
Friday, June 30, 2006

Gérard Mulot

If you arrive in Paris on a Monday you're almost out of luck.
Most chocolatiers and patisseries take off Sunday/Monday.
I was adrift after my long flight and even longer AF bus ride into town
(take the RER train next time !)
To find both J-P Hévin AND Pierre Hermé closed...

But Gérard Mulot is the wonderful exception :)
Wandering aimlessly after my initial disappointment I stumbled on Mulot on 76, rue de Seine: no shuttered gates, open and full of goodies.

To buy something, you pick out your items, get a numbered ticket, go wait on line at the cashier and then return to get your pink box.

Often at 8am after swimming at the pool just down the street, I'd pop in to buy something to paint and something to eat. They have delicious take-away meals also - complete plates and weighed out by the gram.

My pink Mulot box.

Gerard Mulot petit four, original watercolor, 9" x 12"

If you arrive in Paris on a Wednesday

DO NOT make a B-line to Gerard Mulot's.

Wednesday is Children's Day in France -> a no-school day and Mulot is closed, possibly staying home with les gosses (the kids).


  1. I love Mulot! You must try the torte aux tomates confites et thon. Mmmmm...

  2. Ooooooooo now you tell me :(
    La prochaine fois absolutement!
    My friend, M. lives on their Caribbean shrimp salad - but everyting looked delicious.

  3. kristihern - I make my own watercolor pans from powdered pigments. That's why they are more granular & intense then the tubes/pans you can buy. I do combine them with W&N & other brands when I'm painting. I developed a watercolor binder for, where I work & they now have a 14 pan set of handmade paints available.
    I'll show my paintbox when I do Paris Noir.
    Thanks :)

  4. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Your painting look so edible . . .I want to take one of the cherries and pop it in my mouth right now! Wonderful site! Thank you for sharing. I like the idea of buying something to paint and having the obligation of eating it too. (smile)

  5. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Carol, I've been visiting mulot for a long time but I still like it. Your colour theme posts are so inspirational, you're so talented. Look forward to seeing more.

    Are you still in paris by the way? :)

  6. Hi Keiko and WELCOME!
    I'm so pleased you stopped by :)
    No I'm not in Paris anymore..just reliving every second of it as much as possible until the next visit. I realized I was not writing about chocolate or cafes but COLOR ! I think you see colors more intensely in Paris because of the light and the neutral buildings..just a theory..

    Thanks Anonomous :)
    I just decided in the pool (where I get my best ideas) that I would do cherries next, since they are now in season here in NYC..

  7. This is the sweetest place to come to, a magical candy shop, which comes alive with your delightful details and watercolors!

  8. hey Carol, you keep being featured in the Moleskine site. How did you do this? Do you even know about it?


  9. Carol, maravillosas tus acuarelas y tu blog!!!, feliciotaciones!!!


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