raft, we set for the sail
    You are the one, we love to hail

  14. I cannot cope anymore!! ;o)

    Lace.. art.... birds... chocolate....and my favorite bird.. the magpie!

    This site really puts a smile on my face.

    ( even on a day where I have to go and prepare my house for the bush fires) :o/

  15. oh what naught little birds unravelling that black lace!!

    Quick chocolate!

  16. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I always enjoy coming here.

  17. Hey, nice postings...I too love birds a lot n 've a parrot in my house.
    You can check out my post on my avian companion to know my bird better..

    take care


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