
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Ecriture Française

I'm nuts about French curvy  handwriting/l'ecriture. Every trip I bring back kid's notebooks/cahier designed for handwriting with plans to practice. Granted these chalk blackboards/L'ardoise at the bistro can sometimes require a translator to read the daily special/la formule, usually the best thing to order in a French restaurant.

I love the way calligraphy /calligraphie is scrawled over buildings or any other available space in Paris. This one is on rue des Rosiers.

This cow is by artist BEN, who writes with white paint on black grounds. I found him by surfing through last year's FIAC -a big art fair in Paris.

BEN and chocolate are a perfect match.

I searched for a BEN T-shirt. I found copies at Latitude Sud 48, Blvd St-Germain. The one I bought says:
"je ne suis pas un ange"/I'm no angel
Later I bought a BEN portfolio that says:
"contient peut-etre un vrai chef-d'oeur"/this contains maybe a masterpiece.

My own handwriting is so illegible I can't read it. I took Copperplate lessons with Elinor Winters, hoping to effect a change. Oddly wine label designer, Chuck House, finds my scrawl enchanting and usedit and my boar watercolor on a bottle of Chateau Routas Chardonnay.
I spotted this shoe on the Metro - the writing is Spanish. 
Sonia Rykiel was the 1st to put Fr handwriting on her clothes.


  1. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I love the type.
    Especially in French. It's right up my alley. I also love the label you did. You are so talented (as Sherry would say).

  2. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Oui, good, Sonia me fascine tout le temps. Mes amis trouvent ton blog très beau.
    CG :)

  3. Wonderful design! J'aime aussi ton ecriture! Very interesting subjet and the way is presented

  4. You said it Coco!
    Funny as a Paris friend says the French long for Hell's Kitchen(NYC) while others(us) long for J-P Hévin (top chocolatier in Paris)

    Merci caty, I suppose if you live there you take it as the norm. A German friend was asking me, don't they have the same writing all over in Italy? I've never noticed it...

  5. LOVE your handwriting!! It's very elegant and old-fashioned.

  6. MOI - well those strewn around the bottle are my Copperplate samples not my everyday scrawl malheuresement :(
    I did love trying to get all the curves right-like practicing scales on the piano=very soothing

  7. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Carol, I come from Cathy's Blog. I realise how it's really funny to find your article about french handwriting.The one that I prefers it's the Cow because It's a silly! But I find "Amour et Chocolat" nice to watch and to test them.
    So will you excuse my english. It's long time that I have not practice.
    By Carol and thanks for your article

  8. It seems like you have a hit among the masses carol. I love the image of the yellow store front.


  9. Benvenue Claude :) J'ai essayer à lire vos blog..mais c'est trop dificile pour moi :(
    Merci pour vos commentaire! J'adore l'écriture française vraiment! C'est très personelle pour moi.

    Coco - I have spent 6 wonderful weeks in Japan & would love to go back again. You are lucky to live now in London(?) I've visited many times but never stayed for an extended visit anywhere. I guess we all dream of Paris... :)

  10. the art of handwriting is expressed beautifully in France! They teach cursive in the first grade, printing is never taught.

  11. I never knew that TICA ! It all makes perfect sense to me now :)

  12. Hi Carole! I just discovered your blog and I am enchanted! I have a B.A. in French and spent some time in Paris in 2006. I've always been fascinated with French penmanship, as well. Here is a website I found that has printable practice sheets:

  13. Hi Carol! I've just discovered your blog and it's enchanting! I lived in Paris (in the 8th) during the summer of 2006 while I was working on my B.A. in French. I've always been fascinated by French penmanship and I recently found a website that has printable practice sheets:

    Thanks for your enjoyable posts!

  14. Anonymous1:15 PM

    merci pour intiresny Dieu


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