
Monday, June 19, 2006

Paris ♥ Bleu

Blue is as omnipresent in Paris as les "jean bleu". Well everyone knows Denim's original home is de Nimes, France. In Paris you can be chic in jeans but not in New York, unless they're trés cher $$$. But back to Paris' bleus.The street signs are bleu with a touch of dark green and the signs in the Metro are big, blue and white. This is no Tiffany baby blue either, but a good strong marine blue. Granted it's one third of the French tri-color flag -- but I don't see Americans grabbing onto "Old Glorie's" blue and running away with it?Blue food is not supposed to work. But look at these candied almonds (dragées).I fell in love with their blue cocoa tin.I love these all-blue windows at Marie Papier on rue Vavin. When is STAPLES going to do something like this...?This is my second cousin, Kristine, who lives in Pigalle.
Obviously she loves blue too.
BTW her little
Teacup Yorkie
yapping under the table was wearing a blue collar. The café barman thought it was a hoot.
Hey they're French!


  1. Anonymous6:14 AM

    à Paris les jeans bleu c'est chic seulement si c'est accompagné de vêtements et chaussures chics et, et si c'est un jean customisé ( "custom" francisé) par un couturier( grand ou de prêt à porter haut de gamme)....
    Il y a aussi le chic 6ème : s'habiller presque comme les pauvres, mais bien coiffé et mince !
    good work
    La Professeure

  2. Hmmm...well you're correct again La Professeure. Very true that the Parisians were skinny and all wearing black tops with their jeans-de rigeur. Still I did see more jean-wearing there than here IMO...

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. P.S. I forgot to add -- as you can see from the 1st photo, THEY are now eating in the streets!? It's like Paris has been liberated for the 2nd time...I was a little shocked...I saw a business man walking along eating a little dessert on a paper plate with a tiny fork..I couldn't resist saying "Bon appetite" and he responded, "Merci" and went on his way munching. What's up with that?

  5. Anonymous2:30 PM

    that's a peaceful and suave blog, la vie en rose, en bleu, en vert ...
    You have lived your stay in paris like un enchantement, it's very strange your will to see all these beauties like promises of happyness (comme des promesses de bonheur) with the proof by painting...

  6. Thanks for such an enjoyable blog. I'm off to Paris for the first time in October. Can't wait. I'll be back often before then.

  7. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Jan I'm so glad you stopped by. I love your blog-really fun & interesting! When are you going in October? Who know's I may be there too.
    Carolg@ ParisBreakfasts

  8. I like very much your watercolor! is like blue floating in the air.....:)
    I like jeans very much but I don't use them almost never anymore since I live in France.........! :) Chocolate and blue colour.....the best combination!

  9. I love the blue light France seems to have in the air..that which seems to splash itself in the the photos I take and cannot seem to capture here in California.

  10. Hi Caty :) Well I did see a lot of jeans in Paris..with black tops ONLY too. Congrats on your new blog! I like your painting/collage?

    Hi Corey-yes I'm looking for that special blue light here too & being blasted by the sunlight...someone suggested hanging up a kind of skrim or veil difuse the light a bit. Still it is special and why all those painters loved it so.

  11. An important "BLEU" update! The French socer team at the World Cup beat Brazil on Saturday (1-0) !
    The French team is referred to as "LES BLEUS"


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