
Friday, June 16, 2006

La Petite Chocolatiere

La Petite Chocolaterie make their chocolates in Asnières where Seurat painted his Bathers.
I read there are over 1200 bakeries in Paris...but how many chocolate shops I'd like to know? Parigramme guide, PARIS CHOCOLAT, describes 120 chocolate shops + the 20 I added.There are many more small shops with no web site, only the size of a large closet in each arrondissement. They take great pride in their product. Family owned, their quartier supports them as they do their local boulangerie and pharmacie.La Petite Chocolatiere are known for their palet amer 70% (thin bittersweet disks of chocolate) and rhum ganache.Infused ganache, chocolate-covered dried fruit, assorted palets (thin chocolate disks) of different cacoa percentages. The variety of choices is staggering in even a tiny shop.If you see the sign, fabrication artisanal, you know they have less than 50 workers and use traditional methods to make their product whether it's chocolate, bread, paper or whatever. It's designed to protect and support small producers in France.When you buy something in most small shops, often they will invite you to taste a chocolate gratis!


  1. Delicieux!! Carol you´re really making me crave Paris now. Cannes doesn´t have that many gourmet places.

  2. I'll take Cannes question.
    Better than I didn't say that :) I love yr site Moi

  3. Anonymous12:55 PM

    beautiful paintings and such DIFFERENT colors than I've watched you produce in the past. the ever changing gillot ;)

  4. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Those little boxes are too adorable! There are tons of little tiny chocolate shops in Paris, aren't there?

  5. Yes Anita...the unsung heros of Paris. Everyone goes on & on about the BIG names, but the little guy is a hero in his/her own backyard(arrondissement). Really sweet the effort they make. I brought home a ton of pretty little ribboned boxes. I just wish now I had brought home the contents as well...

  6. Anonymous9:32 PM

    I was impressed by the sensitive observation of "anonymous" re the subtle ways in which the colors in your paintings have evolved. Your site is looking DEEEELISCIOUS!

  7. Anonymous7:12 AM

    C'est une quête à travers le monde, une recherche de la perfection dans l'art de faire du chocolat. Collectionner les rencontres avec tout ce qui mène aux délices chocolatés : les boutiques, les boîtes originales, les artisans chocolatiers et biensûr les saveurs nouvelles, les saveurs retrouvées; leur délicatesse, leur couleur, leur éphémère fraîcheur...
    La Professeure

  8. I have to tell you this: Best chocolate in the world?: French made with venezuelan cocoa.......where? at Jadis et Gourmande par example.......are you still in Paris?

  9. Anonymous8:04 PM

    This chocolatiere is adorable!
    And the sweet little boxes.
    Why don't I have a neighborhood chocoate shop?

  10. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Love the notion of the special government designation for cottage industries...why can't we learn from them? Perhaps the "Buy local" movement will have some influence. I am absolutely infatuated with a young chocolatier here in KC, about the age of my son, whose MOTHER helps work the cash register in his growing handmade chocolate business.


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